Hey Sup Forums
How come the US took the name "America" for itself?
I mean, America is the continent spanning from Canada/US to Argentina/Chile.
Also this is about geography and terminology, not about being "the greatest country in the world so we represent the entire goddamn continent"
Other urls found in this thread:
One problem pendejo: that's two continents
that's exactly the point though, it's the least shit of the countries there
How come Australia took the name Australia? New Guinea is also part of the Australian continent.
If you want it come and take it beaner
Big dick military power gets to decide on geography and terminology. Greatness is subjective and irrelevant.
thats 2 continents ese. now go back to pulling the weeds out of my backyard.
they slowly are brother
When Jacques Cartier discovered Canada he misunderstood the Indians and thought their name for the land was Canada, and it has been Canada ever since
>I mean, America is the continent spanning from Canada/US to Argentina/Chile.
t. Mexican intellectual
hey Sup Forums
how come only third world latin american shitholes make these threads?
"Continent" is really not a strictly defined word. Some places teach that America is one continent and some places teach that they are two.
It is part of the Australian tectonic plate not part of Australia itself. Come on man
Probably pissed about decades of oppressive economic buttfucking
because they want to called themselves americans aswell to leech off our success. sad
this is the only right answer
now sage
>There are 2 continents
I see only one
>1 Nobel Prize
When your country contribute to something then your opinion will be relevant.
Because out of all the states on the continent of the Americas only the United States actually fucking matters: Economically, Militarily, and Politically.
Jesus christ......wrong. Where in the fuck do they teach that North and and South America are one single continent? They occupy two completely separate tectonic fucking plates.
I swear, Mexicans are the only people in the world who are butthurt about this.
Because we can and there's nothing that you can do to stop it.
no, "the americas" are two different continents "north america" and "south america"
"america" can only be shorthand for "the united states of america"
Also this.
I don't know if is a meme or what but I never meet someone who care about this.
US = Americans
Mexico = Mexicans
Argentina = White people.
Does it fucking matter?
if you go by tectonic plates then there would be too many continents. the definition is flawed.
1. First republic in western hemisphere, so when the boys in Philadelphia, Boston, and New York were coming up with a name, "The United States OF AMERICA" was pretty reasonable.
2. The only country on the continent(s) that can project power globally and has done so for a century, so people around the world identify the region with it.
3. Only country with "America" in its name.
Tectonic plates is not the defining criteria for continents. Europe and Asia share a tectonic plate, Asia also has three separate ones. And America has three tectonic plates not two.
Because no one gives 2 fucking shits about you, or Canada
Do something about it, taco nigger
>The seven-continent model is usually taught in China, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, parts of Western Europe and most English-speaking countries, including Australia[24] and the UK.[25]
>The six-continent combined-Eurasia model is mostly used in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Japan.[citation needed]
>The six-continent combined-America model is used in France and its former colonies, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Romania,[citation needed] Latin America,[26] and Greece.[17]
>A five-continent model is obtained from the six-continent combined-America model by excluding Antarctica as uninhabited. This is used, for example, in the Olympic Charter.[27]
>The terms Oceania or Australasia are sometimes substituted for Australia to denote a region encompassing the Australian continent and various islands in the Pacific Ocean that are not included in the seven-continent model. >For example, the Atlas of Canada names Oceania,[20] as does the model taught in France, Italy, Greece,[17] the Ibero-American countries (Spain, Portugal, Brazil and Hispanic America), China, and South Korea.
7 is objectively the best
but if they're both called americas then how come only people from the US call themselves americans?
IMHO, 4 continents is the only one with logic behind it.
fucking beaner. Because we're the only ones worthy of the continent's namesake, you sloppy corrupt druggie wasteland.
yeah but no one wants to be put together with third world shitters
>africa, asia, and europe together
disgusted multiculturalism propaganda
But the continent is called Oceania.
All right, there's no need to be nasty. He may have just been sincerely asking a question. If so, please see:
>"only ones worthy"
>is probably a redneck
>probably lives in a trailer park
>sees all latinos as criminals
>thinks latin america is a wasteland
>quite possibly product of incest to keep the proud american race pure
fair enough
Well, I don't know the exact reason why the british calles their colonies America, when the whole continent has already been named after the italian explorer Americo Vespucio, but the fact is, the country is somehow called the United States of America, so calling them the United States is like calling the Federative Republic of Brazil simply the Federative Republic.
