Why don't enough Americans realize the connection between locking their doors and #BuildTheWall? If securing the border can be painted as racist by Democrats, Republicans should be emphasizing the terrorist infiltration angle more stridently.
Middle-Eastern illegals flooding in over the Mexican border
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Hahahahaha i just can't anymore. I can't take you seriously anymore you fucking delusional drumpfkins.
This. Trump already lost.
Please explain how securing the border is delusional, and referencing your own comment with 'this' isn't?
Are you supposed to like switch your proxy before you samefag
aren't you that same guy that blatantly samefags for giggles
Mexico is really bleeding America dry.
Never seen a nation harm another so much during peacetime.
wew lad
Kill Yourself Clinton Shill.
Why would we listen to some dipshit Serb?
How do you all feel about the mudslimes down there?
0 mudslimes here mang
>3,700 mudslimes
>we are 120,000,000
Yeah but how does your average spic feel about them? Are they generally hated and are those 3700 discriminated against?
since they're a minority, nobody gives a damn about them, although ever since all the shit that has been going on like the pregnat women that got macheted, the krauts that got axed, the frogs getting run over by ahmed and all the muh religion of piece----ALLAHUAK BARRR N SHIIEEETT KABOOM!!! people are starting to think of them as extremely dangerous people
at least try kek
of course we dont like them, and most important "they" dont like us, we ate pork almost every day, 90% of ppl drinks at least Casually, we are depraved as fuck.
most important:
mexicans DONT want anyone telling them what to do (mudslimes do that)
we are just not compatible
in the other hand we have a lot that came from libano but they are christians
I have recently come to the realization that Mexicans are anarchist by nature, we are one of the must difficult people to run. There isn't a single president that haven't experienced Ayotzinapa-tier shit
keep telling yourself that op
>pollock representing mexico