What if the world's population hits 10 billion?


some estimates say we can barely support 9 billion, but 10 billion? hell, even 11 billion?

the ultimate happening?

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space colonization

dank nugs bro

War is necessary

space colonization by the year 2100?

If we got really desperate we'd probably at least try it

This wouldn't be a problem for developed countries if the population were actually allowed to stabilise and then gradually fall instead of being propped up with mass immigration.

Technology you fucking idiot

this is necessary
life feeds on life, feeds on life, feeds on life

feeds on life


Don't care I won't be around to see it happen, get fucked kids and future jerks!

The depopulation program triggers.

The world is already overpopulated by several billion.

The problem is self-correcting.

Once there are too many people to sustain, people will increasingly start dying and killing one another. Once a tipping point is reached where more people are dying than are being born, the population will start to decrease. It will either reduce to manageable levels, or else plunge to zero.

The only question is if we take the entire biosphere down with us.

Most likely scenario is collapse of the global food supply chain.

>Americucks will go hungry, but most of us will be okay and there will be little civil unrest due to the high rate of gun ownership and the fact that we produce a fuckton of food
>Europe will devolve into riots and survival of the fittest. Do they even grow food there anymore???
>Asia will have population purges reminiscent of Stalin and Mao
>Africa will be free real estate

probably going to happen within millenials' lifetimes

Fun times with Keynesian economics!!!

If this happens, America will be about 40% white by then, under permanent rule of shitskins. They will confiscate what little whitey has and let him starve to pass out food to muds.

Europe is already dying out, only africans and sandniggers are the issue, even china is below the replacement rate, only the west can stop them from breeding

Never ever going to happen. That's what Zika is for.

Well the computer models, back in 2000. Said we start to die off around nine and a half. It drops then stabilizes. We will see. Around 2050, it nears peak.

There will be mass depopulation on an unprecedented scale. We're talking about billions of people dying in the span of a few years.

Remove africa and china and boom, another millennium without problems.

remove the low-IQs

We eat each other.

Genocide the lower hominids that make up the majority of the population. As an environmentalist this would be a wet dream as deforestation, poaching, and majority of greenhouse emissions would be gone overnight. We would wake up to a world where nature roars once again, a rich ecosystem envelopes the planet in beauty. Small cities will be scattered sparsely with high intelligent and emotional communities in peace and harmony with nature and each other.

If only we tried that

I think I may have a final solution to this problem

Send them all to Australia, they have tons of room there.

we gonna eat bugs n shit, itll be gross at first but itll be aight

thought that was from walking dead from the thumbnail haha

Shhhhhhhh, it was the brits and you know it, they stopped my great great great grandfather from eating his son, fucking bastards

a great dying is going to happen in the next 20 years. 2/3rds of the population will die in the span of 6 months. surprisingly the 3rd world won't be hit as hard as the first world countries.

the jew and elites know this is coming are building underground bases, each can hold 10,000 people and sustain them for 20 years. there are approximately 66 of these bases around the world.

the end game is once the great dying has stopped, the jews and elites will come out from their bases with tech only see 20 years ago maybe even more advance if they continue research and development and enslave humanity.

prepare yourself for kek

Meh, there will either be innovation or war for resources, life goes on.

The other option, is the release of some nastys in the third world. Zika and Ebola recently, may indicate this. Let's not forget how successful AIDS was.

Just curios, if I was born in 1990 am I a millennial? Hoping I'm the slightly older wave that will have gained the wealth to get supplies and arms. If this be the case my body is re.

>The only question is if we take the entire biosphere down with us.

dont worry about that most modern aged humans cannot sustain themselves properly within the wild, they require sustenance from cities and mobile phones, let alone we will have so many people the quest for resources will be impossible when most cannot even start

Ready ffs

Back into the mid-late 80s is considered a millennial so yes.



Totally, +7 billion is to much with our current resource spending

Pick from the column on the right before nature picks for us.

Full lecture (well worth it):

Without spoilering much, you should also check out Utopia (channel 4, UK)

One of the most red-pilled shows around. Only 2 seasons before it got axed, 6 eps each.

I'm pretty keen for post apocalyptic life tbqh senpai. Got rifles, bows, land, and dogs. Life will be pretty comfy.

Most people are concentrated in Asia, in that "muh 4 billion" bubble.
If that bubble bursts, I imagine Eurasia is fucked.
The refugee tsunami from there would make the muzzies look like a drizzle.

> muh overpopulation

It's lie for us to stop procreating. Literally every white country has TFR below 2.1 (replacement level)

Nah, nothing that interesting.
You'll just die in a famine.

Such statistics and graphs are always complete bullshit. How can you know how things change within more than 30 years? Do you know how the world looked like 30 years before? All those wars and world-changing things? This is just being pushed constantly so people get afraid. Just like the anti-smoking campain and vegan lifestyle

You can fit the entire population of the world in Texas.
The world overpopulation meme is bullshit to justify murder, abortion, war, eugenics.

Doesn't need to be a lie. It just means you won't make a dent even if you do stop procreating since dumber people are doing it for you.

All you pathetic NEETs saying war is needed you'll be the first to die.

They are different nationality and they can conquer our country if we don't procreate well.

90% of the habitable lands go unutilized on Earth. People congregate around large bodies of water and temperate climates, living in a "semi-hostile" environment like Central Mexico or Modern Israel/Palestine is the environment of future generations.

There is only overpopulation in large cities people cram in to for effortless or near effortless lifestyles ie: access to water, work, food, shelter etc etc etc.

