Germans have literally no one to vote other than shitty lefties in 2017

>germans have literally no one to vote other than shitty lefties in 2017
How is Germany going to get out of this?

Why not AfD?

>german """""""politics"""""""

AfD is awesome but it's not that popular.

AfD are just dumb anti-muslims liberals. If your party platform consists only of being against muslims, then you won't have that much impact in the end. Look at Farrage. He was in politics to get the UK out of the EU and now he's gone, because he has no views except that one

Protest vote AFD to hurt CDU.

reached up to 24% at this years elections

They only need to make two party coalition impossible.

CDU and SPD will have to each give greens one cabinet post.

Merkel will be dethroned after election.

>Indonesia in charge of explaining german politics

Afd = FN = Geert Wilders = nationalistic liberalism

Nice, I thought they were at like 5%.
Do you think people are going to vote for AfD with the recent influx of mudslimes?


Kys anarchist

vote afd

Fashy > Democracy

Likely third strongest party making a two party coalition impossible the status quo.

If they prevent SPD+CDU/CSU from gaining 50%+ absolute majority will be a major boon to Merkel.

Everything on top is a plus. Will likely result in so much internal butthurt that right conservative Bavarian MP has to take over or something.

That doesn't even factor in foreign events like double martyr points season and the other elections.

Its a shill thread.


Fascism worked great for ya last time didn't it, Argie?

AfD senpai. Only electable party atm. I would vote for the establishment if:

>CDU and CSU part ways and I can vote for CSU independently from CDU

>Seehofer is a joint chancellor candidate of CDU/CSU

>a miracle new uncucked currently unknown dude comes along as chancellor candidate of CDU/CSU (highly unlikely)

In any other case I'll vote for AfD.

True for me too and that in leftwing mecca NRW.

I wonder what you actually understand by the term "leftist".

AfD is a market liberal party with a strong social component. They give a shit about society and Germanys prospects which is why they are against radical islam infiltration and millions of rapefugee/vegetable seller tier immigrants.

Germany lack diversity in ideology of political parties like most European states. The biggest problem with democracy in Germanys is the gone-rogue Chancellor. She acts unilaterally, dictates to EU member states, cannot be fired by popular will, cannot be brought to heel or forced to reverse unpopular policies.

There's no evidence that the military junta were fascists.
The only fascist regimes we've had changed the country forever and made it worth something in the world, and even almost got to embrace natsoc if it wasn't for you britbongs pressuring us to declare war.

If natsoc would of actually been established we wouldn't be an economic shithole right now.

>The biggest problem with democracy in Germanys is the gone-rogue Chancellor. She acts unilaterally, dictates to EU member states, cannot be fired by popular will, cannot be brought to heel or forced to reverse unpopular policies.

This. Don't forget that she has cucked the entire government behind her. Normally an opposition should be there to challenge her or her own party should stop her crimes. But they are all neutered. Germany is a dictatorship now.

The AFD is not "anti-muslim", you're thinking of PEGIDA.
The AFD is more about implementing common sense immigration laws like other countries have, no more free immigration without checking who you let in.

The AFD is still very young so it has several parts within the party that disagree with eachother on certain issues. One side is more nationalistic, the other one is more conservative and then there is also the part who focuses more on financial and anti-eu issues.
In Germany it would be smart to get rid of the far-right parts, as those only deliver fodder for the media which in Germany is completly one-sided as we don't have any opposition media as the US etc.

Most important is that voting for the AFD in 2017 is the way to go because our "Center-Right Conservatives" (CDU/CSU) went rather left the past few years.
So votes for the AFD will at least force the CDU/CSU to go further right again. We already see the CSU (Bavarian version of CDU) turn further right because of the AFD's popularity

Look at Farrage. He was in politics to get the UK out of the EU and now he's gone, because he has no views except that one

>What is decrease immigration
>What is decrease foreign aid
>What is increase military spending
>What is help pay for tuition fees for British students in STEM fields
>What is bring back grammar schools
>What is abolish inheritence tax
>What is increase NHS spending

probably, many nonvoters will be mobilised by AfD, similar to Trump. Unfortunately I'd expect a rise in leftish votes as well. The country will be torn between left and right, which might make us unstable in the long run. Very excited for next years election.

You could have listened Chamberbro
We've warned you but you wouldn't listen

>pic related showing a leaflet to british soldiers

>NSDAP not an alternative to vote for
why even live

>Greentexting wrong

>The AFD is not "anti-muslim",
kek, they have literally branded themselves as Anti-Islam Partei. But I am all for that and this is one of the reasons I will vote for AfD. We need to be anti-muslim.

does cdu have it's own right wing?

Islam yes but they're not pegida-tier. They're more like trump-tier, only wanting muslim migrants that are reformed (so maybe 0,5%)
With reformed i don't mean moderate but people like Maajid Nawaz.
This means, muslims who don't want germans to adapt to muslims, but muslims who want to adapt to german culture, and they're fine by me, though rare

Yes, the CSU (Bavarian version). but they also drifted a bit to the left. Now they go back to the right because of the AFD success.

I voted for the CDU/CSU in 2013. People like to blame germans for electing the CDU/CSU, but you should have seen them between 2000-2010, they were great.

Fucking Bayern scum.

B-but all my family is in Bavaria, user.

I love Falklands now

Civil War.

>How is Germany going to get out of this?
Bürgerkrieg is the only answer.

Your jealousy gives me a Freistaat-Boner

Make it popular

Germany does not exist. It is entirely (((occupied))) . There are no "votes."

Whoever votes AfD might as well vote FDPCSUCDUSPDGRÜNE

Tell that your media (rightwing and leftwing) who always whine about Russia and Turkey being so authoritarian and undemocratic but when it comes to Germany they act like we have ze freedums



>If your party platform consists only of being against muslims, then you won't have that much impact in the end.
But I think about voting for them because it would be an conservative/right counterweight.

>How is Germany going to get out of this?
They aren't. Simple as that.

How about you read their Parteiprogramm first, Pjotr? The have sensible policies in a lot of aread, not just immigration. I WISH we had a viable party like the AfD in Holland. Wilders seems nice, but the party would fracture immediately with him gone.