>libertarians think they can buy meme magic
Libertarians think they can buy meme magic
>spends money on internet web maymays
>doesn't know he is a meme
Gary Johnson is a fucking loser.
fucking kek'd
>spend $30K
>dnc spends $6M
>both pro TPP, open borders, gun grabbers
>neither can gain traction
>maybe that's not what the people want?
nah- throw more money at it
Hey kid. Wanna buy a meme?
The meme strategy is not as fucktarded as it appears.
The problem with the Libertarian Party is that many people are too stupid to do without some form of welfare. When they hear about no social safety net, they run as fast as they can in the other direction.
Behold the false memer. He will try to buy the meme magic but KEK knows the truth.
If you don't reply to this post, an earwig will crawl into your ear tonight and bite your eardrum
If gets, it lays eggs too
>Internet web memes
>Interweb memes
that's funny- an immunity cat post I saw says that you and your mother are now growing fatal brain tumors because of the post you just made.
This guy isn't even libertarian, the libertarian movement died with Ron Paul. Johnson not only believes in TPP, he also believes in universal income and carbon taxes
Obviously money well spent
Fuck you
Johnson says he likes the idea of universal income he is a nut job.
Also was this one really made by his team
>Gay Johnson
well he is a libertarian
he is just following his political idea
>Cool with government being just given away to everyone
>Why have two nuts when you can have the Johnson
>With your help, he can even get fully elect.
Well that was 30 grand down the toilet because I don't recall any Johnson memes being posted here.
I hope everybody understands that Gary Johnson is both one of (((them))) as well as one of (((their))) sleeper agents.
No other third party candidate with as little support as he's getting would be given any attention.
He is controlled opposition against Trump, nothing more.
plz no
Those $30,000 could have gone towards a free market toll road.
Where can you find his memes from his meme team? Ive been pro bono shilling for Johnson for a while now
>Gary Johnson
wtf, I had to pay $45K for my memes, that's fucking bullshit.
I'm gonna sleep with my headphones in tonight
Eat shit
To be fair even Mises conceded that UBI would be a better system than the current welfare state and would shrink current government.
But he only supported it in the sense that it would reduce current government and opposed it's existence beyond that.
>can't buy memes
dick move.
Fuck you nigga
>paid for memes
Meaning he paid for web shilling. Scumbag
>buying memes for $35k
>not getting your fanbase to create over $300m in memeassets on your behalf
Fuck you.
Libertarians think everything has a price.
Is this an official meme?
When will we be able to buy and sell memes on the meme market?
Godamn Why do I want to fuck that frog?
Trump has the best memes, plus they don't cost a dime.
They're not memes they're fucking videos.
Jary Gohnson a shit
no earwig pls
Hello, my name is Tad. I'm a senior meme technician for AlternativePAC.
BTW Search for AlternativePAC memes and pic related appears.
wtf guys...
he pays for memes and I made this, for fucking free, am trying to send it to him through twitter and shit but he wont aknowledge me
Only dubs are safe from the wig.
Dear god, whoever made that has no idea about what the internet likes or wants. I am an old fucker and that was painful.
Fuck you bitch
Take this.
fuck you
Don't want earwig, here's a (you)
"We are revolutionizing the entire meme industry. This is going to be the most disruptive campaign since Straight Outta Compton. What we've done is we've taken memes that don't really work by themselves and we've put them in a video so people have to actually click the video to see them and then actively pay attention for more than a few seconds in spite of there low, Adderall fueled attention spans. We expect to really drive home our primary message, 'There's a Third.' By the end of this campaign we expect to triple the number of people who know that Gary Johnson exists to 10,000."
>t. Tad Polson - Chief Memes Consultant
Fuck off, she's mine.
Why buy what you can get FOR FREE?
Has the internet taught GJ nothing?
Looks pretty professional.
A meme is an idea not a particular presentation of that idea. Sheesh.
Fuck, this is terrible.
message me if interested
Where I live we call them clipshears.
Libertarians do NOTHING for free.
Its called having principles
Even if that principle is selling yourself to satan
No one really wants to feel the Johnson.
Sorry Gary.
Man fuck you
You from the north?
Fuck you
From glorious workers socialist Scotland.
Thank you for correcting the record!
the lolitarian party is a fucking joke, this is the kind of shit that they use to target his potential supporters.
oh, that's why we had like 2 days of lolbertarian shilling
>people actually think "independents" waste their money supporting gary johnson and similar joke candidates
>people aren't aware that hillary and the democrats are the ones who fund these morons
Fuck you
They know not of what the triful with
Fucking gross shit everyone knows the only people able to make memes are the CIA, which they weaponize and use in their modern day grand-scale Polybius : Sup Forums.
Nigger, I'm voting Trump.
Whoa, how'd they afford the CGI on that one?
Plz no, please
Kek Polan
fuck you
The tread on snek is the best meme libertarians will have IMO
They should run with that. Well, I think they see it as racist in the USA now, so perhaps not. But hey, racism is libertarianism (in a social context; not state).
son of a fucking bitch
Fucking gold.
With this many (You)s, you're almost able to afford a Sup Forums® Gold Account™