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/lit/ edition

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hello izem
how are you?
it's been a while my old friend

wtf is this? is this berber?

>stumble upon an archived mena thread from over a year ago
>grit my teeth real hard at how ignominiously awful my older posts were


it's alright la7oood
i hope pic related provides you with some comfort


what is this pic?

hunger novel cover
it won Nobel price early 21 century (i think) it's intense psychological unique of its kind
good post

I'm a piece of shit

no you are not

izem add me on discord please

I'm a piece of shit

So yeah, this should totally happen because of reasons.

izem stop ignoring me
please add me on discord

>niggering your population

w-why Libya?
it's a book?

yes you are


We lead,they give land.

that's okay
take any part of north africa except ain drahem because thats where my friend izem lives
izem please add me on discord

I'll take just ain drahem then!

yeah take the mountain niggers they are useless

no you aren't
yeh nordic literature

please dont do this
im trying to repair our relationship and here you are shitting all over my parade
izem please add me on discord

most of my drugs are bought and paid for by my dad

Oh you read? cute desu

why ?are you a fucking neet ?

don't tell anyone but i had to repeat CM2

look izem i know we have had a troubled history but for old times sake let bygones be bygones
add me on discord and lets recoup our lost time

i can't look at the hardened dealer with 50 bounties on his ass in the eyes and buy directly from him without bursting into tears

if you're not from ain drahem you're a literal subhuman


You're smaller than cyprus.

It snows in Sicily, it snows in Tunisia, but not in Malta.

Mine are paid by my insurance. Man I love my antidepressants.

my dick is 12 cm
it has been that size since age 16 and hasn't grown since

im going to move your desolate little island and take a big steamy dump all over it


Not any more, we empire now.

I've been thinking about doing the same in Turkey.

y-yes i just finished no longer human today (re read) what about you friend
i don't use it anymore

t. wont buy weed cuz it's 5 euro per bag
it's fucking 20 here you little bitch


why ? are you a fucking soyboy ?

much better now

cause you are browns only light skinned people get snow

the tought alone scares me

i keep telling people that some dumb bitch scraped my rear bumper when in reality i crashed it myself while attempting to park

This is why you're a piece of shit.

But I want to put my dick in snow.

I'm a piece of shit

Can I adopt you?

You are for defecating on my image.

Lol who cares I feel amazing now, and it‘s free too

hey hey slow down kid, this is my moment of melodramatic insecure walling you wait for your bitch

Morocco is the true heir of Rome

you fucking diaspora are always weak, you fell to the phychological illness shit made by the wh*tes and the jews

my mother never breastfed me because she just "didn't feel like it."
i grew up obese on full fat cow milk without the proper nourishment that comes in human milk

ازيكم يا كسمكم

i used to read but lost the habit during my teenage years. tell me more about "no longer human", the title is interesting. what i like in a book is that it makes you imagine the whole universe of the story in your mind.

thats not one word you dumb nigger

ti bara nik rabek

lol women who do that actually inflict a life of torture to their offspring, breastfeeding prevents acne along with other benefits. just kys already



Wish you could take the happy pills I‘m taking, shit is goat
Not as good as weed though desu

My plans go beyond that.

when I was 8 years old I was in a wheel chair and my dad molested me and stole my school lunch

the leb-user is much better at this
you blithering homosexual

Don't abuse them.
Shit can make you addicted and feel shit without them.

your whole population can be concentrated in sousse only. your army could be concentrated in one district

your body will give up soon

on my fourteenth birthday Israel launched its offensive operation and I was drafter in the joy division, I lost four teeth sucking hezbolah cocks


stfu you berber ape

>make you addicted and feel shit without them.
yeah thats why dude w33d is superior
low chance of addiction and no withdrawals

When there's a will, there's a way my friend.

download the pdf version and take a look at the prologue (2 pages) you will get a general idea
here is a quote from the novel:
“People talk of “social outcasts.” The words apparently denote the miserable losers of the world, the vicious ones, but I feel as though I have been a “social outcast” from the moment I was born. If ever I meet someone society has designated as an outcast, I invariably feel affection for him, an emotion which carries me away in melting tenderness.”
“Now I have neither happiness nor unhappiness.

Everything passes.

That is the one and only thing that I have thought resembled a truth in the society of human beings where I have dwelled up to now as in a burning hell.

Everything passes.”
“The weak fear happiness itself. They can harm themselves on cotton wool. Sometimes they are wounded even by happiness”

don't post in this thread under the same flag as me you bent tooth twat

you should already be dead if you stayed in iraq you fucking rapefugee


it's not me bro
i love tunisia
i am a maghreboo

all these years i grew up believing not being breastfed was not that much of a big deal when it actually played a hefty role in my pathetic upbringing
i used to think not eing breastfed would grant me some kind of additional perk like romulus and remus when in reality i grew up on industrial dehydrated full fat cow udder residue
when i think about it it's amazing i survived this long

pretty nice. will read some of it and tell you about it next week, thanks 7abibi


let me adopt you.

I only realized having one testicle was a deformity the day we had swimming lessons at school, it still didn't deter the teacher from raping me

>all non drahimis should die
yeah fuck you too anyway

fucking nigel go fix your teeth. pic for you

how arent you dead of the cold there ?

if you don't want your nipples to be chewed on by a drooling bald diaper enthusiast then abort the fetus you dumb whore

my dad fucked his sister and I survived being tossed on a brick wall after an abortion performed with a pitchfork

and they wander why they are fucking fat af

What did you guys do in your past lives to deserve to be born here?

Reminder that the Poo A E LITERALLY sold out to Hindoos and is letting them build a Hindoo temple on Muslim land (Abu Dhabi). Embarrassment.

>no longer human
Either good taste or edgy as fuck.
Which one are you?

Wait I just realized your Izem so it's the second.

most likely a serial killer who chased and cut down toddlers, this is the only proportionate sin for my existence

i masturbated so much as a child i now only shoot tiny puffs of air when i cum

yeah sure,and im the most devout of them all.
i watched a video today and they had a fucking dr*g k*ng sing there.
fucking disgusting

not only kind but with green eyes 0:)

gotta keep the slaves happy

green eyes ? what are you ? a fucking faggot ?


don't mind my rude countryman

>green eyes

we're gonna have a problem here.

Rich people usually don't give a shit about religion, and that's the situation of the gulf. Islam is not really a religion there, but a tradition. I think the qatari bro can explain this better. Even the eternal Saud has a pimp life.

The richer/more developed a country gets, the less religious it becomes.