If you want to ensure humanity has a future, start living off the land, in areas less hospitable to human life. We have the capacity to not only alter the environment but the very soil and ecosystems as well. Wouldn't be hard.

Overpopulation is a myth.

Yes, if you put everyone in there almost side by side, with no homes, cars, no infrastructure.

Everyone standing side by side would fit into New York City.
How big do you think an average person is compared to the Earth?

Not that I necessarily agree with him, but what you said was very silly.

It would have the population density of new york.
It'd be living hell and a lot of them would die off quickly due to lack of resources, but it's true.

The next stage of white genocide is telling whites that people have to flee Africa, ME and "Asia" because of global warming. When it's obviously their inability to stop shitting out shitskins. So we absolutely have to take them in and give them citizenship.

That's what will happen.

>we grow alot of food here in uk but im sure we would fuck up

Anti-fertility virus would be the most humane solution.

The planned solution is simply a lethal virus though, after whites have been eradicated. Jews won't really care about being humane.

>tfw Aussies will evolve to Mad Max tier badass scavengers
>meanwhile I'll get lynched by post apocalyptic ISIS barbarians


>Everyone standing side by side would fit into New York City
retard, get your facts straight

yeah but we can't destroy mutch either. Rebulding with resources we won't have. The only solution is to wipe out third world musslim countries and replace all agricultural workers with robots.

The world ends in 2048 going off predictions of population growth, and that's assuming that food production will continue to increase due to GMO and pesticides which, ironically, liberals are in the middle of banning - thus pushing the end date far earlier than scheduled.

> What is the FINAL SOLUTION?

really makes you think xtc senpai kek 2bh mofo

I wish someone would make a game like Shadow President that wasn't shit.

What the absolute fuck are you talking about you disgusting, fat, greasy, drooling burger.

This article compares how densely certain nations live and lists a country that could accommodate that area with no leftover space. I was talking about how much room humans physically take up.

Go eat another cheez whiz tripple bacon mcdogburger you fat stupid rascal driving burgerlord.

A good majority of the world's population is put into Africa, India, and China. So the west shouldn't be worried all that much.

boomer detected

Australia has plenty of space.

what about 12 billion?

>wahhhh I hate my mummy n' daddums

Leave the nest, then have grown up opinions.

I wanted to go to bed, but now I'm watching this, already 45 minutes in. Thanks for stealing my sleep.

Time for another non-existing 6 gorillion holocaust

Can we please just get rid of all the non-whites?

Then we could easily maintain a population of 500 million and not have literal billions of worthless subhuman niggers/chinks/poos/slimes wasting resources and causing shit.

It would be a genuine paradise.

Are you stupid? The west is bending over backwards to take in muslims from nations that aren't even at war. What do you think they'll do with a Africa, India, and China are facing genocidal levels of starvation? Prepare to be flooded with "minorities" to the point that you'll never even see another white person again.

So like the Krogan?

funny thing is the population will grow and whites will decline to under 1 billion (they may already be under 1 billion) while other races (namely blacks) will be rising greatly in population by the billions.

I remember seeing that soon blacks will be over 4 billion of the world population. I think whites estimated to drop to maybe half a billion at most.

whites are going to get blacked so hard in the next up coming decades if they don't stop race mixing.

China getting rid of their 1 child policy was a travesty. I think all countries should adopt a 1 child per person rule.

World population growth is proof that leftists can not into math.

I mean a big cause of theirs' is human caused global warming but they never mention that big important point about MORE people will pollute MORE.

Probably has something to do with the fact that the only way to fix it would be to sterilize people in the third word.

It's even worse with immigration, I mean you take people out of third world countries where they produce hardly any CO2 pollution and turn them into people who produce fuck tons of it.

People who mind you can't even scrape up enough food to feed themselves, but don't let that stop them from having 12 kids.

This man knows.

I give this you.


Thats one way to force your cuck fantasy on the world...

I don't think civilization can support 10 billion people. The Four Horsemen will take care of it at that point.

You are looking at the world from the point of view of whites.

Yes, obviously we could go everywhere and make it habitable for far more people. The problem is we don't rule. What is happening is that the people who are able to make every environment uninhabitable are coming to us.

So instead of the carrying capacity being increased, what will happen is that it will be decreased. The rest of the world will still be ruled by idiots, while our economies and productivity collapse under the weight of immigrants.

Overpopulation is much much worse than the myth.

what if the world's population hits 100 billion?

Antibiotic resistant bacteria should thin out the herd before we reach that point.

It won't, jews don't need that many slaves.

People are being born faster than we could ever send them off in spaceships. Even if we colonize space there will still be overpopulation.

I came here to post this.

Great show.
Very pol


It won't even make a dent, it will just make life miserable.

The flu is almost certainly going to be at the source of any modern pandemic, it's just so perfectly designed for it.

As population density increases diseases spread quicker. Just need more ebola and zika

The great die-off will happen when the US reserve collapses

Why do abortion and eugenics need to be justified? They're good in their own right. Besides, less people means more resources per person.

How much land? Count me in if you need a farmhand to restart civilisation with.

We'll cash in big time on the rising milk prices once society collapses.

You do realise that no central bank with a fiat currency it can print can go bankrupt right?

Tell that to Zimbabwe

overpopulation is probably the single biggest issue facing humanity, but nobody ever talks about it. Africa will double by 2050, get ready for more rapefugees europe.

Africans don't know how to use technology or make it. They have 70 IQ on average.

We don't have the required food to feed so many people, i guess we must genocide the hindus and the niggers.


War, culling and mass starvation will occur long before space colonization