Friendly reminder that God sent ISIS because white people worship sodomy and homosexuals.
Deuteronomy 28:15-68
Friendly reminder that God sent ISIS because white people worship sodomy and homosexuals.
Deuteronomy 28:15-68
This leaf is right, you know?
This walking cesspool of filth and disease supports Trump. A hedonist that hates the family, that is prone to pedophilia and all sorts of obscene acts, a relativist with no real principles supports the same candidate you do. What does that tell you about Trump? About yourself?
>White nationlists accept homosexuals
>want more white babies
>claims to understand the importantce of the family
>cant put together homosexuals represent death. The homosexual is the end of a bloodline
>don't understand how homosexuals lobby for all things degenerate on a jew tier level because without a family they can only dedicate their lives to the politics of their sex lives
>don't understand homosexuality is transmitted to children and many homosexuals are child molestation victims
>gay germ theory
Sup Forums FEARS these threads. They think everyone here has been successfully subverted. They do not respond and if they do it is only gays having a childish hissy fit to rationalize their behavior or pretend it doesn't exist
whoever you are. Black, White, Jew, Conservative, Libertarian, Nazi, Communist and OTHER GAYS
Do not tolerate them. Love them with all of your hate. Tell them to turn away from their life. Tell them to stop identifying themselves by what sexual depravity they partake or think they want to partake in.
these sodomites are crazy. They are only "pro-white nationalist" because they think that means "gays are the master race"
Does your political movement really need these guys on its side?
>All it takes is for one "right wing maniac" to get in charge and every single one of these degenerates will get wiped out thanks to their habit of broadcasting things they shouldn't be broadcasting all over the internet
The internet has been really prevalent for at the very minimum of a decade, how the fuck don't people realise how it works? These are the same people who tell you you have to remember the past so you don't repeat it, without ever considering that, if you actually know anything about the past, views are challenged, times change and degenerates are rounded up and shot. So the last thing I would want to do is paint a target on my back and definitely not on a medium that can never ever be wiped 100% clean.
Good thread leaf.
There is an anti-Christian agenda at work to destroy the family. Homosexuals are lost, mentally-ill people that need to realize they are pawns in a Marxist plot to destroy the West. Forgiveness is still open to them if they repent.
When the day comes Jesus shall return, not as the Lamb of God he left as, but as the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, to make right what has been wrong and cleanse the Earth of degeneracy.
Stay true, stay strong and stay loyal to the way God made us.
We will ALL be judged.
Is that Anthony Fantano
If you live in a country with tax supported healthcare know that GETTING HIV IS A COMMON FETISH AND YOU WILL BE PAYING FOR THEIR TREATMENT
Gay > lower birth rate > neocon do their thing to prop up economy > isis
>openly gay people are still beaten up in my city by white people
>city is comfy and 99% white and far away from the troubles of England
Thanks based god
well said and God bless argentina bro
>White nationlists accept homosexuals
Since fucking when?
since most WN and alt-right are pro gay incels
Gays should never be seen as anything other than sacrificial lambs to throw at Islam
When kebab is removed we can pull the rug out from under them and do a order 66 on them
have you been living under a rock?
Here is the "golden one" That is often praised.
Holy shit I don't want to believe this is real but I already know that it is.
The funny thing is that nothing is more politically correct than accepting homosexuals and thinking "they are just like us!" It has no place on this board by principle alone.
Christcucks think just because they're right about gays, they're right about everything else.
don't let gays near your children. No matter how much you think "he's not like the other gays"
Based and checked
Thank you.
God Bless America.
>Do not tolerate them. Love them with all of your hate. Tell them to turn away from their life. Tell them to stop identifying themselves by what sexual depravity they partake or think they want to partake in.
Don't pretend to have compassion.
I don't pretend. The best way to destroy your enemy is to have them turn away from what makes them your enemy in the first place. It's practical to hope for them to turn their live around instead of merely hoping for their destruction.
If all you do is what I quoted, you do not care about them. It's fine to want their deviance gone and you're probably right that it should be gone, but you definitely don't care about the affected individuals.
Justin sthap pls
Not white people. Just gaytheists and cucklics.
wtf is POZ?
You claim to know my heart?
They must be judged with right judgement. They cry a mantra of "Don't judge me!" because they know that this harsh judgement is the cure. It will cause them to internalize that what they do is wrong.
HIV positive
POZ or "poz loads" refers to HIV positive ejaculate. being poz means being HIV+
You'd be amazed how far the lunacy goes. They call HIV "The gift" and treat is like a baby.
