Last night I was banned from the Civ VI forum on steam for suggesting that Hitler was worthy of being a playable character in the game. What does Sup Forums think? Did I deserve it?
Hitler did nothing wrong
It'll offend the . They suffered so much during the holocaust and some of those people are still alive today. Give it 100 more years.
*offend the jews
It is pretty funny that they let you play as Stalin and Mao but Hitler is TOTALLY DIFFERENT!
>blogging on Sup Forums
Nah, you deserved to be stuffed in a locker and have your lunch money stolen, but being the internet you'll have to settle for being banned.
nice one bro!!! but next time you should call them cucks xD
damn it feels good to be edgy
The game has lite elements of an economic simulator in it. The Jews fucking love playing civ.
I would actually buy this game if it had Hitler
>(who did nothing wrong)
this was like saying ''please ban me''
Failing to hide your power level makes you a retard or low tier baiter. Next time be more subtle
>tfw this is allowed on the steam workshop but suggesting it in the new game isn't.
You're not any better burgerfriend.
Noob, just make a mod of it.
>Did I deserve it?
Banning Nazis is a matter of good business policy.
Being surprised it happened means that you're a moron who deserved it, yes.
>who did nothing wrong
what the fuck is up with his eyes
No, but you had it coming. Steam has strict guidelines, if the forum mods don't enforce them, they are the ones that pay for it. They are overzealous with PC culture as a result.
You're certainly not wrong OP i'll grant you that, a fine example of bias and historical revisionism at work.
The "he did nothing wrong" is debatable though
Wait, is Gabe Newell a jew then? I know he's loaded as fuck but is he a bad guy?
4chin bans for same thing----forcing memes
maybe listen to mod warnings next time kiddo
>inb4 stfu cuck
Don't know. Guess whoever designed the model fucked that up. Also this happened in that very same game I took that screenshot in. Pic obviously related.
>who did nothing wrong
just answered your own question.
You stupid fucking cunt.
Wtf I didn't post that pic, I don't even have that pic on my computer, Sup Forums hash or whatever gone awry
pic related is what I posted
He's seen into the present.
the community hubs are ran by the developers themselves.
>Be a pathetic man child burger
>I think Hitler should be in this play thing I have wasted so much of my life on so I can live my fantasies of taking over Europe in a Aryan empire
>Le 60%
>Gets banned from manchild community
>Hitler (who did nothing wrong)
Should have gone into the finer points of what he actually did, his leadership and speaking which unified people, and how that he could boost worker units and create happiness with resorts and VW beetles. Pitch the damn german from a design perspective you blithering idiot, give some positive and negative benefits of using him, he could have a logistics penalty or something against him for all the concentration camps since that's a waste of resources while trying to fight a war on all sides.
don't lie, you love america.
It's not even that long of a ban.
1 month? That's perma worthy anyways.
Though the "reason" clearly sketchy as fuck. we all know that situation. Power corrupts.
I think what threw your argument into the trash was you had to put the meme he did nothing wrong. You have to argue that he was an influential leader and ignoring history to be politically correct is a disservice to the world.
Add Genghis Khan to the banned list, Mongols are too much big of "Jerks" to allow in 6, so now we'll have strong women© Tomyris as the nomadic horse archer leader.
Forcing the "Hitler did nothing wrong." meme was definitely a mistake. I'll own up to that, although I had no idea how strict the mods were. Anyway if you agree that Hitler should be in the game, you should post in that forum and make the argument that I couldn't. If nothing else, just do it to piss that mod off. He's been banning people left and right for stuff that's not even close to being bait.
This was the first time I posted about Hitler being in the game. I wasn't repetitively forcing the meme. I think the mod was referring to another thread about the game possibly having a feminist agenda that I commented in. In that thread he said I had no evidence and therefore shouldn't be posting stuff like that.
If they did add Hitler, the game would be banned on all of the european union market, it would be a dumb business decision.
You're a faggot OP
If you had left out the MUH HILTER DIS NUTTIN WRONG meme, you might have have actually red pilled a few people and make the mods look like cocksuckers if they tried to ban you
But since you couldn't contain your autism, you tipped everyone off to your faggotry and made the mods completely justified in banning your stupid ass
Take it to Sup Forums fucktard
I was banned from guru3d for having an offensive username. I think it was a cool name, they have no humor over at guru3d :D.
Well Hitler worked in Wolf3D but in Civ VI i am not sure he would bring any value to the game more than maybe a lot of upset people.
heh, really makes you think
It would bring the value of having a more complete list of history's most prominent leaders
what sort of great leader loses
>one eye on the soviets the other on the British
Probably wouldn't have gotten banned if you left out the whole "did nothing wrong" part
A large proportion of them?
consider the following: If the jews are so easily offended by everything in our culture and want to turn lands into "melting pots" then maybe they should go back to their country and practice what hey preach there.
Its time for the refugees to go home!
>playing this shit
you deserved it.
games have been compromised a long time ago. cut the cord you fucking baby. it's time to grow up.
this game looks awful in graphics. art and leaders , worst than civ v until now
Hitler eliminated millions of people for ethnic reasons and to drum up nationalist, aryan fervor.
Millions died while Stalin was leader during a revolutionary period. Any deaths ordered by Stalin were political in nature.
Mao was leader of China during a period of famine (famines were very common in China from the Quing dynasty until the 70s, after CCP reforms had modernized the country and China'a population exploded). Nearly all of the "millions" of deaths Westerners attribute to Mao were famine-related.
