Thanks, NPR

Remember to feel guilty and not have kids!

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I'm sure all the poor minorities will take this advice.

Looking at you, Mexico :^)

Even if all the white people in the world stopped having children, it wouldn't make any difference. Do they realize what the projected populations for Africa are?
>hhahahaha bro don't work hard or reproduce, the world will be a better place when 8/10 voters has an iq below 90

>Replacing White people with low IQ immigrants from Mexico and Sound/Central America will be good for the enviroment

People that old shouldn't be having kids who turn out to be on the autistic spectrum, no.

>implying whites and blacks are equal
>on Sup Forums, of all places

The first world uses more resources than the third world, and a lot of third-world pollution is manufacturing for the first world.

What could possibly go wrong?

their entire organzation is ran by kikes

what do you expect

>show a white family
>if they were black it would be genocides

Should NPR go buttfuck itself with a chainsaw in CURRENT YEAR?

Tell that to the mexicans and niggers

Does it really matter whether the earth has a livable climate if there's no civilization on it?

Fuck you, the world needs my genes. As long as Joe Alcoholic and his crackhead thief wife are gonna reproduce along with Cleetus Six-Pack and Two-Digit Tammy and Mamacita Babymama and Johnny Psychopath and all their stupid fucking friends, and as long as they're going to be cranking them out in large numbers, I want to make sure that there's at least a few kids made out of me and somebody I consider worth reproducing with to balance all of them out.

I'm all for actively, consciously choosing to be less of a burden on society and the environment, but these lefty fucks have it backwards. Just the fact that they're generally college-educated, productive, decent people who would actually CONSIDER doing something like being energy-efficient or having one less child for the world's sake is an indicator that they're the ones we need more of. They're being really considerate of society at large in deciding not to burden them needlessly or leech off of them to excess, but what they don't realize is that a fucking HUGE portion of the society they're being so considerate of IS leeches and burdens, and that they're just letting them continue to exist while breeding out the people who actually give a fuck and consider consequences and are likely to actually RAISE their fucking children.

I'm not ALL for eugenics, but one thing I'm totally for is more considerate, decent people fucking more of themselves into existence. I can guarantee you that your average asshole isn't going to take this advice, because the average asshole isn't as conscious of his own decision to reproduce.

> What could possibly go wrong?

Yes, prease use ress fossir fuers White piggu so that we may porrute the Earth with our inefficient use of energy and materiars.

t. Zhang Xiao

>Should we continue the human race when considering how the human race will survive in the coming years
We just don't know.

Imagine how much carbon we would save by nuking Africa and the middle east.

>don't have kids white folks, it's very bad
>oh look low birth rates, looks like we need immigrants to pay the pensions

Who could be behind this I wonder?

>Tell whites to stop having kids fuuur du planert
>Import immigrants because "our birthrates are just too low!"

> What could possibly go wrong?

Climate change is a myth. It's not real. Leftist fear mongering for more power and control.

This top kek.

>Hey white people with your 2.5 kids, stop having kids to protect the environment so that third-world niggers can continue to produce 10+ worthless shitbags with as many different women as they want and abandon them, avoid working so they don't have to pay childcare and so their obese baby mamas can continue getting welfare

Clearly this is directed at whites to stop them from having kids. The carbon footprint of a nigger in Africa is nothing compared to a white westerner.

Funny how they never criticize India and China for their pollution though. They only cry about white people. Like that pacific garbage dump in the ocean. They blame it on capitalists and whites but the majority of the garbage is from Asia.

All this shit is is anti-white. I can argue that we should kill Asians and Indians until they have 1/5 of their population size and I'd be just as right as this article.

Oh, but that'd be racist though. The global minority should stop having kids because of the actions of everyone else and their huge population size.

National Propaganda Radio, fuck em

Better burn coal.

Only poor illiterates are having more than 3 kids here, m8. I wish there are some 'breed licence' is sad seeing 15yo with a lil' "Brayan" growing inside.

>Stop having white children
>Import more shitskins your birthrates are low
They arent even hiding it anymore

The green movement has become an anti science, anti human movement.

Climate change is not caused by human activity and there is literally fuck all we can do to control the weather.

And the third world produces more pollution for themselves as they increase their standards of living. Meanwhile, western energy use and pollution per capita have been decreasing.

>don't have kids
>we need to import immigrants to ease our falling population
which one is it?

everything's just fine ;)

Mexico doesn't even have that high of a birth rate

It's all Muslims and Niggers
This world is truly doomed

The left has ruined everything in the last century.
I know a good way to save even more carbon - kill yourself you leftist cuck scum.

the climate is changing? wow you don't say

This is a good point. Why doesn't NPR post an article about killing yourself to reduce carbon emissions? That's pretty similar to their argument in this one.

I heard this on NPR today you should have heard the cuck who was proposing this.

He said that people in the west (ie whites) should stop having as many kids and also should be penalized through taxes for having them because of their cost to society and the fact that per capital a child in the west contributes more to global warming then shitskin kids.

He then also proposed the shitskins be rewarded monetarily for using birth control.

I shit you not.

>Only poor illiterates

That's 65% of the population at least

Can I be rewarded monetarily for not having sex?

> What could possibly go wrong?



>literal worst places for high density populations of humans have the fastest growing populations
>coincidentally also the worst fucking shitskins
Why the fuck do we send aid and relief to these countries? They're literally like fucking animals. Take cats for example. If you have a population of barn cats and you start feeding them, they don't carry more weight (except some violent tom cats), they just have more kittens which survive and end up mangy anyway. They'll always be hungry, you shouldn't feed them. Bleeding heart liberals are literally causing an unsustainable population boom.


user, NPR is doing what all news media does: Use provocative headlines for views. Does this anger you just because it is NPR?

