>this triggers the americlap
This triggers the americlap
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying ISIS isn't coming to the USA anyway
Why wouldn't it take balls to openly show potentional robbers that you have a gun, making you a more potential target, allowing other people to go away
That would be the equivalent of bringing your animu waifu pillow in public. Cringeworthy.
I'm not against guns but we have too many unstable people in this country especially niggers that would jump these rednecks and steal their guns.
This must be truth
but, Satan, many people who carry ARE veterans.
>niggers that would jump these rednecks and steal their guns.
Much like all those so brave refugees running from their countries rather than defending them.
Really made me think.
>brave enough to fight Isis in the Middle East
>all soldiers are people who want to shoot brown people
not really, a lot of those open carry fags are cringe worthy as fuck
It does trigger me. Why should Americans go to fight in the Middle East?
>men who want to defend themselves and their country aren't brave
>you're only brave if you go save brown people from slightly shittier brown people
Why the fuck should an american fight ISIS?
There is nothing wrong with open carry
>Grown men who aren't dumb enough to go fight for Jewish elites.
Does anyone have that video of that weabu showing off his gun that's decked out in anime decals?
Are they calling people who won't fight ISIS cowards?
Do they feel the same way about the refugees swarming europe? Why are they not cowardly for running away instead of fighting ISIS?
>Brave enough to fight Isis in the middle east.
Why would American citizens need to be brave by fighting another countries wars?
How about the middle east fights isis instead of running away.
oh...wait...thats right.
No they wouldnt.
Kind of hard to jump someone firing rounds into you.
> Grown men who aren't brave enough to fight in the Mid East
If there was ever a foreign invasion, I'm glad that the liberals live along the coastlines (with the exception of Chicago and Austin)
Image is absolutely retarded but open carry fags with their tacticool rifles are just attention whores.
Might as well just stick to concealed carry honestly
Someone red-pill me on open carry/concealed.
I know it pretty much speaks for itself, but what are the pros/cons and arguments revolving around it? What's more practical/better?
I often see that it's discussed/debated but I don't know who stand where on the issue.
Yes and many of those veterans did nothing more dangerous than drive a forklift truck.
We can't all be Australian "army" vets like you
>arguments revolving around it
Would you rather be judged by 12 or carried by 6?
>What's more practical/better
Anything in a compact or subcompact model
Look up videos by a guy called hickok45. He has a bunch of them and is great for reviewing a gun or seeing if its something you want. And he has good humor to boot.
And seeing to your countries current nig situation I suggest getting one.
so then is it brave to be in the army or not? make up your minf
this triggers the kike
Forklift driver detected.
why would someone fuck up an owl?
was for
Why doesn't the neo-Bolshevik government of the United States just stop training and funding ISIS in the first place?
Someone has to defend america considering our soldiers aren't allowed to carry on our soil. So retarded. Open carry is dumb though as it makes you the first target. Fanny pack all the way
Most people join the army for a job or a career, there's nothing brave about it.
The other point is that the best soldiers are at the tip of the spear, the best soldiers are usually the better people as well. All through history the men at the tip of the spear have acted most honourably, the rear echelon or forklift drivers are the ones who carry on.
God i cant wait to kill democrats in the 2nd American Civil War
Pros: You feel like a big man (for you)
Cons: The government knows you hold guns, and places you on a watch list for future references/actions.
>Men who do not give a crap about wether people in the middle east live or die because it is not their problem but want to exercise their right to defend themselves in a manner they consider appropiate whilst not hurting anyone.*
Pieces of shit libtards.
Never buy from a gun dealer. Always from private parties
You flag yourself for pvp and give up your preemptive strike bonus, bruh.
>amerifats will try to disprove this
>amerifats will fail in doing so
i fought ISIS
just came back from 6 months volunteering with the Peshmerga
fuck you muhhamad
>implying we should be fighting sand niggers in sand nigger countries
I bet you voted for Trudeau, Torontoman
did you have fun?
Nice (if true).
Got any more pics?
Democrats under 60. Most older democrats are more republican like than some younger republicans. I agree tho, liberals need gassed
This is normal in America. My parents raised me to thank people who open carry because they're keeping us safe from criminals. Would you rob a store if a dude had an assault rifle in it?
