h-holy shit! Sup Forums BTFO
H-holy shit! Sup Forums BTFO
The_donald is a Sup Forums colony
Fake and gay
It's the other way around baka. This board is full of redditors who came here because "wow its so edgy and they r memeing le trump xddddd"
And this a fucking disgrace to Sup Forums. Don't invite those faggots over!
>This board is full of redditors
Nope....just you apparently.
that's as close trump could get to US personally without repercussions, I can only assume
>trump safespace where any criticism is immediatley censored
Sounds like it
refugee from /r/le_donald spotted
>running for political office of any level and even mentioning this toxic shithole
Hell, im an oldfag from the >>>/new/ days and even I wouldnt vote from him if he mentioned Sup Forums
Trump had an AMA on /r/the_donald last week
t. butthurt plebb*t cross poster
Def Sup Forums
Hello from The_Donald. This is OUR board now.
Nope, the leaf is right.
upboated XD
le monkey face
I've been on this board since it was made and I agree with user. Gamergate brought in a ton of redditors to this board.
I don't go on reddit but they probably come here because they can express their opinions or join in coversations that would usually get banned from reddit
I actually typed out 'baka' and not t b h or whatever filters to baka
is it desu?
its f a m senpai