Sued gawker and bankrupt the entire network and upper level staff

>Sued gawker and bankrupt the entire network and upper level staff
>Supports Trump publicly

why haven't you faggots crown this faggot king of Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

he's a shitlord who probably doesn't pay his fair share in taxes and thinks it's ok to support an admitted racist

Because we have no idea what his motivations are.

because he's a butt-lickin' homo

I'll stick with Warren Buffet. #imwithher

How old were you when you realized every notable figure in the alt-right was either gay, a racemixer, or both?

based dude, never'd guessed he's homosexual based on his actions and mindset

They don't matter,
Anyone who endorses Trump goes against his own interest, and in the interest of western civilisation

"fair share in taxes"

bitter under-employed basement-dweller located.

>How old were you when you realized every notable figure in the alt-right was either gay, a racemixer, or both?

They're trying to usurp the movement before the great purge.


Says the fucking leaf. Your country is nothing and never will be. Progressivism is winning, shithead.


yes we do, they outed him as being gay when gawker was owned by a company that he was rivaled and he just fucked them in the ass and made them gay

this man is based as fuck, he supports trump and spoke for him at the RNC which is insane since he works in silicon valley the epicenter of sjw bullshit and he sets his target on someone that's fucked him and squeezes the life out of them; a true fucking centipede

we should all try to be more like him

also, no (((thiel)))

>Mike Aspernovich

he has a bunch of people watching him tweet

what of substance does he actually do?

he picked well, at least his children wont be manlets like him

Isnt he a Bilderberger?

He literally drinks the blood of children


New Zealand is right.

Jews sensed that the pendulum is swinging back so they sent out their rats to survive.

>some loser PUA
>notable figure in the 'alt-right'
Even fucking Rick Wilson of all people rekt him.

Yes, women are being raped by muslims, and the police are covering it up, in all of the most "progressive" countries. Being raped is winning, obviously.

"If you don't let your enemies rape you, they win" - Justin Trudeau

forgot my pic lol

Have you even paid taxes before you worthless pile of fucking garbage?

Will Kotaku get shut down?
I've prayed every day for it, for 3 years now.

because he's a globalist shill who is a LINO

I agree

but lol at his twink fuckboy running along him at the end

>ride around in a private jet
>michelin 3-star dinner with him and hulk hogan
>talk about business ideas and learn about what it means to be an ultimate success as a young man
>enjoy a long passionate evening where you both love each other equally back and forth
>leave as a semi wealthy enlightened man but also partial faggot

Has Trump?

>That name

You have desecrated this holy place.

Its a nice piece of this anti-SJW wave. People are sick of their shit. Nightly Show has been cancelled. Inside Amy Schumer has been cancelled. Comedians are pushing back against PC/SJW/outrage culture bullshit -- "Can't We Take A Joke" documentary etc. MadTV, pleb-tier comedian but has mass-appeal, just did a lazy mediocre writes-itself skit making fun of SJWs being triggered by everything.

>grown men throwing around childish shitposting memes
the future is looking bright