What's THE REAL reason why the media are attacking trump and only trump for the past 18 months now non stop? What are They so afraid of?
The rise of the White Man
Because he's entertaining and gets tv ratings/pageviews
trump is attacking himself
he can't go a week without saying something retarded
It is the complete unceremonious destruction of everything they believe in and have fought for for over 2 centuries.
Not an argument you kike.
nazism allegations
Part of the Trump plan.
At the beginning, be low in polls, be bashed by press.
Pretend everything is a manipulation by the establishment.
Appears are the guy who can change everything!
They are afraid of the truth, people are pissed off and done with this whole politically correct shit that has infested our way of life. We are Americans (and I'm in Texas so fuck all you other states honestly), we are not Europe, we don't want to globalize, we don't want to join the rest of the shit world. American exceptionalism can only exist if we fight against open borders and globalization.
They are afraid of losing over 40 years of "progress" over night. Because that's what will happen if Trump is president. They will need to virtually start all over again in 4 or more years but that will be impossible. Our influence will spread to Europe and nationalism will once again reign supreme over judeo-leftist "democratic" socialism. The Internet will make it nearly impossible for them to ever return to this point.
They're going down my they won't go down easy. They will go down kicking and screaming and try to take the entire world with them. But good ultimately does conquer evil in cycles. History repeats. Their rule was bound to end eventually but a terrifying thought is what would happen under 8 years of Hillary. Would that be enough time for the devil to convince the world he does not exist?