Melbourne wins "Most livable city in the world" for 6th straight year.
XXXX drinkers, burgers and Europoors on elevated suicide watch.
Melbourne wins "Most livable city in the world" for 6th straight year.
XXXX drinkers, burgers and Europoors on elevated suicide watch.
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That guy in the pic looks a little white for Melbourne, m8-o.
Melbourne is a shit hole Brisbane should be number 1.
Close. But Ipswich deserves the title. Nice try though.
its all about adelaide nigger
With all that rich Chinese pussy that doesn't surprise me in the least
Melbourne is a great city to live. Provided you have enough money to live in East Melbourne, Armadale or another suburb that isn't completely dominated by the hipsters and foreigners yet still close enough to the city to enjoy access to sports, food and culture easily.
get fucked Australia
>An American bringing up whiteness, as usual
Lmao, Melbourne is whiter than America and twice as white as the typical American city. Kill me.
Faggot town. I'd rather be in Bris but I am in faggot town 2 ie Sydney
I have aunt that lives in Australia since 80's. When i am done with uni here i will move there and become Australian and there is nothing you can do about it.
Also i will vote Greens until the rest of my life.
enjoy your scorching desert
We've got enough muslims as is
Central coast here
it sucks
Lmao what culture?
we are talking about you, not us. Remember that before you respond Lmao
How big of a newfag can you be?
Hes taling about "Melbourne culture" AKA everyone else's culture
This Brisbane is the best coming from Adelaide, no degeneracy and the people there look out for each other unlike sydney and melbourne low test beta cucks.
Any Queensland Aussies here? Has there been anything in the news recently about a murder and/or kidnapping? Some user made a thread a few days ago about a car parked outside his house for over a week, the last thing he posted was a picture of the guy outside his window. I need some closure in my life.
You can come live with us, but don't vote Greens. That's like wanting a dog and getting a hamster.
Enjoy your flood of immigrants who want to live in Melbourne.
no sniffin mates
I live in Melb and it is not the most liveable. Here's an honest non bias review.
Lefties run rampant but are a minor issue.
Everyone with jobs hates the lefties and hates the city because transport is so poorly designed.
Housing market is just as bad as Sydney with worse infrastructure.
Roaming packs of nigs home invading and getting bail, then doing it a day later.
Beautiful nature just outside the city (Yarra valley and kinglake)
Most people are anti leftie or extreme leftie, because of the shit that's been pulled. People are honest about where they stand.
Our politicians are extreme traitors. Google the firewood ban for a nice example of how they suck corporate cock. The greens teamed up with the unions to force people to pay for firewood, instead of picking up fallen wood (now illegal) dumb lefties love them still without seeing they're bought off by loggers.
That's why Straya is my plan if I stop seeing a way forward here.
Please stay white in the meantime.
and here's some bonus points.
>All major political parties are guilty of BLATANT theft of taxpayer money, corruption or ineptitude and no-one calls them out on it. Fun fact: The airport citylink freeway contract was given to a company where majority shareholder is an ex labor member.
>On the subject of corruption, regular cops are pretty decent and we're lucky on that count...right up until you approach the topic of hooning or ice. The cops are behind the ice scourge on country towns and highway patrol officers should never have been made officers and are guilty of using their insane "guilty before innocent powers" to force innocent non hoon motorists to pay bribes
>The road system is seriously fucked. Even if you are rich and can afford a nice house in the nice eastern suburbs, enjoy traffic whenever you go out. Fucked traffic.
>If you're not able to pay a million for an average home, enjoy living an hour out of the city. (roads are more bearable out there so it's not that bad desu)
>Chink invasion
Actually living in melbourne is just fucked, rich or poor it does not matter. It's not the most livable city. Pure fucking propaganda. There are some nice things, i'm not all negative but holy fuck they are deluded if they think it's the best city.
And it's not just leftie problems either, the right wing politicians are just as god damn corrupt (but less obnoxious with nanny stating, only by a tiny bit) and the bigger problem lies with garbage infastructure.
Oh and the insane weather. Don't get me started on how fucked that can get.
