Sup Forums, Russian shills are here. I have the evidence

U.S.A., Sweden, Germany and France are far behind in cuckoldry. The most cucked European country is Russian Federation.
>open borders with Central Asia
>world second largest immigrant population that consists of subhumans from "-stans"
>highest AIDS rate in Europe
>Moscow is minority Russian by 2020
Let's be real. Putin is a full blown cuckold. Here is why:
1)he made revision of Holohaux a crime punishable by prison sentence
2)advocating Greater German Reich in WWII will land you in prison
3)pointing out crimes of Red Army will lend you in prison
4)inflammation of ethnic and religious hatred will lend you in jail. Hate speech laws essentially. Countless nationalists are doing time for it
5)let construction of huge fucking mosques and ordered to give mosque in Chechen Republic #2 in government sponsored "National Symbols of Russia" election
6)keeps open border policy with Central Asia, Russian citizenship can be bought for 30,000-50,000 rubles. 9 million of fucking illegals in Russia
7)Called nationalists "morons or provocateurs"
8)everything is corrupt beyond belief In a any state related project, at least 80% of budget would be stolen
1),2),3) - Federal Law 80
4) - paragraph 282 of the Criminal Law
7) Direct Line with President on "Channel 1" 18 Dec 2003
8) countless exposed info by various people (Google RosPil)

Other urls found in this thread:

stop posting this thread every day no on gives a shit

Maybe Russia is a threat to shitty little Finland, but not to us.

Russian shills fail at proxyfagging another time

Articles about russian trolls

You are autistic

Russian shilling on UK education portal

Russian shilling in Finland

Why do some Sup Forumsacs support this kosher manlet?

Based Russia of kebab removal

Muzzie loving midget is at it again

Based Russia

Russian Minister of Defense, Sergey Shoygu, an asian. Good example of the Horde Commander

Mayor of Moscow - Sergey Sobyanin, an asian. His turkic eyes are just perfect to oversee Moscow becoming minority Russian in 2020

Seperatism from Ukraine? All right for Putin.
Seperatism from Russia? Not on Putins watch.
Hypocrcy at its best

However, Russian Federation literally allows sharia law to trump national law on its territory

they are funding an islamist proto-state led by a man who once waged jihad against Russia INSIDE THEIR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY.
Ramzan Kadyrov, Chechen Republic

Since its foundation in 9th century up to the late 16th century Russia(Rus) was ethnic state located in Europe. Ivan IV ordered expedition to Asia and Russian forces conquested it. Since then Russia has Asian territories. However during the Imperial and Soviet times subhumans were not allowed to move to European Russia or Russian-settled areas. Please spread this information to destroy the myth of Russia being pro-White. It's not. Vladimir Putin doesn't care about White People. Sources for the evidence are
>Russian Georgaphic Society
>Website of National Contest "Symbols of Russia"
>1st Channel(Russian Federation)
Even pro-Russian and state statistics clearly show that Russia is cucked. Imagine anti-Putin investigative journalism. Those who are alive I mean.

As always shills won't be able to refute any of those. Facts are facts, evidence is evidence

nobody but vodka niggers and their satellite countries actually like russia

>was originally pagan
>than Swedish Catholic
>than Russian Orthodox
>somehow, disregard self-determination
I agree with the Finn, really makes you drink...

Shills BTFO, based Finn of Truth Coktail is triumphant yet again.

May many cheap booze be upon you

Imagine """"Russian"""" refugees to Europe

He's a CTR shill, sometimes he uses a German or Polish proxy to shape things up. He's paid to post this bullshit.

Not even their satellite countries like them anymore

Russia is a mess

Same will happen soon in USA.
Haters, nationalists, racists, sexists, are the new jews: the easiest to persecute minority.

Once Hillary win the elections, haters gonna hate.

White trash persecution like crazy.

Putin isn't flooding his country with 1 million Muslims.

He isn't shoving down everybody's throat feminism and anti-white shit.

If you think Putin is in any way worse than the traitors Merkel, Hillary, Hollande etc you are a brainwashed cretin.


oops, here is better version

Yes, Russia will collapse any day now!

They are running out of money for their military, their military is not advanced, their people are dying, their economy is getting worse.

Any day now.

Then we can finally be free of the Russian solders massing on their borders, their endless plane patrols, their cyberwarfare, their paid internet trolls, their election meddling, and their unreliable rust bucket rockets.

Any day now.

I seriously would recommend to reduce the starting of this thread to one or so per day, anything else is contraproductive, unless the threads reach large posting numbers. Also a section for the latest thread related news would make sense, you simply cant talk about always the same stuff in every thread, people will just nodd it off because they already know it. Lurk on pol for new stuff instead of just spamming this threads.

On behalf of new thread related news:


>say that you agree on something or like something
>someone that hates that something comes up
only reason why i still come here is to shitpost dank memes and flame war with serbs here and there

he's not wrong though


I guess you must be a little insane if you actually discuss and battle with russian shills on a daily basis.

judging from my experience they're usually better prepared
the actual shills I mean not those that fall for them

Did you enjoy the ball game yesterday? Ayy blyat Srbje

>Anti Ftance shills are going rampant on Sup Forums since the burkini ban
>Shills are russians

WTF i hate russia now