Looks like FBIAnon has broken into Catholic normiespace...
Uh, guys
Kek > deep anonymous website
We deep web nao
Some no name site picked up FBI anons post
Normies do not into shitpost
Catholics are supposed to know the value of "discernment"
>LOS ANGELES, CA (California Network) - An FBI source, as part of the Clinton Email scandal investigation, purportedly took to a deep anonymous website to reveal shocking information about their investigation findings.
>Selected FBI source anonymous postings, not all are listed, (from anonymous website 4 chan - captured before deletion on website)
Probably tied in to that pamama papers leak.
Huge consortium of corrupt officials from around the planet who were selling weapons to North korea, buying ISIS supplied oil, trading cash with terror groups to be left alone while conducting buisiness in the region, and a multitude of other shit.
A little known company in iceland was acting as the hub, probably one of the biggest corruption busts in human history involving agencies from dozens of nations, very hush hush right now.
Its basically the ultimate record of the global ruling elites illicit money-channels.
Laundering, treason, tax evasion, bribery, corruption. Just a huge mess.
Did FBIanon ever provide any evidence that he even works at FBI, or of any of the statements that he made?
No he was lying.
Classic shill technique. Spread ludicrous conspiracy theories, hope the retards pick it up and watch them destroy their reputation with normies.
I still think FBI user was roleplaying.
post a real source or gtfo. Im not getting news from some fanboy site of a bunch of cucks that follow the orders of an economic migrant apologist. Pope literally licked nigger feet.
Using an unsubstantiated thread from an OP without verified credentials to write a news article. Do journalists even try anymore?
this source lmfaooo
im scared :(
comfort me Sup Forums
Sounds like all the more reason to release then all.
>If you realized how corrupt the government is, it'd be overthrown.
>So go watch TV and forget about this, goyim.
I also work for the FBI. Trump is a Clinton plant. He never intended to take the race seriously which is why he hasn't done anything in the last 3 months but insult people. This scheme was also covered in Clinton's emails.
I'm scared af too. If FBI user is legit, and if the documents are leaked to the public, then this country will go to hell. Perhaps a fourth reich will emerge.
Please Kek, I praise you with all my strength, please bring upon us unworthy simpletons the ultimate happening with the leaking of the FBI investigation's findings. Thank you kek, bless you.
Really makes you think...
>Would Bring Down US Government
They don't know that.
I work for MI6. This man is lying, there's no record of this man working for our American branch.
fuck off stormcloak scum
nigger detected