Trump General-Dont mess with /x/ Edition

Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer


>Trump Speech in West Bend WI 8/16/16
>Trump stops in Milwaukee WI 8/16/16
>Trump Foreign Policy Speech at Youngstown, OH 8/15/16
>Trump Rally In Fairfield, CT 8/13/16
>Trump rally in Altoona PA 8/12/16
>Trump rally in Erie PA 8/12/16
>Trump Rally in Kissimmee FL 8/11/16
>Trump at Pastors and Pews Meeting in Orlando FL 8/11/16

>Trump Townhall on Hannity 8/17/16
>Trump on Savage 8/17/16
>Trump on F&F 8/17/16
>Trump on WKBT-TV 8/16/16
>Pence on FOX 8/14/16
>Manafort on CNN 8/14/16
>Trump on Orlando Sentinel 8/12/16
>Trump on Hannity w/Huck 8/12/16

>Trump in 5 minutes or less
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero
>This is how we MAGA!
>Trump cares about YOU
>What Trump Must Do to Win
>Media hiding the truth about clinton

>Wikileaks Leaked DNC Hillary Voicemails


Other urls found in this thread: of states w/ovr

Enjoy the show, I know I will.

I have found strength. I AM NOW A WET ONE READY FOR THE LIGHT. Take my femnon MR TRUMP

This is what you're up against, lads.

New Pew research poll looks promising



How are the Balkans doing?
Turkey in civil war?
Assad wins?
Anything in Ukraine?

Also, does Elon Musk go to Mars?

alright time traveling leaf.

Here are the demographics

White genocide is that a thing?

Insh'Allah, user, of course I will accompany you to grand mosque, but only after the local Trump rally!

Do the tensions with Russia and Europe go anywhere? No war in Europe superstate?

Is oil still prevalent, or do renewables hit their stride and become the most popular?

Who are the current front runners for president? What are their policies


Answer this

damn we got some up-to-date authentic OC in the building

Will Germany be fucked?

How will music develop?

this really made me think...

Russia Masses Troops On Ukraine Border To Ward Off Sabotage Attacks, (((Media))) Goes Apoplectic

B-user, or BlueID user if you are here.

Pretty civic

Is this you??

>go to Trump schedule
>try to get tickets to VA rally
>sold out
>all others are still available including Pence ones

Is this a good sign bros?

what the fuck?

Most architectural styles you think Trump will bring back into popularity.
>Fachist architecture, along with Roman reviavalist and some neo-colonial style.
Like a big Congress building, wih art deco bits and made of metal and stone.

Next is Trump, then Pence. That's as far as I'm willing to go.

No one lives in that region anymore.

No one lives in that region either.

Russia allies with East Asian nations, and tensions are high. This is the second Cold War.

Reminder that Biden literally gave Japan carte blanche to get nukes today because he's such a fucking idiot.

(Not that I'm complaining, mind you.)

What happened to the last thread...?


And this. Scared yet guys? Did some research but haven't been able to find what they've actually done.

Can you?

Do the markets crash in 2016 or 2017 after Trump is elected?

Has the tide finally turned?

Is the Korean peninsula unified in your timeline, what happens in the rest of the east Asian nations like China and Japan?

Visit the opium den? After the Trump policy speech, user!

what should i invest in to get rich?


Any Floridabros here?

Is the surname "Gingell" relevant at any point in the next 100 years?

If so, in what way

>my avatar is new trumpgen OP pic
don't scare me like that

Will venezuela (or latinamerica in general) stop being a third world shithole?
What about the rest of the third world countries?

Now is criogenics legit working? people are able to be brought back? any side effects?

I'm 21 years old will I see the day people becomes forever young or inmortal?
Pls respond

Did she make him look like an ass when he was defending her cunt self?

A job

Grim Reefer is a good track desu

Is that actually real or is that us trolling?

>No one lives in that region anymore.
But still they are people who call themselves Bulgarians,right?
Also, we got nuked or zerg rushed by muslims?

Hey /x/, are you gonna take over the thread making? Cause I don't wanna see any more splitting.

Are waifus made real? How are the marriage laws? Can we have real families again?

drumpf we're coming for you

has anything in our monetary policy changed? Gold standard, end of the federal reserve, etc?

>wearing a fake chinese hate that she knitted herself and stole at the end of her shift

Trump will save the economy retard

Of course nigger are you deliberately asking a stupid question?


No, not that I know of.

I think I'll stop answering questions now, I don't want to take over this thread completely.

Family income stats pretty interesting


Does anyone have a list of people who have endorsed Trump? The media only announces people opposed to him, but there's quite a few celebrities and politicians who are standing with him.

