How do we fix this?
Detroit niggerhood at night
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less socialism, welfare, foodstamps, regulations, taxes. They know this, but do the opposite to achieve this result.
we need to build a wall around detroit
As much as I hate racists I confess pedants are still more personally irksome but then I can say that as an English White Atheist bloke. I should imagine an Islamic black American might find racism a might more bothersome than supercilious pretentious patronising pricks but that's privilege for you. Bloody pedants telling me I'm wrong for not being a hundred percent correct.
Clearly we just need to expand the Earned income tax credit, and provide a "ladder to success" by providing access to affordable community college to these neighborhoods.
Just kidding, it's a cultural meltdown by a permanent underclass that is kept that way by failed nanny-state "great society" policies. They need to develop their own agency and fix their neighborhood through their own industry and pride.
>less socialism, welfare, foodstamps, regulations, taxes.
Why doesn't all of Scandinavia look like Detroit
How the fuck do they afford new cars ?
They buy them with their tax refunds and keep them until they get repossessed.
Wut u need ta doo, DAWG, iz trik out ur ride wit MAD SHIT, swap out dat horn fo sum MAD DROPS, and be all RICE ROCKET N SHEEEIIIITTTTT.
Because Scandinavia didnt used to have massive amounts of niggers in it but give it a few years and i guarantee malmo will look just like the D