You ever get the feeling these are just trolling poltards and liberals only protect their "rights" because they think these people really exist?
God has pretty bad aim, apparently he's just a giant glorified cosmic school shooter that comes down and wastes a bunch of random motherfuckers because he's mad at society
Friendly reminder that Egyptians were black.
Ezekiel 23:20
Your only solution is to demonize them. That's been the solution forever and it only works for everyone else but them. It's fine to not care. Just don't claim to. I don't think there is anything wrong with you for not caring. It's very difficult to care.
You need to understand the difference between the individual themselves and their affliction. I don't care at all for "gays" they deserve every misfortune that befalls them. I'm telling them to stop being gay. stop identifying as gay, stop doing anything gay. It will be hard but if you understand why you have to you will do it for your own good and the good of everyone. All gays deserve and will get death. Be it a physical one if they refuse to genuinely repent or a conceptual one if they do.
>white people went out and decided to be black
but they did though
>That's been the solution forever and it only works for everyone else but them
it doesn't work for everyone, but it does work for them. Homosexual deviancy wasn't nearly as bad before there was at least some shame to it.
I will tell you this, they haven't been shamed hard enough in hundreds of years. they aren't being convinced that it is wrong and why it is wrong on a visceral level. They aren't motivated by worldly consequences for their actions because while they are devastating they happen over time and they are too self centered to even care until the disease aspect starts killing them directly. Gays should have no place in politics or public life. It's not even hard to hide and yet this will keep the worst of them influencing others because their whole life is based on their depravity and they can't hide it.
Yes. trans-racial, wiggers, just look at the music the average high-school college reprobate listens too. All rap and hip hop. Look at their lexicon, while girls saying "bae and senpai" and twerking.
they have embraced the dysfunctional because they perceive it as "Fun" and that's all that matters to the typical hedonist. They are slaves to their sexual desires. it's brave new world shit.
I'm not dumb enough to think I can convince you that your religion behavior shaming isn't the best way to move forward on the homosexuality issue. Just do me a favor if you have or will ever have a son and read this:
I'm not even religious but thats the closest thing to an informed approach that I'm aware of. In a better time perhaps there will be more objective research.
You don't understand what love is. condoning poor behavior is not love. If they rebel against their parents out of spite they have chosen depravity over the family. The shaming shouldn't merely be incoherent rage, but the hard truth and why it's the truth.
A father primarily shows their love by providing for his family and teaching them skills. A mother though tender affection.
What I linked is preventative. It's about preventing poor behavior. I'm not suggesting you condone anything that is bad.
Had no idea America was considered a God to Canada.
I am honored for you to be our hat now.
Everyone knows divorce and a broken fatherless home fucks up kids, gay or not. You don't need to tell your kid you love them and hug them all the time, you need to show them you love them though your actions, You need to spend time with them, play with them, you need to raise them, discipline them, provide for them etc etc.
This article seems to think you should have two mothers. You didn't need "daddies touch and I love yous" you needed dad to take a more active role period. Or maybe Dad was never an issue at all and you're just trying to rationalize your behavior.
That would make sense if homosexuals only came from broken homes.
You may think it's cringey but that's doesn't reduce it's proximity to the truth.
I'm not blaming broken homes for homosexuals.
You think people wouldn't be gay or have gay urges if dad hugged them more? I think homosexuality is most likely viral, because it doesn't make much sense being genetic. with a handful of people doing it without any real attraction because they worship sex and want to be a special snowflake. They have been wholly retarded by certain fringes of society who tell them sex is "expressing yourself" and other nonsense.
What's with all of the recently-downloaded Pokémon rule 34 OP
Ive never raped an angel nor raped any person. Have you? Are you incarcerated? Do you believe women should cover their heads when they pray? Why don't you JUST go eat about 119 apples why dontchya. Hrm?
Jump off a tower
Tranny Bitch
Shitposting. Ash lost the pokemon league again. it's to trigger autists that the girl who loves him this season will ditch him next.
>sodomy is angel rape
when will this meme end.
You're a witch! Go after the 115 million men with their dicks inside their wives' asses or condoms right now. Why do we cum from prostates. Look where they are. Look what a rainbow is and when it appears. Being an asshole is a big problem
If by "God" you mean the USA and it's Gulf Arab allies sent ISIS to harass the Saudi's and Israeli's enemies, then yes.
A non cucked leaf
Hold me Sup Forums
Hath mine eyes fosaken me??
