What is "ancap" and why are there so many memes about it?

What is "ancap" and why are there so many memes about it?

It's fucking great, also Ancap thread now.


Ancaps believe that we should get rid of the government and all be greedy fucks. We make fun of it because its stupid.

Some ancaps also throw in some crap about how how the world is ruined by feminazis/trannies/niggers/mudslimes/non-pedophiles. The age of consent is government intervention.

It's making fun of Anaracho-Capitalism basically.

How are these bad things? Im a fuckin an cap now

Youre doing a shitty job at it all this shit seems fun as hell


It's affectionate parody. Ancap has potentially a lot of absurd realities but it's undenibale fun to think about

But people who seriously think ancap is the best society structure should be mocked

I love all of these


I really don't think you understand what Anarchism is about.

Many believe that the natural formation of hierarchy would result in a kind of feudalism. Communities of cultural understanding that form mutual agreements on defense, law etc. The age of consent as a law would be one based on property and tradition.

Its not as simple as these threads claim it to be.
Ether way, democracy is a cancer. The US of course being a nigger breeding farm that steals money from the public to incentivize the destruction of the family.

"Anarchist" Like myself don't believe in a pure world where the nonaggression principle is followed. It would be more of a guide line. Heck I would be happy if we just eliminated democracy and had dynastic rulers instead.

What are these?

all of em suck dick and look reddit/imgur tier , unfunny garbage forced meems.

They should be exterminated.
If there's a sudden power vacuum, retarded misfits can manage to organize and grab authority like you wouldn't believe.
Proofs: all commie revolution ever.
So all marginal beliefs should be violently clean out together with their carriers.

Build wall to keep gringos in merica!

The revolution happened in Russia because bernouts back then thought the Czar sucked and wanted muh "equality".


>tips menorah



Green and black->anarcho-primitivism
White and black->anarcho-pacifism

Socialism, all forms of anarchy, hyper capitalism, etc could all work if nobody was a dixk and everyone was logical.

Authoritarianism just keeps stupid people in check.

If technology gets sufficiently advanced enough that no authority would be able to control everyone and many millions of micro utopia spread throughout the universe.




That wasn't that simple
Czar sucked for real but there were 2 revolutions - first was normal bourgeois revolution with Europe-oriented white-tier people coming to power, who would have finished the war, got contributions from krauts and made Russia a European superpower.
But commies have managed to stage a second revolutions, ruining cunt forever, just cause the liberal cock-sucking monarch didn't clean bernouts when he had the chance.


Nice try, leaf


The first revolution was what empowered the Bolsheviks, they became a legal party (had been illegal before then) and Kerensky basically let them take control of the forces in the capital as part of a deal.



Every FUCKING day with these STUPID fucking MEMES! I've had it up to HERE with stupid fucking memes! You guys make me want to KILL MYSELF! Is that what you fucking want? For me to fucking KILL MYSELF and write on my suicide note "Cause of suicide: Couldn't handle all of the stupid fucking memes, killed myself"? Because that's what it might as well fucking say!

You guys are literally, L I T E R A L L Y incapable of having even the SIMPLEST of fucking discussion without "MEME THIS, MEME THAT, PROBABLY TYLO BE CHILLIN, HERE'S A PIC OF A FUCKING SMILEY, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA EBIN AMIRITE?" Fucking STOP IT you pathetic fucking FAGGOTS, you are such fucking cancer that I cannot even fathom how you fucking scumbags live your dumb gay lives. Don't you have a job to get to, schoolwork to finish or a family to attend to? Do you literally do ANYTHING productive with your lives other than post stupid fucking memes on the politics section of a god damn anime imageboard? You fucking people make me sick and you're damn lucky I don't have any of your fucking addresses you fucking pieces of shits. I'd spit in your faces.

Until you die within the day

Good taste on the stranger.


>this triggers the ancap

>implying I haven't already infiltrated your shithole country
The fire rises.

>Believing hoppe is an anarchist
retard alert

It's cockney for handicapped.

As in "me muvaz so inbred she isa ancap she is"


Nobody would ever want to do anything with yours

Keep obsessing over us though

>all these non arguments

Looks like you guys are over due for defooing your parents.

These "memes" are the newest form of cancer propagated by the lowest IQ specimens that plague this site.

So, like, grab a bunch of people with an average IQ of 85 and take the lowest docile.

Just check out the verbal intelligence in some of these posts.

Absolutely beyond retardation. A negative IQ.

You realize that I'm a citizen of "your" country right...

I'm not obsessing over "you", I am you.


Defooing? Wtf are you on about Chang


I actualy would love move to Quebec












Don't deny it, Sup Forums, an ancap society would be fun as fuck




this is documented proof of ancap society in 100 years


Stalin, Hitler and Churchill were all stupid and look where their authoritarianism got us? Capitalism doesn't require good will behind humans, only self-interest gained in the service of others.

Friendly reminder that Trash Man is ancap




but morality is subjective







Haha kek has willed that this faggot leaf will kill himself if we keep posting memes.

Meme magic is awesome.







Nigger what would force you to go?





>be me
>live in Anarcho Capitalist utopia
>wake up
>no internet because DARPA was never funded and thus it wasn't developed
>eat breakfast
>hope I don't die of heavy metal poisoning because there are no regulations regarding food safety
>walk outside
>get in my car
>hope I don't get hit because there's no regulations requiring seat belts or airbags
>driving along the dirt road to my job at megacorp because there are no roads
>work for 9 hours with a 15 minute break to eat my hopefully toxin free food
>drive home from work to greet my daughter
>who's completely illiterate and can't go to school because there are no public schools and I can't afford private school
>just as I pull up to the house, a guy in a van with free ice cream snatches my daughter and drives off in a cloud of dust
>call the private police company
>"please note you will be charged $19.95 for this call"
>they give me a quote for $1000 to investigate my daughter being kidnapped
>only make $800 a month because no labor laws
>politely decline
>walk home
>get stabbed for my shoes
>nearby private police contractor can't interfere because I don't have coverage with their company
>can't afford to go to the hospital, but then I'd probably die there anyway because there's no requirements for hospitals to practice proper sanitation
>megacorp inherits my house because that's what my employment contract said in the fine print
>reflect on how fantastic life is without that oppressive government

Stfu ping sung

Hoppe is based god


>private court owned by Wal*Mart

>when you run out of stefan molyneux pics because you deleted your Sup Forums folder, but there is a superior ancap who never breaks NAP looking out for you.

if you slide your coursor up and down these posts you get a funny Daumenkino

You wouldn't be able to afford a hospital that practices proper sanitation. There'd obviously be hospitals for the rich that have proper sanitation, well-educated doctors, all the trimmings.
You'd be going to a clinic some guy runs out of his house for money and hoping he doesn't just harvest your fucking organs because they're worth more than your can afford to pay him.
