Friendly reminder that the Irish are basically niggers


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Thnx. I almost stopped hating the Irish for a moment there.

Friendly reminder that your place is on reddit



That hurts coming from a fucking leaf

Mods... I've had enough of this shit.




Fucking leaf


yeeeeeeeo up da O'Neills

and they're 87% white, so they don't even have nigs and muslims to bring them down hahahaha

Aren't you Canadians asian?





Fuck you.
Ireland isn't much, but it's really cozy and I'm Irish.

They do quite well here. One of the higher average income among whites and Massachusetts, a state which the largest population is Irish, has the highest IQ and tests scores.

>implying you wouldn't

OP is quite literally a faggot

Friendly reminder that OP is a leaf


>pale skin
>beautiful countryside
>strong traditional christian identity
>great tech and finance industry
>guiness and whiskey

I would recommend that Sup Forums move here but that might just ruin it.

But we're all bucks desu

fuck off Xing Dong
95% white actually, and pic related

fuck you, i will shitpost where and when I want to. nothing u do or say can change that.

enjoy it faggots, we willl shit post til the end of time.

Ireland is literally the comfiest country

until Autumn when you fall off your tree and wither

Wow, nice. That does look comfy af

Meanwhile in Canada




Are you sure thats ireland?

>tfw you will never live in Hobbiton

Remove Northern Ireland from that pic, faggot

Why do the Irish look so different from anglos or even any other white people?

That's not Ireland on the pic though.


Google lied to me, thanks Obama!

Its okay user, its an easily avoidable mistake.

The only thing you have to do is not be a retard. Praise Éire.

we still comfy tho

Friendly reminder you're a cucked leaf. Kill yourself faggot.

no. faggot



What do you mean, im a Swede that visited Ireland last year and have no clue of what you are talking about.

>t.we're the only ones powerful enough to chuck niggers

>>pale skin

Iberian/celtic Aboriginis ?

they arent pug headed like anglos

That's not a very good argument. Germans look different from Italians? The French look different from the Greek? Doesn't make them non white.

never said they werent white

they just look different than the people around them (english, welsh)

I agree England sure is the most comfy.

don't you mean get cucked by niggers? last time I was in Dublin it looked like fucking Mogadishu. Why isn't there any right wing Irish groups standing up to this? Are the IRA too pussyish to kneecap some Mudkins?

Proof? Or is the map somehow proof?

Have you ever been to Ireland? I dont know if u mean this as a bad thing but the majority of Irish were more attractive than in England.

Good to know. Your opinion is completely objective and ultimate.

If u srsly believe this u must be retarded. Some irish people have basques blood in them and basques are seen as the most whitest people of spain.

The Irish are the cool black guys or the UK
Their niggers exist and fucking suck, but their chill dudes more than make up for it

I have not but the Irish have a unique look to them, I dont see how that can be construed as negative.


In America the only truly white people I meat are of pure scandinavian ancestry. I'm mostly Celtic from Germany, England, and Ireland and I turn a light brown in the summertime. I do have Italian ancestry though.

Sup Forums here, that's Christina Hendricks from Mad Men.
Her farther was born in Birmingham, England. Her mother was born in the US, but had the English/French surname Raymond.

Not sure about the other ones you posted, but please don't assume every redhead is Irish.

Not really. Theres brown eyes, lots of blue eyes too. Brunettes, Blondes, Redheads. I wouldn't personally say there is a "look".

Go to London if you want UK niggers

>The best Ireland has to offer

Im 85% Swedish 15% Norweigan and i have light brown hair and can get tanned. Whats ur point?

all my fucking keks

Agreed lol. I Just see them as white not any different look.


I want to move to Ireland. Am I acceptable Irishbros?

>pic related

I also have a Mc....last name :^)

most nordic people get tans fucktard its ghost pale irish and british people that burn the hardest

So the eternal Anglo is the only true white man. Does this mean the Anglo (((((((((genocide))))))))) against Germans was justified?

Fuck off. Mac is the proper non-Anglo bastardization of the surname.

Pls no bully. I want a farm in rural Ireland so I can have my own sheep to spray paint

Don't worry burger bro, the Irish are generally very welcoming and friendly. Come over, put your feet up, have a cup of tay by the fire and join us for a pint

gotta make the eye brown too

yea I married an Irish girl....50/50 trash/normal family

Funny, but most Irish are swarthy.