UBER to launch SELF DRIVING TAXIS this month

The self-driving Taxi service will launch in Pittsburgh and be free. 100 modified Volvo XC90s will be hitting the roads as UBER starts deployment of a planned 1,000,000 self driving Taxis by 2020.

>taxi drivers
>bus drivers
>truck drivers
>replacement of all workers has begun


Uber is also purchasing ex-google startup Otto for 700 million dollars which made waves with it's plan to automate trucking in America.


Other urls found in this thread:


>work for uber!
>set your own hours!
>keep all your tips!
>fuck you we're automating it!

>uber is nice people who should be responsible for meatbags

they are making it cheaper for the user
Just like uber did compared to taxi fucks

At the risk of sounding like a pinko, I wish businesses would do more to protect American jobs. The automation of taxi and trucking jobs will harm our economy and our people. Automating fast food is okay though, those fags always bitch about the fair wages they are paid.

>The automation of taxi and trucking jobs will harm our economy and our people
no it won't it'll change the economy not harm it

How is this going to work with passengers, is the service going to rate them instead?

I can see passengers that dirtied vehicles get low ratings and not be allowed any more rides.

it will harm unqualified and blue collar labor (which is most of the population)

We will need a basic income or negative taxes, no question.

I'm sick of the anti automation meme
All those people need to find something else to fucking do. If they've made it so they're only value to society and the economy is driving then tough fucking luck. Time goes on. Or should we all still be farmers and serfs?


It won't harm the economy. The welfare surplus to consumers will far outweigh the concentrated welfare cost to taxi drivers

>we shouldn't build cars, think of people who run horse drawn carriages

People like you hold back civilization. Go move to a Latin American country

Most of the population will be hurt by the cost of transportation being cut dramatically? Are you fucking retarded?

can people start living in those cars?

>musk is a big meme

I can't think of any situation where basic income wouldn't be a shitshow

that said, automating everything is also going to be a shitshow

the future is fucked

there comes a point when theres no longer any occupations available

do you think the average 80 IQ black male is capable of becoming a rocket scientist?

there comes a point where its impossible for some as it gets more advanced and you need less and less people

looks like indians and muslims are going to starve

is automation purposely targeting minorities? first, fast food. now, taxis.

The opposite. Now we'll have cheaper taxis AND whatever goods former drivers produce in their new jobs.

>Taking the human out of driving

What could possibly go wrong?

It makes everything cheaper for everyone else.

all logistics, transport, etc gets way cheaper.

For America to be competitive it has to use automated vehicles. It is a trillion dollar a year efficiency gain. America is a much better country and Americans are better off with automated transport.

no, most of the population will be hurt because of loss of jobs due to automation. wtf will you do with 300-400 million useless people?

even some white collar jobs will be wiped of with advances in AI

people only drive for uber because they can't find real jobs


Crashing these vehicles, mit kein survivors


>whatever goods former drivers produce
game addiction
media addiction
drug addiction
dependence on state

thats the services you'll get from most unemplyed people

New jobs always get created. this has been a fear literally since the dawn of technology and every time it's been wrong

>b-but this time is r-really different!

No it's not

Uber drivers already rate passengers.

Good. Fuck those smug hipster faggot ass uber drivers

fuck the poor, fuck the weak, fuck the unlucky, fuck the uneducated, fuck the untalented, fuck you, fuck me

I'm not a pinko but I don't see what what benefitial welfare surplus is being created here, I only see money getting more concentrated in the pockets of Uber / the capital owners in general

t. already in a Latin American country

Yeah, this is never going to happen.

So this is how it ends...

>we should stop technological innovation so people keep jobs!

Pls move to Latin America, you'll fit in well there


some people CANT DO TECHNOLOGICAL JOBS , theyre not smart enough

most people !

they dont have the brain capacity for programming and always quit in college when they see what theyre dealing with

thats why its filled with indians cuz they have that technical capacity

welfare has to exist or millions of people wont be able to get a hold of anything and will get thrown in jail as a crime for being poor

kinda like whats happening

Explain these new jobs in detail please.

Wrong. I work for the DoD and drive Uber on the weekends because I just moved to a new city and don't know anyone yet. I make about $25 an hour doing Uber and I only ever drive 3-5 miles per trip

Is there much automation in Egypt???

