now that Sheev Palpatine is appearing in the canon post-Return of the Jedi part of Battlefront II, will we see him in the new films?
Now that Sheev Palpatine is appearing in the canon post-Return of the Jedi part of Battlefront II...
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is this real?
its a shot from the Battlefront 2 trailer
you fucking idiot thats obviously before the death star 2 blew up
could you post it? is this like a robot that hes projecting his force ghost into or is it a life support suit like vaders?
Hope so. He's played by the best actor Star Wars has ever had.
That's not Palpatine. That's a sentinel droid. They're basically semi-sentient droids that go around giving people orders after Palpatine died.
That isn't actually Palpatine. It's a droid designed to carry his messages and fulfill his contingency plans.
All I know is that in real Star Wars Sheev only really dies when Han Solo shoots him. The Death Star reactor thing only made him more powerful.
Why take orders from a dead man?
>I am the Senate!
>He was actually just the presiding judge of a chancery court.
Why is Sup Forums so upset over this game? It looks pretty good.
we daft punk now
star wars is fucking gay
brown qt spec ops commander
They turned palpatine into the faggots who flip the chess board over when they lose.
Why is she so cute brahss?
No user, youre just retarded.
Never go to v and never listen to their advice on what games to buy
They are contrarian as hell even for Sup Forums
>"Hey guys why does Sup Forums not like this game?"
Care to explain how I'm "retarded"? The game looks fun to play and has content from the prequels. It definitely looks a lot better than the first Battlefront. Or are you just going to keep being a meme-spewing retard and not actually prove me wrong?
This is a Janina thread now!
just cruising along in my Imperial Raider class corvette fucking up rebel scum wherever I go
Shut up island nigger
Sup Forums hates Half Life 2 now. This is what they've become.
Sup Forumseddit
Go back youngfag
Only faggots are going to buy this garbage.
so you're going to buy it too?
shame about her tits
they're almost Natalie Dormer tier
>tfw you will never get a SW television series focused on the Imperials, with lots of violence and sex/rape interweaved between intricate plots
why live
I learnt my lesson after the first one
They don't look that bad
Post more Janina