Where is proofs?? :DDDD
Why would I fight ISIS? I admire their work in killing Muslims.
oh my god yes it was awesome, but maybe because im fucked up
did a lot of medical training with them, youd be amazed how little first aid they know
but i was an advisor with the pesh, really good group of people, yeah it sucked at times, but i enjoyed it
Oh most Dems are fine. Who cares if they support higher taxes and more services instead of the opposite? The issue is niggers.
The funny thing about gun crime, is that it isn't a white person problem.
Gun violence is seriously niggers ruining it for everyone.
I'm Kurdish, you have 2 minutes to prove to me you were in Kurdistan.
are you an operator?
what do you want an ID card? fuck off ahmed
There is literally nothing wrong with practising your constitutional rights.
Did you have previous military experience?
You're a cuck for not returning home to fight ISIS.
Go back to your shitty sandland you dunecoon savage.
yeah I was a Marine from 2002-2006, 3 deployments in Iraq
got out and last year decided to get back in the fight
If true, very nice.
Hahahahahhahahahaaha. Look up crime rates in open carry states and then go fuck yourself.
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
>niggers that would jump these rednecks
So the "problem" you have identified in this hypothetical situation is the victims and what they have that others might steal?
And your proposed solution is to not have anything of value that violent niggers might want to take?
But the problem isn't the violent niggers themselves?
I would love to be shooting muslims, but the US military wont take me because I am missing an eye.
Why does occupy democrats feel the need to kick me when I'm already down
You're welcome in my country anytime, Spaniardbro
yeah putting a bullet trough a bullseye is easy when you are standing still out in the open
try doing the same running crawling and scrambling while being shot at from the "target"
THAT is why its easy to pretend youre good
the situation changes in the field and you have to be aware if you get just 1 shot into you you are OUT
if you played ARMA its pretty much like that just MUCH more intense
also im pretty sure most of these guys would pussy out if they were under fire
niggers on the other hand
they got balls and ignorance to run straight at you with a full magazine spraying and praying
wars are a complicated thing
t. Guy who fought in the Yugoslav war
You could also do this for Syrian refugees and just change 'Army' to victim and 'American Streets' to European. with a big ol' picture of a group of refugees being violent to locals.
but syrians are cowards who think allah guides their shitty bullets
>in the army
>probably won't operate half this hard my entire career
Oh well. Keep fighting the good fight user.
Sorry no one took your shit bait.
Don't give up though.
what do you do?
Let's be honest, if there weren't any gun grabbers then OC of rifles would be basically nonexistent.
Don't assess it based on its tactical merits, because that's not why people do it. It's a political statement.
MOS 25u - commo bitch, just finished AIT.
I should have joined right after high school desu.
bump for your satan trips
ah you should be in combat arms if you wanna volunteer w pesh and such, they want people whove been shot at before
what held you back?
>check flag
They ARE the criminals. Now people are scared to even talk to him. Insult an american, you'll get shot. Guns are what kills freedom of speech. Now everyone's afraid to say anything to people that have guns.
are you a melanin enriched individual btw?
The taxes one isn't in the original image but nice try.
You may get shot at ONCE while setting up an antenna. You may get attached to an infantry unit and carry a radio, but honestly? You are gonna spend your entire career hating the fact that you had to be at Ft. Gordon.
Lack of direction/motivation, social anxiety and alcohol.
I basically sat around getting drunk in my room every day from the age of 18 - 24. Even when I got a job and moved out my habits didn't change much (pic related), I actually started drinking more since I didn't have to worry about what my mother thought.
This is basically what I heard from the few people at Ft. Gordon with a CAB.
Also fuck Ft. Gordon, that place drains your soul.
gotcha was just messing with ya
your room looked like my barracks room in Pendleton minus the guns lol
forgot pic its me in 2004
...damn im old lol
America doesn't even fight ISIS at all.
as an open carrier a person can shoot anyone he wants, for no reason.
I understand a trustable open carrier is a valid point on security, but there is always a risk. You people sell guns like fucking bread, that comes with a cost
*teleports behind you* nothin personal homie
fucking leaf satanists
What MOS?
If a person decides they want to kill someone, they already plan on breaking the law, which can earn them 25 years to life imprisonment. Another charge of illegally carrying a gun and a couple more months prison time probably won't dissuade them.
That said, I think open carry is usually done in poor taste which is why I carry concealed.
Ironically, liberals will throw a shitfit if Trump ever suggested that there is ever to be a ground war in the Middle East against ISIS.
basically me in a bit
Someone change "open carry" to "police officers", switch the picture out, and see how far it gets on social media.