Good points:
>Amazing nature
>Great food, really fucking good restaurants
>People in melbourne are either extreme leftie or totally rational, which is actually nice they're honest. Country victorians are BASED
>living in Melbourne, the most multicultural city in Australia
What do the Jews have to say about this?
pic related
Do they have any decent pistol ranges? I'll never forget the 24 hour range that used to be in Oakland.
What about reloading supplies? Major metropolitan area like that, I should be able to find .357 Herrett components on the shelf. Right?
Or is it one of those Third World hellholes that doesn't allow freedom?
Liveable my ass. I'll go there to get a tee shirt, and maybe a blowjob from a hooker, then I'm headed back to someplace decent.
They started the multi-kulti shilling there early.
Remember hearing that multi-kulti was a good thing there in primary school in the 80's.
Wouldn't surprise me if it was earlier.
But we believed it all even if I could count with one hand all the non-whites in the school at that time.
We had multiculturalism in school growing up as a kid but it was always learning about Italian/French/Japanese and no other classes were set
I'm not sure this was actually for all school but multiculturalism in Australia has changed a lot. In the current year, multiculturalism means acceptance of blacks and muslims and to bend over and open our asses for them.
ah yes the never ever dog your mates thread
will monitor this thread in case there is some good Australian banter
Muslims were relatively unheard of then.
It was more the in thing to focus on Buddhism etc.
It's conditioning for the next influx. We had the Brit, German and Italian focus (because most people there were Brit, German, Italian), but then there started to be a shift to Chinese, Japanese and Indian. And that's when their populations started to really boom.
If acceptance of blacks and muslims is being pushed in schools now, the influx is just around the corner.
All of Qld should be nuked.
Fucking retards.
Only industry is mining which is primarily owned by Seppos yet they not only voted but campaigned AGAINST a mining super profits tax.
Fucking useless the lot of you.
Die in a flood.
And AFL oops I mean VFL.
>Mogabourne, capital of New South Sudan
Not even once
I prefer melcoalbourner
When will this meme end? I lived in Melbourne for over a decade and would not go back.
1) Urban sprawl to the point of insanity. If you live in outer suburbs and work anywhere near the city you can expect 2-4 hours daily commute every day and $20-40 a day parking if you drive in.
2) Population greater than LA with not nearly enough infrastructure to support it. Trains are a mess and most are horrendously old and shit.
3) Plenty of failed multiCULTi suburbs where you WILL get bashed/robbed for wandering at night (i.e. dandenong, noble park. sunshine, etc).
4) Monstrously overpriced property and rent. Residential blocks being sold off to Chinese investors en masse with 4-6 units squeezed into a lot designed for 1 house.
5) Utterly degenerate night life; shitty overpriced clubs and bars filled with directionless 20-30 year olds who can't function without getting annihilated on drugs and alcohol every weekend.
6) Church of Satan in city.
7) Draconian police and government (fines, fines, fines, fines).
8) Shitty overpriced restaurants and edgy chic food popups. On a friday night you can expect a 2-hour waiting list at a good restaurant followed by a $180 bill for 2 people.
I could go on but there's really no point. Every person with more than 2 neurons to rub together and the means to leave has done so.
[Citation Needed]
Last time I checked it was Canberra, mainly because there is no traffic and high paying government jobs.
So far bathurst is the best place I have ever lived
This. Even Sydney is better than Melbourne.
Better yet, just go to coastal QLD and invest in some damn fine rope to hold your shit down for 5 months every year. I can walk out of my house and be on an amazing beach that practically nobody visits in 3 minutes.
>Chink invasion
Why hate the chink? They can do better than lots of you
>Chinese company turns wild land in western Australia into farmland
Australia has 4 cities in the top 11
That's coming from a country with literally 10 cities
And all of them are full
We're one of the only non cucked states.
Butthurt internationals who cannot cope that their country isn't #1
Sad losers from states that do not have the #1 city in the world to live in
Somehow being OK with aboriginals doesnt make you a cuck, but legal immigration does (fuck refugees)
t. anyone from a state that isnt Victoria
>church of satan
for real?
>scorching desert
not even close
I'm an ignorant American who honestly wants to know why so many Chinese people want to go to Australia. Do they want to steal all your jobs and resources? How is it there? Is there a huge population of them?
