Stunning and Brave Caster Semenya Wins Olympic Gold

Congratulations to Caster Semenya of South Africa for winning Gold in the Women's 800m! SOME ignorant assholes out there think that she shouldn't be able to compete as a woman, just because she has internal testes instead of a vagina and ovaries. Fucking shitlords, just because she produces over 3 times the amount of testosterone as average women doesn't mean she isn't every bit as eligible to compete against other women. Goll.

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You seem upset OP. Did Caster Semenya fuck you?

Did you love it?

He's a hero

No she DIDN'T fuck me, you sexist shitlord. But I wouldn't deny her, she's stunning and brave and anybody would be lucky to have her.

I can't wait for men to dominate all women sports

Misgendering her like that, you should be ashamed of yourself you fucking shitlord. If you're not a woman, gay, or a minority, you're not allowed to criticize her.

Wait all you want, REAL women like Caster are already dominating.

You still seem upset. Did your father fuck you?

Did you love it?

What makes IT a real woman?

No, my father did NOT fuck me, you homophobic shitlord. But I DO fuck your mom EVERY NIGHT you piece of shit.

You still seem pretty upset. Did your uncle fuck you?

Did you love it?

Tumblrtard detected. This is an 18+ website you edgelord.

OMFG you are such a heartless, ignorant asshole. Once Hillary sweeps the white house, congress, and the supreme court, your views will finally be erased with the annals of history. Thank god.

NO my uncle DIDN'T fuck me, but he did molest my cousins you insensitive bastard. How DARE you. Go to hell.

I'm 26 years old, thank you very much. Why don't you go shit on your own chest, smear it all over yourself, and pretend it's spa day at your white trash hut you call a "mobile home."

So wait, it hard for me to win any olimpic medal as a man, but I could prolly do it in some sport as a "woman". What need to do to compete with weaker sex

You seem really upset still. Did you want your mom to fuck you?

Did you hate that she refused?

Lol they let a man compete in a women heat.

t. beaner

Wow, just wow. So insensitive. I bet you could do steroids and train every day of your life, and STILL wouldn't even QUALIFY for the women's olympics. You shithead.

I'm honestly in shock that people are still so hateful in this day and age. Maybe one day you inbred retards will crawl out of your trailers in Alabama, and realize just how uneducated you are. Have fun voting for Donald "Literally the Second Hitler" Drumpf.

can't say for sure, if I knew I could win, I would train really hard, and because it was vs weaker sex, I think I would be lucky in at least 5 sports, especially where strength is needed

You seem REALLY upset now. Did you get fucked by a moose and cucked by a guy named Bruce?

You're delusional. Are all men so sexist in Serbia?

no, we like our girls, but if you let one man compete with them because he doesn't have chance as a man, I'm simply asking why not let anyone who wanna win something just by saying "hey I'm a girl', and as you said, if female athletes are so much better then us, regulars, were is the problem

I did not get fucked by a moose, I did not get cucked by some Bruce. I am not upset on Sup Forums, I am not upset in my land.

Oh my god, WOW. You're saying Caster is a man, just because she has internal testes? Fucking sexist.

>my land

You seem pretty triggered. Did you go to popeyes chicken and get niggered?

and why is he a she? can you explain?

She's got balls, i'll give her that

I did go get some popeyes chicken, I can say it was finger lickin'. I got the 4 piece chicken tendies, I did not get them at a Wendy's. I dipped them into blackened ranch, so now you monkeyl return to your branch.

Can you honestly not tell that Caster is a woman just by looking at her? She wouldn't compete in the women's division if she weren't a woman. Case closed.


You seem to like to rhyme. Did bubba and thor fuck you while you were in the pen doing time?

he/she honestly looks like a boy with stupid hair, and also we concluded that he/she have a balls, so except of being politically correct, why should this man compete with women

lets be honest you are the one that hates women, by letting other sex beat them simply by being a man that acts like woman just so he can win something that otherwise he can not


That is NOT being honest, you are being an honest SHITHEAD BIGOT ASSHOLE. Having testes does NOT make you a man, get with the program. You will go down in history as the bad guy, it's the year 2016, come the fuck on.

>Having testes does NOT make you a man

and what does?

I do not seem to like to rhyme, that's the thought of an untrained mind. I didn't get fucked by Bubba and Thor, I have no idea what you'd think that for.

Identifying as a man and having the soul of a man, you narrow minded shitlord. This is simple, c'mon guys.

What if i identify as gender fluid?
Which events can i compete in?

>Identifying as a man

so I was right, all I have to do is say I'm a girl and I could compete with them, so now I just need to find few sports that I could compete in and you'll see me in tokyo in 4 years, off to train, NICE!

Whichever gender category you feel fits you best. Come on, this isn't hard, it's the year 2016.

I knew you were a delusional and deranged piece of shit. You can't just mock people's lives and struggles like this. It's not right, it's the year 2016.

