Hello Sup Forums college has started choose my fate

Hello Sup Forums college has started choose my fate
>Dubs names my blog for English class
>Trips or 69 or 12 chooses my essay topic

Essay cant be on drugs, alcohol, immigration, or abortion

write about cuckoldry

>Underage b&

write about how hitler did nothing wwrong

Gas the niggers and kikes.

Diarrhea, Food for Thought

Rolling for the holocaust didn't happen

Three Paragraphs on Why I Am a Faggot, With Introduction and Conclusion

Auschwitz: Why the Gas Chamber are a Myth

The inherent inferiority of black people in terms of intelligence.

Why the British have a fetish for BBC

Hitler Was Muslim

>Dubs names my blog for English class
i'm right, you're wrong deal with it
>Trips or 69 or 12 chooses my essay topic
how anime and SJWs are ruining america

OP is faggot

>Kek Eterna

Write about the frog god Kek in your essay topic

Zanj Rebellion

Essay topic: how blacks ruin everything
blog title: the best goy

Why all white women should try the superior BBC


>Name: Star Platinum
>Topic: LGBT rights

dubs threads are ruining Sup Forums

Communism is anti-Islamic

Electrical engineering and mandarin or russian
get a head start it's the future

Karl Marx Hated Islam

holocaust was a ruse

wasted trips

Lord Kek

Name: Glory of Rome
Topic: The benefits of a society unified by race, creed, and government and how Multiculturalism and Beaurocracy destroys it.

Make it about anal fissures nigger

Make your topic about shitposters

Cuckoldry in Modern White America

how so, I'm aware of how the direction the world will head

>college has started

Where do you go to school?

>tfw I have a 500 word essay due in 2 weeks and I haven't even started

SEND HELP Sup Forums

>Name: Glory of Rome


Blog name:
>Uppity Negroes
Essay topic
> why colleges are liberal brainwashing institutions

Get to it OP

>hundred year old papers
Just get like 3 good electrical engineering and field theory books

SJW are my fetish

500 words??? Wtf that's easy

sjw are my fetish
name for blog

Ya but it's due in only 2 weeks and I haven't even started it yet

my secret sjw fetish

>American education

I was writing an A or B grade 500 word essay in 2-4 hours back in highschool.

Essays suck btw, do some maths instead.

I don't even know 500 words

Topic: Hillary's failing health. Sources will all be Infowars and Breitbart

>they don't know

microwave a steak and get to work then user

I have them in there but I like to read the original stuff I have an original book by Guillemin too, he wrote all the math calculations for how the power grids and communication lines work


Never reply to me again

deal with it

stop it reeeee

I have to start this essay now

then go throw a steak in the microwave and do it

>Why I'm a Cuck Who Loves Big Black Cock

Before you die of a heartattack?


Write 1 paragraph per week and you'll be fine.

Rolling this! Kek will it.

Meme's still fresh off the grill.

Write about Palm Trees OP.