None of these leaders really have comparable records. I can obviously understand why the gamemakers would exclude Hitler. Stalin is a little more tricky seeing as his legacy was one of political upheaval and not genocide, but removing him from the game would be within reason.
Mao fits into the game pretty well unless you think Gandhi should be removed from the game because people died of starvation while he was leader of India.
>Fuckinh manchildren and their vidya play tic tac toe like a TRUE man!!!
Remember, only Japanese entertainment media is jew-free. And not even all of it.
>can't let your community get triggered now ca you
I think you're just a dumbass kid and had this coming.
>(who did nothing wrong)
nice lol
Learn how to fucking spell. Learn how to use proper fucking grammar before you complain about being banned for using autistic Sup Forums memes... you fucking underaged faggot. I would have banned you too. I fucking hate Sup Forums meme, spouting autistic faggots like you. I would beat the fuck out of you in real life if you did this autistic shit in front of me.
It's a fun game desu
Ban the game then,
Just like they banned the (ironically anti nazi propaganga) wolfenstein new order
Just give up OP, we can't win
I think Frederick Barbarossa is a much greater representative of a german leader than hitler.
What did I misspell?
Join the club, got banned from reddit(thank god) for stupid shit. These people are powerless, they have no power, so they can go fuck themselves with the PC bullshit. "Death threats", they quote movies all the time in there with worse shit.
You know damn well why you got banned retard, just read your post. It's obviously political bait, as opposed to a real reason why he should be the leader of it. If you had been less vulgar and cut the part in parenthesis you probably would've been fine too.
but my 14 year old crash-and-burn cult
Not subtle enough.
>Civ 6
the game is going to be a dumpster fire
check em
Gulags for Stalin.
Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution for Mao.
Stop reading Zinn and pick up a real history book, you shill.
To all of the people suggesting I wouldn't have been banned if I hadn't said Hitler did nothing wrong, the mod doesn't allow any discussion of Hitler whatsoever
>what is the Great Leap Forward
>what are 5 year plans
>caring about a dumpster fire of a game
It's fun to do this on more unmoderated boards, the fanboys that plague Steamforums get absolutely buttblasted, 1000x worse than a place like IGN or Reddit.
Got 20 full pages, and on the 2nd page I posted an actual thought out argument and they went apeshit since I hurt their feelings.
So, Shlomo. What are you sliding?
>(who did nothing wrong)
idiot tbqh
its funnier when you dont obviously bait for angry replies but pol just doesnt get this
EU4 was a shit game to begin with and became unplayable after Common Sense.
Would've been fine if you didn't add "Who did nothing wrong" Fuckin sperg.
Every time I start to think maybe leftists aren't actually retarded and maybe I just give you guys a hard time I see a post like this. You're probably considered the smart one out of your circle of friends too lmao.
>anime lover
>bashing on gamers
Hitler removed kebab. Europe for the Europeans.
The difference is that Germany has a wealth of great leaders unlike Russia.
I'd take Bismeme over Hitler any day.
so you say
I did the same thing on the Chivalry: Medieval Warfare board and got 10 pages of this too before a moderator shut it down. But I was surprised to find that Grand Strategy players get more buttblasted than medieval-fps players, I guess the Ledditism really rubs off.
There's lots of Sup Forums-tier sliding going on tonight.
Wonder what CTR is afraid of.
MAO Zedong you mong.
Yeah, the GS players are ridiculous. Say ANYTHING negative and they scream and cry.
So of course you do only that.
Im telling you man sometimes you will get banned for stupid shit, I got perma banned for calling a nightelf on the game World of Warcraft, a "leaf back", for racist remarks.
are you from /gsg/
I think it's due to the fact that they are literal virgins graduated from Dungeons & Dragons.
I went on their once after searching for a forum to discuss grand strategy without all the mentally deficient fanboys, but it had tons of spam, someone mentioned my post though so I thought it was cool.
Tons of shitposting and drama is a side effect of being one of the oldest generals on /vg/. Every now and then there is good on topic discussion though.
Stalin murdered more Jews than Hitler but he still gets to be a hero as long as we still get to claim all the credit for winning WWII for America.
>people running around doing 360 backward overheads
>breaking immersion
What the fuck am I reading? Does it "break your immersion" when you get quickscoped in FPS games too? This is the most retarded stuff I've read all day.
Why would you attempt to hide from us senpai??
Also, topkek.
> playing civ
Uh oh. Looks like I'll have a switch my profile to "friends only" now. You really got me good user.
The gulags were political prisons set up during a revolution. These are no different from any POW camp, really. They weren't created for the express purpose of wiping out whole races of people.
I won't touch the Cultural Revolution because that was, precisely, a revolution against the former oppressors of Chinese peasants. That doesn't invalidate Mao as a leader anymore than it would George Washington or Spartacus.
The Great Leap Forward coincided with one of China's very frequent famines (ie. not something one can reasonably blame on Mao or the CCP) and set up the agricultural infrastructure which prevented famines in the future. You won't hear it on Rush Limbaugh, user, but by 1970 toward the end of Mao's tenure the lifespan of the average Chinese doubled.
In any case, comparing Hitler to Stalin is questionable, comparing either to Mao is absurd.
>Are you kidding me?
Hitler killed people for the same reasons Stalin ever killed anyone you blue pilled stormfag piece of shit.
>killed (((MUH SIX MILLUN) people of [ethnicity here] to drum up nationalist, aryan fervor
Filthy fucking stormcommie
Go back to Neofag or whatever shitty forum you came from
>he says on a website who's mascot is an anime girl