Is there a part of you that secretly longs for WWIII?

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Every part of my body wants to see the world burn

To cleanse the Middle East

Yes, but i'm conflicted, i want to be on your side killing mudslimes but you won't accept me cause i'm not aryan.

Not even secretly. Its the only thing that keeps me going.

Wait are there people here who don't want WWIII?!

Fuck yeah. Even if I cant join the army I want war factories to start up again for more jobs

Sure, as long as they come here to take away all of our scientists that we acquired from Germany and their offspring.


Yeah but I either want to be wiped out instantly or to be relatively unharmed to live in the post apocalyptic world.

Chances are I will just get a slow painful death from radiation poisoning and starvation, teeth and hair falling out and so forth...


The fact that I'm going to live out the rest of my life as a corporate M&A litigator makes me suicidal. WWIII would end our civilization and it would be fun to live out my life in a survival type scenario.

...been NEET for too long
family is asking questions...
this can't go on much longer

Yellowstone... mega-Asteroid... WWIII.... anything! just end it all before I'm forced into homelessness

fpbp and dubs to boot

Only to see men be men again i stead of ultta cucks. Our deaths would at least have meaning in the sense that we died as men.



Most of me wants a quiet NEET life with a robot waifu in a small house surrounded by nature.

I don't think that would be possible for me in this world so WW3 is all good.

I wonder if it's a death wish or if I'm just bored.

Bathe the world in hellfire
Cleanse it of our existence
Humans are planetary cancer
Destroy us before we spread

For a long time I've been in a bit of a quagmire because I don't know whether I want to use my efforts to help humanity or to destroy humanity.

I don't mind Middle Easterners, I just hate Muslims. You guys founded Mesopotamia and were actually more civilized than whites before Muhammed cucked you into oblivion.

So it's altruism? Destroy humanity to save the gorillas?

I want a freedom revolution from hillary if she wins and hang liberals and degenerates from streetlights and revise this world or watch it burn.



WWIII is not only needed, it can't come soon enough.
The only reason I'd be OK with a Hilary presidency because WWIII is a 100% guarantee.

Nah fuck the Gorillas

We're not worthy of the praise we shower upon ourselves, and we never will be. There is no human utopia waiting right around the corner - we'll keep pillaging and cheating and destroying because at our very core we're still selfish and primitive apes barely out of the jungle. We don't deserve to have access to the tools we currently have and are about to create. They just make us dangerous; to ourselves, to the planet, and maybe one day to other worlds. We're apes with thermonuclear weapons that will never have a clue how to use these sorts of things responsibly. The only thing binding us as a species is collective greed. And that makes tyrants out of us all.

Just end it, there is no hope for redemption, only endless opportunities to create more suffering. If I could set the atmosphere on fire tomorrow, I would.

We should destroy ourselves because we're a danger to ourselves? That's like shooting yourself in the head so you don't commit suicide. I want WWIII out of sheer boredom.

Fell ya.

I predict there's going to be some fighting for maybe two years and then the world will be engulfed by nuclear fire

I want WW3 to happen because then this /board/ will be shut down and all the retarded american, canadians and australian posters will die a meaningless death somewhere in europe

all the while I will be dancing samba and drinking itaipava in my tree

>wanting the war that will make the elites win forever

No, could not bear apologizing for another century afterwards.

>Implying the entire world won't be engulfed in nuclear fire.

Hope your fallout shelter is ready to go.

Clinton will guarantee WWIII

>falling for the nuclear war meme

there will never be a nuclear war, kiddo. WW3 will be about taking down one's country relevance and economy without destroying the world.

No one is gonna go mutual destruction. My country will watch the whole thing unfold and then side with the winner side at the last minute



Yes, everyday I hope I will wake up to news it has started.

So let's win this time


I want to see the sky light up like the 4th of July and have my skin melt off my body.

t. Shiro Poster

Take a good look, this is your future Sup Forums, it's only a matter of time.


the world needs a cleansing

the mayor world powers are constantly waging war with each other by proxy. the only difference is that there would be a direct confrontation in a world war. and that would spell the end of civilization as we know it. with nukes flying around everywhere. that being said i'd love it. would make for some awesome tv.

i can't wait for the sweet release of death, OP

A future full of monosyllabic ferals giving birth to deformed stillborns would've been a better future than this degenerate timeline.