>implying legal immigration of non-whites is fine
Go away chink shill, you're not wanted here.
>living in Melbourne
>not the glorious foothills of Victoria
I dont want any nonwhite immigration
But its a lot better than taking in refugees. Australia should have a policy where if the country that refugees are coming from does not have a welfare system, healthcare system and decent education we end up settling them on Nauru.
Also we should just invade Nauru and conquer them, destroy all non-military transport off the island then we have the perfect place to house the refugees.
Post aus memes, they're neat
>Do they want to steal all your jobs and resources?
They want to buy cheap housing and land because China is an utter shithole of a country when it comes to buying property and living there.
>How is it there?
It would be pretty nice as long as there were less chinamen.
>Is there a huge population of them?
Only in cities, they flock to the cities to buy property in the suburbs and send their kids to fill up our universities. It's gotten to to point where a majority of auctions will be chinamen and there's even many cases of auctions being held in Mandarin instead of English.
They also refuse to integrate to our culture and act just like the happy merchant scumbags the rest of their countrymen are.
>But its a lot better than taking in refugees.
We already cut a lot of refugees out though with the whole 'muh boats' Abbott did. If he gave us a proper NBN too he would have been a based PM.
Yeah Melbourne Florida is great
melbourne seriously needs its own flag on this board.
That sounds terrible.
The worst kind of immigrant is one who refuses to adapt to the new environment.
My experience with people from China has taught me that they are the rudest people on this planet. They won't respect your customs at all. I went to a Christian high school once (it was living hell) and during the daily prayers the Chinese students would always talk loudly in Chinese even though the hundreds of other people were silent and bowing their heads. People had to tell them to shut up.
I can't imagine how bad it would be to live in a nation loaded with them.
Are the women and men of your country hopping on them and creating hapa babies? Or do they prefer to stay segregated?
Yeah, so we can weed out Melbournians and actual Australians.
this is a big misconception, only the middle is a desert. the coast isn't that bad
> live in melbourne
> walk outside
> face full of spider web
> go home
> spiders
> go to sleep
> spiders everywhere
> kill self for living in ausfailia
>Are the women and men of your country hopping on them and creating hapa babies? Or do they prefer to stay segregated?
I can't give you a 100% sure answer because I don't live in a big city, but I can tell you that no white aussie girl wants a chinkman. The feminine men and tiny dicks meme is true.
There's probably more than enough beta whites falling for the Hapas meme though.
The older generations of chinks self-segregate, much like muslims.
come on man it isn't that bad
>We already cut a lot of refugees out though with the whole 'muh boats' Abbott did
No, you were lied to about that, I really thought people from Sup Forums would be more aware of this stuff.
We reduced to intake of boat refugees but overall increased our intake of refugees from other sources. All smoke and mirrors so you can attach yourself to a triumph when it really was a way to smuggle more people you didnt want into your streets, only you were OK with it because you thought it was over.
Its never over. Theyll decrease your taxes and increase your excise, theyll give you a pay raise then expect you to work twice as much, then they say theyll help the common man, but the common man is only common to the politicians friends, which you never are.
Melbourne's crime rate will start to rise and rise enough so that it puts it out of #1
Within 10 years, count on it
most liveable city if you are disgusting shitskin or semite but for true blue aussies literally anywhere else is superior.
A good coffee (if you like chai almond milk lattes) isn't worth putting up with terrible weather, traffic and people.
ok niko
Enjoy getting carjacked by somali gangs
>XXXX drinkers
I thought all you cunts drank Victoria Bitters anyway
> live in melbourne
> walk outside
> face full of immigrants and socialist alternative posters
> go home on my fixie
> immigrants
> go to sleep
> socialist alternative preachers everywhere
> kill self for being a white male
>within 10 years
within 2 mate.
had my car's plates stolen again last week.
the nigger problem in the western subs is real.
There's actual brewery rivalries by state. Queensland has XXXX, Victoria has VB but they sponsor NSW in team sports.
Americans cannot handle our small spiders and literally shit their pants when they see anything close to a house spider or bigger
>Wahhh my city is shit compared to the best one in whole the fucking world
Cry more you pathetic boong lovers, only Tasmania can compete for lack of black love but seriously anywhere in Australia north and/or west of Melbourne city may as well be called "no whites here"
Get cucked
>burgers give a fuck
Outback Steakhouse is in every American city. Australia is redundant.
