>Detroit is a literal war zone
Detroit is a literal war zone
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they're feral ghouls.
when driving through a black part of town, don't make any noise. don't attract any attention.
literally third world
people being outside = third world?
sorry black people actually do stuff, unlike white people who masturbate all day
lol @ wanting to live in that environment, nigger confirmed
>Actually do stuff
Except work for a living. Working folk don't have perpetual never ending block parties. With all that time on their hands and energy, they could at least clean up their neighbrhoods, but nope. Tyrone has to keep it real.
Niggers are literally an infection on humanity and the proof is presented to us daily
>walking on egg shells in your own home
oh how the might have fallen
Here's my favorite one
I think you mean walking on land mines, bud.
Holy shit, what an excellent ID!
>mmm, ACID
I don't do acid, though.
That drunk faggot gets hit by car in parking lot Kek
Niggers are entertaining as hell, that much you can't deny Sup Forums.
Hey look, white people can chimpout too!
anyone have that compliation of headlines of black on white murders that the media never talks about?
No but I have this video
Tbh some of that would be really chill if Detroit wasn't such a hostile violent place. I'd love to live somewhere where you could set up a campfire by the side of the road and drink beer with your buddies. Probably somewhere really white and rural
White people can be niggers too
That spartan kick at the end, to satisfying
trailer trash by the looks of it, and drunk too.
Seattle liberals white niggers
CJ Johnson and fat beaner get upset in 7-11
I'm running those reds 120% of the time
that was fucking hilarious
Oh god I need more drugged out people fighting like this. Please god help me.
Sasuga Texas-san, always showing buttcracks and fighting for your cheeseburgers.
It's just a bunch of dudes having a good time
Kept watching and this shit came up.
Valley of Death.
Holy shit...
thanks obama!
I used to be homeless in one of the worse parts of Detroit and I'm white. Ask me anything.
how the fuck did you get out?
I got a job by walking over to one of the richest cities in Michigan. The city is surrounded by a wall to try and keep out the niggers. After a year of squatting I had enough saved to move to a white city.
Spotted the shitskin.
White people have to be to work in the morning. That's how whiteman built cities like Detroit in the first place before southern niggers started roaming around destroying them.
Thanks white trash.
why would anyone be awake at those hours except if they dont have to go to work in the morning
Are you fucking kidding me? It's real nigga hours!
>those potholes
lol holy shit
That dude was in the right tho. Fucking clerk went after her with that bag and the guy was just trying to get her away.
>at the end
>You're making a spectacle!
Is she saying suboxone, the rehab dope for junkies or what?
Also I don't think she's fucked up, I think she has Parkinson's Disease. A horrible horrible disease
If they own an Enema CD, they ain't white, homie. That's nigger culture.
I wish our slums would look that pretty :(
Though I guess I'll take being slightly less violent.
I don't know why but watching that thing waddle away was hilarious. Also, no one is stopping her from doing the things that she's talking about...getting loans, starting businesses, etc... Golly Gee, do you think she just wants things handed to her?
That's 99% of Michigan roads
sad to think happy white families once lived in those areas
The guy recording making coolface may be the best part.
What a shit dog. He just stood there most of the time.
umm is some woman getting kidnapped in the first vid? around 2:55 you can see them pulling her to a car and opening a door before they go out of frame and I think I heard her say imma pay yall.
how vibrant