>all these edgelords hoping everyone gets nuked
If WWIII happens that means all our remaining fossil fuels will be depleted going into vehicles for the war, which means after the war we're all fucked, and that's assuming you survive


You faggots are retarded. World War 3 has already comenced.

Yeah. Anything that kills the majority of the world. No more social pressures. No more jobs, just scrounge for shitty canned food for a few hour a day, steal fast cars till the gasoline goes bad, and then probably just wander the country by like horse or bike seeing the sights.

If the feminists and faggots and spics and muslims want to rule this world then they can reign over its radioactive ashes.


Sometimes I truly do feel this way

WW3 sounds cool and all but a race war sounds even better and more beneficial for the white race

This ...

no. i openly lobby for a WW3. the reconstruction effort post war would be much needed growth. a lot of shit bought and many people paid to build things that get destroyed

also the culling will decrease the number of people on welfare regardless of if your talking about people already on welfare who die or people with jobs and retirement savings who die freeing up space in the labor market

also amidst the turmoil of the post war environment with decrease trade and commerce because of trade routes getting fucked up we can get a special exemption period of time maybe 5 years worth of no gdp growth figures being considered enough to reduce a currency value but can be used as justification for increasing it




im trying to picture some open lobby like in congress or something "we need a WWIII, ITS WHAT AMERICANS WANT" and like nobody knows how to go about it, like, "well where do we start? ermmm... why?" and then finally after deciding to nuke china someone reminds them that's where iphones and take out food comes from so after a long process of backroom deals they decide to glass deserted islands in the pacific.

>being this retarded
The civilization of pre-antiquity was built by extinct ethnicities of semites.
Also Arabs were retarded goat fuckers before Islam.

Nuclear weapons have saved millions if not billions of lives user. Without them we would literally be in a full blown ww3.

I am NOT saying its a good thing. Wars were a great way to control population...something we need.

Yeah via proxy.

It's a trap you moron. The Quran allows mudslimes to fake being like us to gain our trust and stab us in the back at the right time.

I am of middle eastern decent but was born in america.

You couldnt tell im not a native because i fully assimilated.


Because I love my country.

The new immigrants from the middle east come here, get welfare, and spit in everyones face mocking them and wishing them ill.

It boils my blood.

There was but then I grew up.
The situations of war are extremely intense and you will not be able to think the same way you do at this moment. That being said if war had begun I would fight to the death for my country.

Ah yes taqiyya and all that fun stuff. Thanks for the reminder.

In a really immature make videogames real kind of way

Something about fallout 1 really struck a nerve,

Probably the fact that americans used an invasion to justify and invasion in which Canadian Genocide was carried out

They would make me my own Xpac

wasn't there a documentary you aussies made about a police officer in the aussie outback?
I think the mans name was max.
he even did some survival cage battles called thunder ball or something like that.


actually looks beautiful, not even being edgy

The word you're looking for is "awesome" and not in the modern sense.


It's the only solution. The only way to turn things around. Vaporize the urban centers, stall the movement of grain, produce and meat, and the niggers and weak minded blue pills all die in under a month. There's no other solution.

Well a super volcanic eruption like yellowstone would do the same but not kill as many white people. Either one though. The important part is that either one would drive all the non-whites from the white countries and stop all further immigration for at least a century.

I long for the Second American Civil War.

I don't really want to kill foreigners right now. Not when there's so many fuckers in my own country that need killing first.



it's either a world of slavery by the ZOG or no world at all
I welcome the invisible nuclear fire engulfing it, and turning the little blue marble red

Why is ww3 assured with Shillary? What her beef?

thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=yBfyG_viYp8

Oh God, why do we all want this
Why do we want the world to end to much

B-but then we'd have to go outside. No AC...

I want ww3 and i dont keep it secret.

All my friends know it.

All of me.

I know the strong will survive. Humanity will be better for it.

You and us.

Once NA is cleansed and firmly on the right, we save western Europe.

Of course, I'm too stupid to take my own decisions, too lazy to make changes in my life and too used to change coming from outside, but also self aware of my shitty situation so I hope for a radical change, embodied in some sort of global warfare or destruction

go out and make it happen

>I know the strong will survive.
No they won't. Regardless of how strong you are, you can't survive without a biosphere.