Kek confirms

Wew lads, they aren't even hiding it anymore.

Well it's partially government funded so yes. And even if it weren't, using stupid clickbait headlines is unethical and goes against what the principals of journalism should be.

Our neoliberal overlords have deteriorated the economy to such a point where most people are too poor to ever have kids

tfw red green deficient

i cant see that

My god the shitskin and jews taking over banter i can take - but what kind of a nigger do you have to be to not earn enough to support at least two children without much sacrifice.

Kill yourself

Green parties are fucking retarded

>we need to save the planet
>lets flood out countries with third worlders and give them a western standard of living

If they were serious they should be arguing we become more like Japan, let the population decrease and focus on efficiency and automation to make up for it

This. Japan is the only country that isn't sacrificing its current generation at the altar of neoliberal economics.

It's not easy to do right though - people like quasi solutions with some short term benefits better that may or may not work out in the long run (they won't)

Just get more brown people!

>Nuke China, bio-war on Arabs, engineered famine and civil war in Africa.

Problem solved we can all have our 5-7 white children

>white people, stop having kids

Don't you want to save the planet, or something?

this, this, & this
holy fuck
these demented Jewish criminals must be stopped

I for one support this message and feel that anyone who truly cares for the environment should not have children that way they can decrease the rate of destruction of society and ensure a better future the next generation of non-hippies.

Why doesn't anyone ever attack meat-producing industries? They produce the vast majority of carbon emissions and we would have enough grain left over to feed everyone. We wouldn't even have to do anything, just remove government subsidies on grain and farming. Let them price themselves out of the market.

This way I can keep my giant truck and not hear morons crying about muh global warning all the time.

Not subtle enough, you're getting there.

>nobody is attacking meat and meat-producing industries

I do not have the right reaction image for this next level shit

God damn, I listen to Georgia npr all the time, and they have never said anything this fucked up before.

I don't need any reminders to not have kids, thank you very much.

Sometimes I just pretend these pictures are satire, and the people who took them are taking me for a wild ride.


Japan's stock market also peaked in 1989.
In the entire time I've been alive, Japan's stock market never returned to that high.

>not having 8+ kids with your big-hipped wife

I hope Trump defunds NPR

Only red pilled can see the jew

I think that girl specifically is satire
but the worst part is people actually followed the hashtag, complete with phones
goddamn people are stupid

People who don't have kids shouldn't get Social Security. Think you can drop out of the workforce with no one to replace you?

And what exactly you disagree with? depopulation is a must if we are to combat GW efficiently. We can't destroy all of humanity for our selfish goals, and of course none should be forced to not to have kids but education should do it.

The college professor was telling people in a college class not to have too many kids.

The problem was he needs to say that to the people not going to college... or even graduating high school...

These fucking monsters better shut the fuck up. I'm getting real sick of this anti-white baby shit real fucking fast


I bet a (((Well Respected Journalist))) wrote this.

Not trolling. I'm tired of these environmentalist assholes crying about car emissions and carbon footprints.

Just give them beef and tell them to shut the hell up. I would be happy living on other meats.

All meat is going to price itself out of the market soon. It costs too much grain and land in a world that is growing rapidly.

its not anti white, its antinatalic at most, and it goes for all races. actually let me tell you a secret, the reason on why we try to fix africa and do globalism is so that we can improve the life standard around the world and such is proven to reduce the amont of births per woman.

There are more than enough obese middle americans shitting out babiea to offset that.

I feel a bit odd saying this to an american - but i'm not giving those cunts jack shit. They can shove their whining up their asses, i'll do what i fucking want.


>killing another human
>metric tons saved : >10000

see, I can shit out irrelevant numbers from irrelevant situations too

>progressives want people to die out

Does anybody have a link to the video of that climate change ad about carbon consumption where the company starts killing people?

You mean Soylent Green?

That's fine, but surely you don't think governments should be subsidizing corn, sugar, and grain production in a country where obesity is the number one cause of death.

Let market forces work on beef production.

No. It's a minute long ad with a company telling its employers that they need to save air and therefore they are going to kill some of them or so. I think they have bombs implanted in their heads but I'm not sure. It's supposed to be funny but actually shows how those guys really think.

You should kill people, then claim this was the reason. Specifically call out the NPR article, and that you're trying to save the earth.

Do africans ever feel a little remorse after having so many kids they can't feed them?

You would think the mother would feel something for their baby

>still believes in global warming scam

In many primitive cultures babies aren't even considered human because so many of them die, once they pass a certain age they are then considered a person

Nah, maybe right when she realices that its dead but im sure she has forgotten it the day after.

Like a cow.

I love my kids but don't have them if you like freedom and rest. I always made a big deal about having a kid no later than 26 but i just wish i waited until 30.

Notice it's a white family

They all laughed when I said they would use climate change as an excuse to exterminate humans. They all laughed...


Yes, only Europeans should stop having so many kids! You selfish assholes need to sterilize yourselves for the good of the Jew-- I mean the planet! You goys don't want to be responsible for global warming AND slavery do you?

heh heh heh...

Alternate solution: Kill 10 Poo-In Loos

If climate change/global warming keeps happening will the heat eventually kill off Africa and the Middle East?


suppose i said immigrants should only be allowed a certain amount of offspring.