So it's agreed?

So it's agreed?


will India ever recover?

>Japan + Korea
>Sweden and Germany
Put them on the far left, so far you only see half their flags, and on the bottom

How fucking stupid are you? The Japanese on this board are actually White English teacherspeaking and serve no purpose being on the graph. You gullible faget kill yourself

Poland cant handle banter at all


Canada needs to be further to bottom-left

Switch Israel and Japan. Also

>Switzerland not in the middle

>Canada not next to Australia

Israel is a massive shit-poster though


why do i keep clicking this, every fucking time

>that leaf

>t*rks better at bantz than americans

go back to roachland Anzu

not on the map but the other gooks get to be :(

i love my pets

W-whos this qt

put all the balkan countries in the lower right


lower left*

Then post more often, faggot.

Can some user edit this and put all the flags at the bottom left.

Fuck off


Canada needs to be down with India and Japan imo. US should be lowered to Russia's level.

Canada hasno bantz

I'm a white girl and I think asian bois are cute.

Asuka you anime newfag

>not knowing some random girl or chinese cartoon means your new

Canada should be further left. They absolutely cannot handle banter.

I'm an asian girl and i think white boys are cute

fuck you

Didnt ask who she was cosplaying fuccboi

Which county is the most in the top right Sup Forums?

post pic bb


turkey and india are in eachothers places, leaf is too far north

what straya sed

Go back to your home, faggottin

Tits or gtfo.

Actually I lied, I'm a white guy.

Netherlands needs to be much further to the left and a little down

hahaha Canada

>browsing b
Smh desu senpai

That is an insult

baka detected


>tripcodes on a board with flags and IDs

most accurate IMO

Americans cannot handle banter.


What about the Seychelles bros, huh?


Canada isn't even that good at banter, just shit posting.

>putting european countries in the "cannot handle banter" direction
>putting america in the center

this is definitely more accurate

You're absolutely right as far as is concerned.

He doesn't even know about Asuka, I bet he's a Bernie supporter.

go back to russia

Damn, I'm caught in a real Catch 22 here. Cause if I respond by saying 'yes they can', you can say 'look at you responding, no you can't!' but if I say nothing then people may start to believe it.

Saying a country can't handle banter is a statement that cannot be countered.

Hungary can't handle banter.


>asuka rei meme
Thanks for correcting the record

All the talk about is niggers and cocks, like seriously.

>asuka rei meme
No he just mean't
>Asuka meme
>Sup Forums
Thanks CTR always know they would send in spys

There's some level of consensus, though. India, Mexico and Sweden can't handle banter while Australia is good at dishing it out.


not bad
nothing stunning, but yuo definitely look wifeable

i agree

>The Indian flag is covering up the romanian flag in the butthurt shitposter corner

you really should fix that

tbf i have almost no makeup on there, since i was gardening


I dunno. Nips have pretty solid bants someimtes.

how does germany have contributory discussion? They shouldn't be on the x axis but far to the bottom lleft.

pretty sure he was playing a risk game and forgot.



B-but I find banter to be funny and I am informative too.

>in presence each other

>britain that far right
>turkey that far right
>new zealand that far right
>japan not on the far right
fucking kek

Fine, you win

fuck u

you are qt 3.14 imo

I hate this meme

god i hope you fucking get ass cancer

They're flag is so satisfying to look at


thanks lol

Maybe if Canada was a bit lower

eh we deserve it at this rate. i swear theres like two Canadians on this board that get upset over just everything...

He post's more often than NormieMark

Bernout here. Eva is my favorite show, how dare you?

Why must you do this to me? Lord Kek please protect me


i something this post

Japan is difficult to place because we have almost zero (probably zero) actual Japanese posting here, just people from the U.S. military and expatriate English teachers from the U.S. and Europe.

You must be a girl, let's date

>it's an everyone get butthurt at Canada thread
Might as well make a general


>on Sup Forums
How and why?

Its not as hugboxy as Sup Forums, and most of its content is in english, which is better than the german/swedish threads that crap up int constantly