Project Murphy is a tentacle of it, it's what you'll be bombarded with subliminally, within a couple months.

TRUMP rally at 7:30 PM Et

Stream links:




> NU

So we've stopped the thread splitting that seems to have been going on earlier?

>No MidFlorida

What about before he is elected? Trump himself says we are in a bubble. The other day he urged people to exit stocks.

You are Barron, so you are Trump related anyway. Go ahead if you want to make a thread for it tho.

Can I still vote for Trump in Commiefornia?

Huh? No no continue, I want to see you answer questions. I was just wondering if /x/ was gonna take over because we've been having a lot of people thread splitting.

>middle class overwhelmingly going Trump

not surprised.

When is the next rally I need to refuel my patriotism

Spitting image.

I have a Trump blog on Tumblr. As of now I have 1,471 followers.

I think I've convinced few people from there to vote for him from this shithole of a country that I live in.

Feels good desu

>When is the next rally I need to refuel my patriotism

7:30 PM ET

For the moment.

Is my gore posting co-killer still here? Good work, user.

I promise I'll return tomorrow. I need some rest.

Good evening to everyone.

nope, enjoy your shithole you faggot

Are you registered? Yes.

Just saw some military helicopters fly over my work near Chimpcago. Is it happening?



Please answer, I want to be a grandfather when I grow up.

> No one lives in Africa anymore
> Middle East unoccupied

I can't see the Israelis giving up their ancestral homeland, even if it did get nuked. All of these things are distinctly implausible.

So what happened to the 1.1 billion people that live in Africa? 205+ Million in the middle east? Even if 90% were gone, we're talking hundreds of millions of people here.

I can if you want but if you prefer, I'll leave it to you. Only did it because nobody else stepped up. Would prefer to leave it in your more experienced hands since I'm on mobile.
>tfw made my first /trumpgen/

Nice job Japanese Empire Recolor!

nigga its 6pm

Do it, rumor has it internal polls show that he's up by 3 points

As a result of Trump wanting to fix our trade deals,
will our economy become centered, or globalized?
And also, as a result, will it be better or worse?

that guy, what was his name hmm, yes abolf hitler i thimk

Remember when Trump was a meme candidate?


Thought it has to be done in one day. Never voted before for president.

It will do nothing because its too late.

The Neets are based as fuck and they know the truth. At this point they would just pretend shill at worst.

They wont be going back to being pliable agani.

example: Eggs, when cooked, are not the same as they once was and never will be again.

>411 pain
Aghh fucking stupid commercial jingles get out of my head reeeeee

Global Warming probably. Average temperature raises are just that: average. In regions like Africa it would be ten or even 15 degrees fahrenheit in increase. That's enough to render a huge number of regions inhospitable. It might even lead to floral die-offs, which would basically render much of the present jungle dead and lifeless. It would be a rotting wasteland with no water and no life. Everyone would have to flee someplace else.

Great question, Economic Crusader.

I recognize that artwork
I think the band is called Grim Reefer
Its bretty good stoner rock

Yes, and you should. If Trump were to win the popular vote with high GOP turnout in California and New York, Clinton would be crippled even if she did win the electoral college.

You should also read up on the propositions and the local elections you can vote on. California actually lets citizens make a lot of decisions, and the open records / sunshine laws make it very easy to participate in local government. Most people are too lazy, so if you take the time and effort to get involved, you'll have a lot of influence.

If you need to register to vote, or update your registration, you can do so online in a few minutes:


If you plan to vote by absentee ballot (which are voted along with regular ballots -- unlike provisional ballots, California vote-by-mail ballots are always counted!), you can check the status of your ballot to make sure it was recieved and counted (and learn why it was rejected if it was) by checking here:


And if you live in another state and need to regiter to vote, you may be able to do so online as well. Check here.

> of states w/ovr

Register to vote, make sure your vote counts, and make America great again!

There may be a developing habbening of minor proportions. Defense nets are all echoing a single unconfirmed report that the US may be removing its nuclear dumb bombs from Incirlik airbase in Turkey, leaving no forward US nuclear deterrent in the region.

Where were they headed?


LOL just kidding guys it was a ruse :)

>majority minority
Yeah, they aren't coming up with shit that's worth diddly tits.

What worries me about this is that the dems are getting ready to grab all the future elections as the number of hispanics grows in the US.

There were some leaks that spoke specifically about this.


Murphy is weak. It will fizzle out soon enough. Even the artificial forced frog meme lasted longer.

They're being moved to Romania.