People here think you still use hammers and chisels

I know they probably don't teach economics in your shit hole of a country but there's this thing called the Internet. Hundreds of millions of people having their transportation costs slashed will have huge positive reverberations throughout the economy.

>and you need less and less people
So? ZyklonB exists.

>is automation purposely targeting minorities?
no, minorities target easy mindless jobs that robots can do

>hammers and chisels

On the one hand I'm excited for automated cars. On the other hand I'm not looking forward to the increase of welfare queens and bitching about job loss and white robots keeping them down.

cars will still have to have backup drivers in them

wow being an uber driver just got a whole lot easier
just babysit the tech and make sure it doesn't fuk up

well, the only thing AI and machines suck at is resolving new problems and creativity (not alot of jobs will be left, and not a lot of people capable of doing those jobs either).

Everything that has any repetition to it will be lost to automation.

TED TALK about future of jobs and automation:


Are you a moron? The point is that we don't know what they will be. In 1980 who would have predicted social media and all the jobs that came from that?

Literally your thought process is like a caveman. If it's not readily available in front of you it doesn't exist. If it's not a first order effect it doesn't exist.

I'm going to chuck a molotov at the first self-driving car I see.

Effective income is increased with automated driving. Costs of everything goes down. Cost of transport goes down. Cost of car insurance. etc

So basically it is good for the average person even if government makes no changes.

>we should stop technological innovation so people keep jobs!
nope, thats not what I said. But maybe we should consider lowering birth rates in certain continents and close our borders to certain immigrants


>He actually thinks past performance is an indicator of future results!

So how much money have you lost on the stock-market user?
Be honest.

>this one guy doing a TED talk is more right about the world than the pattern that has emerged in the history of civilization

I wish I could bet any of you fags that the age adjusted employment % won't be 5% lower in 2075 vs today

why not hack into it and drive the car off the bridge???

What's that? You think people SHOULDN'T go to jail for being poor?

Lock this man up, I'm late for my spa date.


how hard is it to automated steal cars?

It's not just replacement. AI drivers are better.

Just imagine if you could replace every mcdonalds employee with a top chef. Shit is going to be better post-human driver.

I'm old-fashioned.

>>taxi drivers
>>bus drivers
>>truck drivers
>>replacement of all workers has begun

With the exception of Truck drivers..... all non-white jobs.

This will get fun soon.

see this is what it comes down to

brutal hardcore capitalists are basically have their religion as the gas most of humanity the useless eaters

thats your religion when you break it down

so i believe its satanic

when god is judging the world suddenly the people who wanted to gas everybody and be the elites of the world will start to break down their lofty ideas

>literally weeks away
>never gonna happen

>Middle-aged people who worked half their lives at a career will seamlessly just change to a completely different, unrelated industry after they get laid off


You're literally a mouth breather. That term refers to things that differ from the mean. If a stock does well then it is expected to revert to the mean over time (as is a mutual fund manager, etc.).

Here the "mean" IS a history of new jobs being created to replace old ones. No market-oriented society has gone on a job death spiral. That's not how it works

You think people are retards now, wait until they can't even drive or walk because muh robots.

People won't know how to do anything but tweet dick pics.

what are they going to do with all this white males with no jobs

Jolly good

>Implying niggers won't destroy the machines before they pay themselves off.

Have you seen the inside of a McDonalds?

Read what I wrote you mongrel. Yes there will be concentrated job losses but the welfare benefit to society will far outweigh that.

It's like I'm literally talking to a group of socialist Latin American college kids right now, Jesus

>future has to be like past trends indicate

yeah nice logic there.
>soon to have 10 billion people on earth (never in the past were there this much)
>most of them will be african niggers, low IQ poo in loos and mudshits
>technology will take away their jobs

what could go wrong.

30,000 deaths a year, each death costs about 1-2 million. That isn't even counting injuries, cost of repairs, police costs, healthcare cost, etc. Not to mention police time spent dealing with transport issues.

Basically AI driving is worth an extra 1,000,000,000,000 dollars a year for America overall.

