MUH family values n shit

> MUH family values n shit
> conservashits

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The answer to all those questions is - niggers.

Cut niggers out of the statistics in states like Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, etc and they all end up at or better than the national averages for all of those.

>inb4 Sup Forums blames the 15% nigger population

lol FUCK. I didn't get inb4.



> MUH niggers : the scapegoat

>everyone that lives in a red state is a Republican

You realize states like mississippi are 40% black, right?

This. Except for obesity. There are some fat fucks here in MS.

I can attribute every problem to women.
Women initiate divorce.
>Teen Pregnancy.
Women taught to be WILD AND FREE FUICK ME CHAD!
Women deny men sex while married and trade it for gifts, thus men get porn.
Women sit around doing nothing, get fat.
You dont see men clutching their purses around blacks, nor do you seem men objectifying blacks cause MUH BBC!
Thanks to womens shit, insurance took a nosedive with Obama shit, now men have to pay for women care on themselves when they are not women, thus women fucked things up again for all.
>Losing elections.
Women make up 50% of the vote, so if they vote against their own best interests.


If doctors make people better, then why are all the people in doctors' offices sick?

lol women make up 50% of the population too. Do you blame them too?


Blacks have a higher obesity rate than whites.


Missippian here too, everyone is overweight but not too fat. Where from?

red states also have the most niggers.

thank niggers for all of those.


we do actually.

they vote like retarded cunts.

Nice try Cletus

>mistaking white trash desperately trying to appear like they have a semblance of an ideology for actual conservatism

This is why you're a braindead lefty baiting on Sup Forums.

No doubt. But there are still some serious fatties who are white. If I'm being honest and upfront, even among our white population we're still higher than the national average.

Oxford here. You?

I'm from California, and I thought we had too many blacks. I can't imagine what Atlanta and New Orleans look like.


lol I know you guys blame everyone for your problems. Worse then the dindus lmao

They're awful. Just awful. People sometimes wonder why southerners tend to be more racist than the rest of the country...well's because of our demographics. It's impossible for us to get away from them in our daily lives. We see the truth everyday.

Yeah, no, Lincoln tried to get rid of niggers and you toothless yokels howled because your economy couldn't cope without them.


>lol you blame your problems on people causing them
>you're worse than the niggers causing them



Fuck off.


this holy fuck how stupid are leftie scum

I've always believed whites would mix with Asians and Hispanics to create a Latino Eurasian race with a bit of black admixture from the talented tenth. It will probably be similar in appearance to North Africans.

>this is what the Sup Forumstard actually believes.

>be me
>live in "blue state"
>married 17 years
>3 kids
>no porn subscription
>used to be apathetic about race until robbed at gunpoint twice (now hate everyone)
>uninsured cuz Obummercare made it too expensive
>Republican governor beat recall and got my vote each time

Did I miss anything? Am I fucking up that liberal factoid poster with literally no sources?

>racism is immoral



>the "scapegoat" scapegoat meme
Nice try, faggot.

>your post
pick 1

what happens if a red states goes blue in some election, do all those negatives suddenly become positives?

It was as much of an argument as
>duh nignogs did it.

>15% of the population

>commits 25% of all violent crime
>commits 50% of all homicides
>make up 70% of the US prison population
>2 in 5 will not graduate high school
>3 in 5 are clinically obese
>1 in 3 live below the poverty line
>3 in 4 are born to teenage single parents


Did you know that if black children were removed from public schools, the US would have #2 best schools in the world, only behind Finland?

It's not a scapegoat when it's true

Here's crime statistics

Also not all Republicans are conservatives. This meme is nothing but dated narratives.

about as much of an argument as OP's as well.

>lol you blame your problems on people causing them
>you're worse than the niggers causing them

>Other people vote for what they want
>Interfere with what we want.

HA HA HA! You're just blaming your problems on others!

Here's a racial map

>implying anyone actually argues past shitposting and posting out of context surface level statistics on Sup Forums

Nice self own?

The Democrats are destroying my state. If we don't get a Republican governor and state congress soon, we're going to end up as Brazil 2.0. All of the White people are leaving.

t. Connecticut

Here's the states and how they usually vote

Whoops, forgot my image

why is native american on there.

they make up almost no percentage of the population.

even if all of them were killing 50 people a day they dont even compare to niggers.

Do you have a source for that?

Because that's right?

Sounds like Wisconsin. Hail Cheeseistanian.