6000 year old zionists. Whatever. Bite me
You are the best leaf.
Every westerner that realizes how fucked his culture is should be rooting for ISIS to be honest.
God is burning our sin away
>Conquering Lion of the (((Tribe of Judah)))
fuck off. You can be gay and hate the the libtards and their lgbtqsdwdfqdq hiv infected zombie horde. I don't want to sleep around with 50 dudes in one week
>You think people wouldn't be gay or have gay urges if dad hugged them more?
I think the best theory is that some people have an inclination based on a lot of complex factors to potentially develop same sex attraction, but it takes some sort of trauma to actualize.
That can be something extreme like molestation or something relatively common like emotional distance with a parent, usually the dad when we are talking about male homosexuals.
That is to say that a lot of people can have bad father relationships and still be straight because they never had the potential for SSA to begin with.
>Sup Forums FEARS these threads. They think everyone here has been successfully subverted. They do not respond and if they do it is only gays having a childish hissy fit to rationalize their behavior or pretend it doesn't exist
hissy fit? check. I'm not like the other gays? check. rationalizing behavior? check.
For fuck's sake. You all used to be Christian. Read too much Plato. And sound like Aborigines now. But you hate them too. Two spirited etc. You warp so much shit. Literally caused the fall of man. Bitch about women every fucken day or just be a retard degenerate. And then call me Norman Bates. I'm a starfish now. Too many people literally believe due to (((natural law))) diversions that once you marry a woman you now have both a dick and a vag. That is a mental illness. Each is created in the image and are of THEIR OWN KIIIIIND. It's a curse once you buy Goat Hookers in a Church and call it sodomy or onanism. Nobody knows the languages. Nobody gives a fuck. Easier to be a BottomTooth Bitch
>I'm a starfish now
What the fuck is this incoherent rambling?
Platonic Complementarity
>Jews are gods chosen people
>they're the one who keep encouraging this shit
This is my central issue with you. Of course being gay isn't okay. It's a thought disorder that leads to the incompatibility of a lot of things that people need to be able to have happy lives. You know that and yet you simultaneously treat it like just another bad behavior.
Like you personally have some desires to fuck random girls or eat too much ice cream or whatever applies to you but you recognize the superficiality of those wants so you reject them and thats great. You look around and see some homosexuals and you correctly identify their behavior as wrong, but then you go and assume it's just their superficial desires, just their version of too much ice cream, when it's actually something far more profound and far more difficult to make right than anything you could comprehend, not having experienced it.
You see no desire in preventing that want because every bad want you have is shallow and easy to rise above, so that must be true for all possible wants. Why go the extra mile to ensure your son feels loved to prevent a bad want? Bad wants are easy! Just have some willpower, boy! you wouldn't want to betray your family for something so superficial, would you. If you would, you were always gonna be bad anyway. How could you choose ice cream over your own family.
>homosexuals can only be devoted to politics of sex
That's bullshit and you know it.
>homosexuality is passed down by molestation
Yet another garbage, unfounded claim.
>le gay germ
Chemtrail tier conspiracy
didn't jews lose their divine right when they killed the J man?
It's a fringe phenomenon that's seen as abhorrent by almost everyone, regardless of sexual orientation.
You're an idiot. I never said getting over sexual slavery was easy. Quite the opposite. I merely pointed out the irony in his post.
As well as your retarded and damaging beliefs that daddy didn't hug me enough causes homosexuality. It only rationalizes it.
>without real attraction
That's how I know you probably haven't met a gay or bisexual person.
You want statistics on homosexual depravity? They put blacks and their crime rates to shame. They are walking petri dishes.
regardless ingesting and taking semen up your ass (the equivalent of injecting human blood) is dysfunctional. There are no well adjusted sodomites no matter how hard mainstream media tries to shill fictional portrails of them.
>You're an idiot. I never said getting over sexual slavery was easy. Quite the opposite. I merely pointed out the irony in his post.
You know he is mentally ill, causing him to try to defend something that is false, and you toy with him anyway.
>As well as your retarded and damaging beliefs that daddy didn't hug me enough causes homosexuality. It only rationalizes it.
You just seem to have no interest in preventing harm if you can't see it. If you cared to understand at all you would know that understanding ("rationalizing") these kinds of desires actually makes it easier to refrain from acting on them.
>there are no well adjusted sodomites
That's objectively wrong. Even if there was just one, that point would be wrong.
Many gay couples don't have anal sex, and there's nothing that makes it impossible for gay couples to use protection.