Wow, Sup Forums utterly BTFO once again

Wow, Sup Forums utterly BTFO once again.

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when did comic books become a social justice battleground?

When it became 2016. How's it feel being on the wrong side of history?

>It's okay for white characters to be cast with non whites
>but cast a non white with a white person and every liberal loses their minds

>wrong side
>Ghostbusters remake, nigger wizard of Oz


only for Marvel.
DC is still mostly fine, except for having a few jews in their movies.

>ITS DIFFERENT when its the black hero!
>they don't have to share the toys with you!

That's because there is no such thing as white culture, whiteness is not an essential trait of any character. Thus the erasure of whiteness is OK and actually encouraged.

>It's okay for non-whites characters to be cast with whites
>but cast a white with a non-white person and Sup Forums loses their minds

Why is Sup Forums such an unironic mirror image of sjws?

Since Captain America was created by a couple jews to punch Hitler before America entered into WWII.

I personally don't care if a non white is cast with a white, or a white is cast with a non white.

Around 2011

"Nerd culture" is now just normal mainstream culture but still has the aura of being on the fringe and still something for "outcasts". In our special snowflake individualist society being an outcast is something to celebrate and embrace. So around the time modern progressivism started really going into the mainstream all the sjws latched on to "nerd culture" as self proclaimed nerd because they watch the big bang theory and enjoyed a star wars or marvel film. Mostly driven by women, who are absolute slaves to trends and fashion, the comic book industry saw what it thought was a drastic change in audience and attitudes over a very short space of time. As these new "fans" would complain and criticize any perceived micro-aggression as they always do, the comic book industry bent and folded to their every wish, keen to please the people they thought were their audience. So comic books went full diversity and progressive mode. Long time fans were put off as they realized they were no longer who was valued as the audience and true to sjw style they didnt buy comic books anyway, seeing every change they force as a "win" for their beliefs but having no desire to take it further than that.

So the comic book industry is dying rapidly, but instead of taking a step back to address the bullshit they have doubled down on their progressive intent, hired mostly sjw writers and artists, going as far as possible because they feel low sales are because they arent quite progressive enough.

Essentially newcomers to a niche hobby change it from the inside then when its changed they too move on because its no longer cool

Back to Sup Forumsmblr m8

Dan Slott a shit, ask anyone on Sup Forums.



What pisses me off is that they are taking a historically white character and changing his race. It destroys the continuity of the entire character. Why not take a black character which they have plenty of and give them a new run why destroy the history of a well liked character just to fit some political motive.

>Heroes and great colours come in every colour

No shit, the issue is not that there are non-White characters, it's that you have to change the race/colour of already existing ones instead of making new ones.

Aaaand this is why I haven't read a comic book since 2010 and gave up on Marvel shit altogether. I recommend each one of you do the same thing.

Wolverine as a trans mongolian woman with no legs, professor x as Canadian bull dyke from Minnesota with a fetish for pegging a gay Hawaiian gambit with blue hair and a blown out asshole. cucked cyclops trapped in an infinte orgy of fire bird rape and a communist magneto pedofile married to a horse cock hologram

This "Captain White Privilege" sounds interesting..

But who would play him in the movie? Would Will Smith be interested, because skin color doesn't matter

>caring about capeshit

Some comics were good (see: original Punisher comics) but no modern comics are good.

Who the fuck even reads capeshit anymore anyway? Let them keep digging the graves to their joke of a career.

Thank you for Corrupting The Record.

What if Marvel can't actually make decent characters who aren't also white males? Like we're still in blaxploitation era when Marvel shat this thing out:
Look at pic related and you can see more of this with the "East Avenue" sign in view "just because that's black people east siiide." If you look at what a cringefest the female thor comics were you'll realize that we haven't left "blaxploitation is progressiveness" phase in comic books.

The lazy character design is still there: "What are some black stereotypes? Do that!" Except now people are smart enough to know if you create racial stereotypes every issue eventually people will flip their shit. So, they've gotten even less creative and said "What is a random IP we have? Make them black!" It's just a couple white owned businesses trying to get brand loyalty from people of a certain ethnicity. You guys are essentially getting mad because some guy is trying to force their shitty white virgin subculture onto black kids.

Do kids even read comics today?

People are already saying the same thing about Zimmerman now that he's in the news, despite the fact that Trump said Zimmerman should be in prison before the trial even happened. Oh well.

