Is Sup Forums ever wrong?

Is Sup Forums ever wrong?

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Its just a simple coincidence you retard

What a bunch of bullshit

>nigger cuck fetish

seriously is there aver any doubt

This, white people are paranoid as shit.

Those jews we're much more classy than the (((italian))) or the (((irish))) mobsters.

Commie fuck.

I thought Keemstar hated blacks??

Echo echo. Charlie
Echo Leaf Delta

Jews run the porn industry. Jews are the most effeminate men and the parasites of all mankind.

A jew can never build something out of pure beauty, an arab can a black, an asian, a European can. But a jew can never build up only tear down

NYC is chalk full of commies and jews.

But I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

How can pol even compete

Look at the perverted mind of the jews. E micheal jones talks about how jews use sexuality and promiscuity as a way to enslave people through their passions.

Lansky is a polish name, not jewish you cunt.


While most of this diatribe is probably accurate and important, we should try to avoid throwing the baby out with the bathwater. In terms of psychological development there are some important elements of character shaped by childhood experiences and bodily functions. Shame is supposedly rooted in these early functions and its healthy expression manifests in potty training. Bad experiences or abuses in this area can lead to severe psychological damage.

It's probably telling that the stories cited in this image reference these themes repeatedly. There's a reason that these hollywood types are neurotic, warped, and completely alien to regular folk.

>You beliving its his real name.

Jews know the goyim well, and they know that they're a bunch of cucks who want BBCs in white pussies

No, for most of the goyim they go from one state of nullity to another while being slaves to trends. It could be anything. The Jews view the goyim as beasts and eventually if you keep telling them they are man will become a beast and no longer be a man

Oh yea just a coincidence huh pedro? I suppose the jews owning the media and constantly pushing white women with black male relationships is also just a coincidence too huh? Fucking cuck

In the coming race war the jews have to be the first to go. Race relations between black and white might not be this bad if it weren't for the jews.

>ethnicity: Polish, Jewish

>not white
You have to go back