I think you are oppressing me, I feel like being raped... why wont you allow me to compete in Olympics in 4 years from now?

They have not ran the final yet dipshit.

>Joanna will win

No, she will be destroyed because Caster is a stunning and brave inspiration.


Don't you fucking laugh at me with your meme frog.

WOW, now you're going to make light of rape. Class act you are. Fucking triggering shitlord bigot racist sexist. It's the year 2016.

You are a quality shitposter. You should be proud

Semen? Ya!

This is the only time I will root for a woman to beat a man. Look at Joanna's body! God damn! I'm jerkin it tonight

This is not something you should joke about. Words MATTER. I am NOT shitposting, I'm shedding light on the great accomplishments and advancements of the LGBTQXYA community.

>Caster Semenya
>Cast her semen, yeah

Omfg you are such a disgusting creep! Not only are you being a bigot, but a pervert otaku pedophile! I'm honestly flabbergasted by the shockingly primitive discourse on this message board.

Aaaahahahahaha can't believe a tranny won the womens gold already. Holy shit they actually allowed this. hahahahaha fucking morons hahahaha

It's been 110 years since the inception of the Olympics, and only now is the (((media))) using it for race baiting. Disgusting.

Nuh uh, you're lyin OP. GUYS OP IS LYING. He definitely fucked this gorgeous woman. What a gentleman tho, not kissing and telling like that.

You fucking delinquents laugh it up all you want, besmirching the name of this beautiful and courageous woman. She'll have the last laugh when she wins the 800m as a fully fledged, strong, independent woman.

I bet you by the winter olympics we have 100% tranny gold winners. We will take the most golds in history.

>guess the content of this

WOW. You went there. Jesus christ, you went there. I can't believe you just called Caster a tranny, not only is that just factually wrong, but so terribly insensitive and hurtful. I'm so fucking triggered right now I'm actually shaking.

I can't wait until trannies literally win every single women's event at the Olympics. Hopefully it starts in 2020.

Just finding out about this.... WHAT

You see you let this shit happen and people take advantage of the system like this. The most disgusting part is it will be called a hero. fuck this world


This would be a race between Britain and US if South African wasn't cheating. WTF

You're forgetting winter olympics.

Fucking gas that kike. These fucking JAPs are annoying as shit.

fuck this world

>that angry face
I kek'd

>Literally has the word Semen in "her" name
>Still allowed to compete with the girls

I saw this today. There was another kwan there from Kenya or some shit like that that looked like a man aswell.

Alright !
Next olympic games I will just compete with all my augmentations i hopefully can afford till then.
Only because my legs and arms are powered by hydraulics that never get tired like weak human muscles it doesnt mean that I have any unfair advantage !
These artifical parts of my body are also part of my gender identity so I can keep them.
And of course I will participate in womens boxing !

Which gender could you possibly identify as if you're born with both male and female parts?


I'm serious. I doubt anybody with a predicament like that would be even able to identify as one or the other without faggots critizicing that person for something that they were literally born with.

>even his name has semen in it

2016 is making history that will be laughed at for centuries, possibly millenia

Good for him. Soon there will be no real women in the Olympics or sports in general.

Why don't we have something called.

Augmented Olympics.

It's like the Paralympics except we force people to their absolute maximum.

Dope them to hell. And if they die before the finish like it's a great spectacle.

fuck, not only a mentally ill tranny, but a pinhead as well



Seriously, it fits, the anagram works.

thats a man

I don't feel like this is an sjw issue. She's not mentally ill, she's biologically intersexed and had no idea until she was like 20. Michael phelps has Marfan syndrome, which makes him really good at swimming, so I think they're "unfair" in similar ways. Also, literally who cares about women's sports.


This exactly. She's not a woman who thinks she's a man or a man who thinks she's a woman. She's both in a society that only accepts one or the other.


fuck, since when did they add freedom accounts?

I can only afford the bronze account ffs

We truly live in bizarre times

you can't make this name up

It's going to be hilarious when MtF's dominate literally every single female category at the olympics.

It'll become the easy wins for men err I mean women who can't compete against actual men

Especially the first few trannies er women who get involved and literally only compete against women

>Be woman
>Inject hormones into your body
>Get tested and kicked out of the games for doping

>Be "woman"
>Born with massive quantities of testosterone compared to cycle of steroids
>Get gold and praised as a hero for your bravery

I've got no problems with the high-Ts competing, it's pretty hilarious to see essentially a man with long hair destroying 8 women.

this shit is bonkers.

Is the left eating itself yet?

every day

I can't wait to see men beat the shit out of women in boxing and leftists will have to justify it.

all these new records by wo"men" will be unbeatable by women for the next 30 years.

i can sense the inferiority complex settling into them already.

Actual feminists have had misgivings about trans people for decades.

The left is eating itself alive.

Agreed. It will be great keks when the same """woman""" wins the shot put, the 100 meter, boxing, and as captain on the water polo.