I also deslike it a bit, but both the country and the continent are America.
I'd assume because it was the first independent state in the American continents so nothing else was already "____ of America".
It's two continents, only citizens of the US+Descendants of Natives should be called Americans and everyone else by their national identity. There are Asians, Europeans, Africans, but "Americans" as a continental identity makes no sense since 99.9% of them have extremely little shared heritage tied to the landmass.
I'm a fan of the five continents being Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, and Australia. Panama and Suez are close enough, Oceania as a continent is retarded for including islands (Japan/UK/Ireland aren't included in Eurasia), and Antarctica beneath the ice is an archipelago in which its largest "island" is smaller than Greenland.
pro tip paco, white trash is still above the average spic and the vast majority of negroes in terms of intelligence or how civilised they are
>this shit again
''united states'' its not a country name, mexico is called ''United Mexican States'' and no one calls mexico united mexican states.
how come people from the UMS call themselves mexicans?
colonization my friend. its passed down from generations of explorers that came here along time ago, most of the other countries were irrelevant and the explorers named them something other than america.
America > South America.
Get this 'part of our hertitage' shit out of here. The Natives where too busy getting high and fighting each other to worry about naming the entire land mass. Canada is just as good as any other dumb name.
Their education system is shit but was even more shit before the past two generations of latinos. So the kids learn that they are part of this continent called South America, and that USA refers to itself as 'America' and the people 'Americans'. They think this is a big revelation because their parents and elders are simple minded ignorant folk who never taught their children anything of value.
Unitedstatian are fucking dumb, you can't discuss with them
niggers i get
but us beaners? that might be up for debate
Do you have America in your country's name? no? I thought so.
>10 feet taller
Because of manifest destiny, padre.
We weren't supposed to allow you to have mexico.
We weren't supposed to allow leafs to have Canada.
We were supposed to take the entire fucking continent, and we sure as hell tried.
So the name started probably before we finished. So yeah, I'd agree it's silly. Although United States American shortens nicely to American.
Because America's destiny is to cover both continents.
also this
We actually didn't.
It was all the stupid europoors in the 1800s who were gonna go to "america" looking for a better life.
They all just meant they were leaving their shitty lives for better opportunities in the new world, but most of them ended up here so the name stuck
>United Mexican States
>Shortens to Mexico
hmm, no problem here
>United States of America
>Shortens to America
>tfw a reasonable Brazilian posts
Thanks Pedro
>New Guinea is also part of the Asutralian continent.
Americans everyone.
I consider myself an american, as many people do over here, not because we want to be compared to you, but because the spirit in which our coutnries were founded are bassically the same.
I'm pretty sure I'm more american than at least a 60% of the US population. I understand what it means to form a nation from cero and what it takes to live in a diverse society but that at the same time has the same values and hopes for the future.
That is what it means to be american, that and the fact the continet is the american continet.
Now, if you get butthurt bucause someone else calls themselves americans but they speak spanish and you think they do that because they want to be like you, you are a poor ignorant and mediocre person.
pic related, is one of our national flags, it says "freedom or death". With this flag we killed spanish imperial troops, brasilian imperial troops, portuguese imperial troops and I think some english fag too.
now tell me how we are not americans, how we don't deserve to be called americans, how we are soooo different that we will never understand what it is to be american
>protip: you can't
>I mean, America is the continent spanning from Canada/US to Argentina/Chile.
You are confused. In English, the word "America" refers to the United States. What you refer to in Spanish as "América" does not translate to "America" in English. The Spanish "América" translates to "The Americas" in English. This is a subtle false cognate which frequently eludes hispanohablantes.
>We weren't supposed to allow leafs to have Canada.
you and me were brits back then
You are confused. The same explanation given here applies to you too. The Spanish word "América" does not translate to "America" in English. Though you may call yourself "Americano" in Spanish, and that would be perfectly accurate, it would not be correct to say you are "American" in English, because that is not an accurate translation. What you call "Americano" in Spanish means "from the Americas" in English. It's a false cognate that gets people up in arms because there's national pride involved. It is a FACT about English that the word "American" means "from the United States," not "from the Americas." If you want to say you are "Americano" in Spanish, then that's perfectly fine. But you can't say that because you are "Americano" that means you are "American," because they mean two different things.
