...really makes you think...
Other urls found in this thread:
> insert mandatory Johnson quote about "convincing niggers to vote Democrat"
Trump will win and faggots like you will cry. Deal with it.
When has Trump spoken poorly of non-whites?
How comes Lyndon B. Johnson isn't considered a hero for blacks but JFK and Lincoln are?
I'd wager good money both JFK and Lincoln despised blacks behind closed doors.
Shit, I'd say all except Obama did.
Actually that makes no sense and has nothing to do with Trump.
Making niggers work for their handouts is the most racist thing Trump will do
Time to begin
George Washington was very nig-friendly. All the founding fathers opposed slavery but he was the only one I know of who thought blacks shouldn't be sent back to Africa and after being freed they could live amongst us as equals.
i am now uncomfortable
leaf-approved shitpost, ameribro.
Applying hard liquors is perfectly fine way clean wounds in a survival situation, but ideally you should use a high proof isopropyl to clean the wound and hydrogen peroxide to help form a scab
Never. He hasn't spoken directly to any race until recently. He always speaks to all Americans. Recently he gave a speech about how the democratic party has deceived blacks and has been farming their votes while keeping them in poverty, but other than that he usually addresses all Americans and doesn't target race.
That's not all LBJ said!
Does anyone else find these oddly arousing?
I'm being dead-ass serious here. I'm not a Brony either, I'm as normal as normal comes.
This shit triggers ponyfags. Try posting these to any ponyfag board and you'll see.
>These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years
-Lyndon B. Johnson
amazing, simply amazing.
fucking kek
About what? How Johnson said he would have those niggers voting democrat for a hundered years... While simultaneously destroying them with gibs.
You have autism
Oh sweet a "Dems R Da Racist" cuck thread. I love new Sup Forums. It's like we're all a bunch of faggots and we don't even care.
Do you guys remember when Hillary Clinton said we need to bring African American gentleman "to heel"? She's so racist! Racism is so bad, u guise! It's like the worst thing in the world! There's no differences between races other than skin color. Can someone please tell Hillary that there is only 1 race and it's the human race.
Autism isn't contagious.
Lincoln straight up said that the idea of black people and white people living in the same communities as equals was ridiculous. He was in favor of sending them back to Africa.
He died before any plan of his could be drafted, let alone implemented. This isn't to say he would have delivered on his earlier stances.
colored man? what the fuck does Trump even have to do with niggers? when has he even mentioned nigs
He also said "I’ll Have Those Niggers Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years"
really makes you think
What drives a man to draw comics like this?
Here's one i thought of my self
>Convince someone he's smarter than half of the world and then he'll do anything you want
Look at useful Idiots for confirmation
yukkuri envy, perhaps
>829750 ▶
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
>What drives a man to draw comics like this?
They're hot
“I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One
...really makes you think...
part 2. You guys want the full story? Its rage-inducing
poor spinel
Am I back on /trash/?
I think I'm going to kill myself after seeing that.
Jesus christ.
digame irmao
where the fuck do these things come from anyway? who invented them
>occupy democrats throwing one of their own under the bus to get people to hate trump
fluffy ponies, the epithome of autism
>I'm as normal as normal comes.
Evidently not.
was not him the guy who told that niggers would all be voting democrat in 50 years?
>high res
And I'm now getting the fuck out of this thread. I'm almost sure this is going to get far, far worse.
kinda strange that so many ppl here dont know about this and get triggered
just proves that pol is full of newfags
this seriously came from ponies? it doesn't even look like MLP really
How did it happen?