>We reduced to intake of boat refugees but overall increased our intake of refugees from other sources.
God fucking dammit.
I should have known better. Fucking globalist meme governments and jews or whatever you want to call it. Just gas civilization already it will never work, the only people that are determined enough to get positions of power are the kind of cunts who should never be in charge of anything.
The real issue plaguing humanity is that all the land on earth is already claimed by one big globalist government or another. There's nowhere to run too for people to try and start a fresh country. We can't just pull an America like they did in the past, now it's jews all the way down.
>Cry more you pathetic boong lovers, only Tasmania can compete for lack of black love but seriously anywhere in Australia north and/or west of Melbourne city may as well be called "no whites here"
You're kidding, right? go to frankston or lalor. Melbourne is full of chinks and dunecoons.
fuckers all over this country drink Bud Lite.
there are a few regional brands here and there, like Lone Star Beer, and Rainier Beer, but nothing like that
>Melbourne wins "Most livable city in the world" for 6th straight year.
you really believe these bs statistics and rankings?
most of them created by liberals whose sole consideration is development and progress.
maybe melbourne is nice but not because these rankings say so
QLD is your more conservative state (we weren't going to change our gun laws, but Feds laughed at that with budget withholding)
NSW is your socialist one
>you really believe these bs statistics and rankings?
most of them created by liberals whose sole consideration is development and progress.
Coming from Germany of all fucking places, if what you were saying is true then you goys would have won the award.
Queensland is the one with all the farmers, right?
farmers are the ones holding on to gun rights in this country, too.
It's more rural, yes.
>tfw the only time I enjoyed an american beer was when it was actually Dutch and "American styled"
Any reason American's drink lights? I only see people drink full or midstrength.
I live in Queensland and I gotta say, come live up north. Brisbane is a cuckold city full of abbos and semi abbos.
and Northern Territory is the one with all the abbos, right?
If you live in Australia and you're shitting on Melbourne this post is a reminder that since you are not #1, you may as well be Darwin
don't have a clue, m8
traditional lagers, or even blonde ales, are light enough for me to drink when it's hot out
It's only more rural due to the size, our cities, towns and suburbs are large but the further north and west you go, the more rural it is.
I used to live in Townsville/Innisfail, don't fucking lie. 45% of Australia's abo population is condensed up in that crackhead region.
>mad liberal desperately clinging to his (((#1 most progressive))) good goy award
Queensland is farmer, miners and a lot of 'white trash' bogans.
Yes, though they're in most areas.
West of Brisbane in the desert and towns around there (still QLD) has many.
>Mad loser who lost and cant handle it
Petrol is for cars abbo
>farmer, miners and a lot of 'white trash' bogans.
so all the non-cucked whites who still work for a living.
good to know. what are the major population centers/tourist locations there?
great barrier reef, sunshine coast hinterlands, goldie clubs.
every culture that was still in the stone age by the time Japan industrialized deserves to be wiped out.
our Inuns are practically gone. unfortunately, niggers are multiplying out of control.
tl;dw We can never fully understand each other and have our own preference because of majority privilege and cultural prejudice.
To brainwash everything and everyone to follow the same rules, language and religion effectively destroys culture.
>tfw another friday night alone
>have to listen to my retard female housemates giggling in the room next door all night
only abos drink VB, poofs drink meme beers and imports, real men drink XXXX or based emu
>hurr durr muh abbos
The only reason we haven't done Stolen Generation 2: Electric Bogaloo is because of all the softy Greens voter cunts in Melbourne and you know it. You're the reason Abbos are still an issue.
Basically anything along the coastline will have some form of Tourism and anywhere inland is desert, farmers and mining.
>so all the non-cucked whites who still work for a living.
There are tons of single mother Bogan 'welfare queens', shit's still pretty cucked as far as the younger generations goes.
why not bang one of them?
it's not like you have to be her boyfriend, just fuck one.
Rape them
I'm not far from Ipswich 0/10 would win an award like that. The town is absolutely empty, only government building in there now