What do you propose we should be called instead?
Because we are the only one in both continents that are actually doing something with ourselves, are actually respectable, actually invent shit, and actually have an economy.
He doesn't understand that the direct translation of "American" into Spanish is "Estadounidense," not "Américano." In Spanish "Américano" means "from the Americas," not necessarily "from the United States." The word they use for "from the Untied States" is "Estadounidense." Since Spanish "América" and English "America" sound similar, people think they mean the same thing in English and Spanish. They don't.
>american education
Amerigo Vespucci my friend.
Illiterate fucks here from US don't even know why their coninent is named as it is.
Because its the only relevant contry on both continents
>America is the continent spanning from Canada/US to Argentina/Chile
That would be the continents of North and South America, homeboy. We, are the USA not the US of North America.
Why do South Americans insist people call two continents by one name? Do you also write "Afro-Eurasia" as well? Fuck off. Sorry your country is irrelevant, that's not anyone else's fault.
not proposing anything, was just curious
in school we learn that north america and south america are united as one
don't blame me, blame our shitty excuse for an education
They are one land-mass, but they're different continents regardless.
Because your contry have the name of the continent, Mexico dont. Thats the problem.
That's how it works in Spanish, which is totally fine. If Europe and Asia can be two continents, then why can't North and South America be one continent? That's just not how it is in English.
>removers of kebab
>not contributing
Google its from u.s. so they have to help themselves.
The Americas, also collectively called America.
from: Wikipedia.
So why do you say "Europe", "Asia" or "Africa"?
It's not even that, but that their results are dependent on who's googling.
If you had taken a look at any of the sources they provided...
>... American is used almost exclusively in reference to the United States and its citizens.
Look, in Spanish the primary usage of the word "América" refers to the continents. In English, "America" refers to the United States. They are different words. Spanish "América" does NOT translate to English "America."
You didnt understand, BOTH terms are alright BUT the most common/accepted is America the continent. more than Americas.
It's because you're in a Spanish-speaking country. The English word "America" does not translate to Spanish "América," it translates to "Estadounidense." Spanish "América" translates to "The Americas."
>BUT the most common/accepted is America the continent. more than Americas.
[citation needed]
>The most common/accepted is America the continent
That's only true in Spanish. In English it's the opposite. Spanish "América" does not mean the same thing as English "America."
Thats exaclty what i was saying. Why are we discussing the same thing, lol here in Mexico, America its more of the continent and in the U.S. its more of the country.
>Argentina = white people
Top kek bro
all of you, read this:
That is what I said, or better put, I didn't say what you mean I said.
tl;dr: u r retarded m8
Just to clarify on the fact that Spanish "América" and English "America" mean different things, by that I mean that they are totally different words. The Spanish word for the country "Canada" sounds pretty much the same as the English word for the same country. That is not the case for the country known as "The United States of America."
>America is the continent
Wrong. Where do retards like you spawn?
your redneck ass could learn a thing or two from
You guys are totally missing the point. It works differently in Spanish than in English and that's all there is to it. If "America" refers to the United States in English, then why on Earth would you want to use that word to refer to someone who is from the Americas, but not the United States?
>Ignoring the whole thread
read this.
Latino trash are so jealous of us Americans, they pretend they ARE us. They're not.
I didn't ignore the whole thread. I just don't give a fuck.
we don't pretend anything, we do our own thing
whether that is more or less efficient is none of your business
get off your high horse
>Canada is called Canada
>Mexico is called Mexico
>United States of America is called America
Wow, I wonder why. What would you prefer us to call it, dickhead? Columbia? Oh wait, that's taken. Virginia? Oh wait, that's taken. Why don't you tell me what you'd like to call our country and our people, Spic, then you can go ahead and convince the other six billion people on the planet to forget "America" and start calling us that.
Name one other country on Earth with the word "America" in it's official name
Call yourself united statian
And fuck off
Columbus reached here first so fuck off