The loss in jobs is 100% worth the switch.

as if the market cares for you or anyone else.
Adapt or become homeless.

At least they'll be automated dick pics.

>Ding! You should send Stacy your cock!

orderly extermination

Literally the whole point of automation is to get of rid jobs so companies can increase their profit margins.

>"Each vehicle will be staffed by one engineer, who can take the wheel as/when needed, and a co-pilot to observe and take notes."

>This stock has done well in the past
>That means it will perform the same forever since it will always just "revert to it's mean"

wrong, I'm work in oil and gas and I used to drive for uber on the weekends when the oil glut was really bad

>The welfare benefits means fuck half of you, go die! The future will be fine without you.

It's not like we have automated cars on the roads right now, with much more basic systems than are being made for commercial mass use..

Yet still have an extremely superior safety rate compared to human drivers.

t. edgy 16 year old

"niggers" won't exist in the future. Genetic enhancement and AI can police them all.

we going transhuman as fuck m8

>automating cars will drastically lower car related deaths
Technologists will believe anything.

Yeah we're headed towards disaster. Get ready for the fun.

>you should consume less but I won't
>you should have less children but I won't
>you should protect the environment but I won't

It's just a global scale tragedy of the commons.

>good drivers

The average person maybe, but not the average Uber driver.

It's pretty shitty of Uber to do this when they have been advertising their company as a way to earn money.

won't have to

The resources needed to keep a human alive are relatively small and easy to handle. There is probably going to be no great reason to go about exterminating people. They will just be on welfare/sustenance and be stuck in VR or whatever.

News story:

Are you surprised by this? How did you picture the first autonomous taxis operating?

It's alpha testing.

It wouldn't be a problem if we could stop the immigration meme. Western countries all had declining populations.

Cite me the study where it proves automation can make driving safer.

Go ahead I'll wait...

Last story I heard in regards to automation was that retard who got decapitated by a semi-truck trailer while he was watching Harry Potter as his automated Tesla flew through a red light.

If anything, I feel more unsafe with the idea of these automated Ubers all over our major cities.

>good enough drivers

Uber doesn't have a choice. They are actually behind the curve on adopting automation and are desperately trying to compete with Google and others. They have to go automated or they go out of business.


I think it starts with understanding that the world is going to go self-driving and autonomous. Because, well, a million fewer people are going to die a year. Traffic in all cities will be gone. Significantly reduced pollution and trillions of hours will be given back to people— quality of life goes way up. Once you go ‘OK alright there’s a lot of upsides there' and you have folks like the folks in Mountain View, a few different companies working hard on this problem, this thing is going to happen.

So if that’s happening, what would happen if we weren’t a part of that future? If we weren’t part of the autonomy thing? Then the future passes us by basically, in a very expeditious and efficient way.

Carson: How soon will self-driving cars realistically be a significant portion of Uber’s fleet?

Kalanick: That is the trillion dollar question and I wish I had an answer for you on that one but I don’t. What I know is that I can’t be wrong. Right? I have to make sure that I’m ready when it’s ready or that I’m making it ready. So, I have to be tied for first at the least.

Yes yes, good goyim. Be excited for us to handle all of your driving from now on. Soon, you won't even have to move on your own at all! Or even be able to.

As much as I hate uber and they Saudis investment in it, it's the free market. I'm going to college to basically live on a farm by myself and live sustainably. I won't no part in this future. Humans relying on technology is not how Mother Nature intended. Soon we will have (((solvent green)))

>They will just be on welfare/sustenance and be stuck in VR or whatever.
eat my ass tyrant

Without immigration GDP would not be steadily increasing. That alone would kill most western capitalist economies.

immigration is because of globalist ideas, has nothing to do with jobs or economy.

They just made that stuff up to get politicians to do what they want. Keep in mind the avg IQ / intelligence / knowledge of a politician is shit and easily subverted

They know that reason is stupid.

How do you stop nignogs from stealing the car?

>Western countries all had declining populations.
and high unemployment for people under 30. so fuck off idiot

your future home is a fema camp

>muh shekels
Goldberg pls

>Uber pulls up
>Dindu jumps in with you
>Rapes and murders you while you're trapped in a moving vehicle

This shit would only work in a white ethnostate