The fuck was this movie

the fuck was this movie

The Lego Movie

Inferior to The Emoji Movie, right my fellow sonybros?

Not soulless

This. Neither are made for Drumpftards because you have to have a sense of humour to enjoy them, but The Emoji Movie (2017) vastly surpasses The LEGO Movie (2014), both comedically and artistically. It's by by FANS, for FANS!
Sony has officially unJUSTed themselves!

the fuck was this post


I really wish they didn't include all that live action stuff in the movie. I get that it's a film for kids so the metaphorical messages have to be hammered in with little subtlety, but I think it would hve been stronger if it stayed in-universe the entire time.

>the fuck was this movie

I agree
The live action stuff is really jarring, breaks immersion and kind of ruins the movie for me, and I love the movie

>It's by by FANS, for FANS!
That's not Sony, dummy

A feature length advert.


>I agree
>The live action stuff is really jarring, breaks immersion and kind of ruins the movie for me, and I love the movie


my dad accidently bought this on amazon and told my bf & i to watch it during the four days he had access to it.

we never watched it but my dad said it was actually an okay movie and jokingly gives us shit for not watching it.

and that's my diary post.

It was pretty good.

>being gay

>sent from my Sony Xperia 2

At what part did he stick his finger in your ass

How do we know it's not a Femanon?

This is a bad thread, but hey not all of them can be good ones.

Cuck cuck cuck.cuck