There is a reason the Blockbuster Movies stick to old stories and stay far the fuck away from anything from the past 5 years.




Its funny because few actual kids will ever see those comics, mostly just infantilized 20-30 year olds in the Kevin Smith mold

Seriously. This can't be real. Is it? Fuck me this is awful. Marvel loosing readers like no mans business.

I don't know very much about Luke Cage, but my instinct tells me his identity isn't tied to his race all that closely... Can I get a Sup Forums to confirm or deny?

Well, luckily for them, they're getting barely more JewBucks™ from their sponsors than they're losing sales - all for doing this.

Right = White

Yes it's real, and don't worry, they sell like fucking dirt.

>is there a character whose identity is tied to being Caucasian?

how about red skull you fucking moron autism book scribbler

Looked into it a bit more...
I'm just going off his origins for reference here so bare with me.
Seems like his character could easily be substituted for a Latino gang member, or even a white mobster, or something along those lines. There's nothing in his origin that explicitly ties him to blackness, aside from his city being Harlem, which is considered a "black" city afak. Beyond that one could argue his criminality fits the profile of a black person, but if that's the argument Dan's making, I'm pretty sure that would be racist.

>'Out of respect, I'm not going to fight'
>If it were male Thor, she would be trying to kill him
>Respect means not fighting women and treating them like delicate fairies.

Let me know if lady Thor needs doors opened and the air conditioning turned down too.

also Magneto if Jews are considered white

Jesus, that dialog is awful. Not even considering the content, it's just really boring and unrealistic dialog.

Being bullet proof was a statement against black men being shot down and killed by cops. He deals with crimes within and against the black community. He's a pretty cool character and has come a long way since his origins.

Key words of Americas future:
> Innovation gap
> Creativity crisis
> Monetization
> Profit Margin
> Narcissism
> Decline

Well, I guess there-in-lies the problem. It's ok, and acceptable for a Black character to have problems that are (presumed to be) unique to their race. So a lot of characters that aren't white can't become white, or another race, because they're so tied down by their race.

I've though about this before in other contexts, and it honestly makes me feel sorry for Blacks, other minorities, and even Women. They can't have accomplishments of their own, because they'll always be "that black Super hero", or "the first Woman president" - as if society implies presenting them at their own merits isn't enough.

In that sense, Dan is correct - no one say Spiderman is "that white superhero that shoots webs", he's just Spiderman.

>grabbing a comic book away from an enormous negro who is twice your height and 4 times your weight

what did he mean by this?

I first began to realize, and bear with me "y'know, I don't read comics, I just watch the movies, and besides, all they are doing is baiting the public to get an interest in the comics, so why should I care? Maybe a little diversity would be good - maybe not to the level of replacing well known characters with others just to race bait, but who knows, it's not my expertise."
Then I see
And I am hoping that it is a real good shop. On some intellectual level, maybe we should have superheros, our modern mythological paragons that we aspire to, confront things in society, but this is just blatant baiting and pandering. There is no real depth or emotion, just a social justice gag. I'm not into comics, I'm really not, and maybe there is some context I'm missing here, but I'm not going to read it based on that little excerpt. God help us.

who cares man, image comics makes great shit and dc and marvel have been cranking trash since the early 2000's

MJ is tied to race since she is known for red hair green eyes and freckles

White people are suicidal

when Marvel started printing their shit. Marvel was SJW since the 60s. come to DC, white man.

Marvel sucks, DC all the way

>Marvel Phase 4
>Captain White Privilege introduced
>Played by a black woman


I see marvel going out of business real soon the people they are pandering too don't care about comics

Who cares, as long as DC is left relatively untouched then it's fine.

It's what happens when a group is a minority. They form communities based on that identity, and those communities form subcultures that are separate from the default/norm. In America, white culture is viewed as the standard, and anything else is viewed as derivative of that. But other racial groups are expected and encouraged to adapt and conform to that standard if they want societal acceptance.

Blacks can move away from their community and separate themselves from that subculture and participate in a what has become normal American culture like going to college, living in the suburbs, working office jobs. Which is what makes it easier to put a black character in a "white" character role. A black person who "acts white" is usually seen favorably, although there are tensions from other blacks for betraying the community. On the other hand, a white person cannot easily become part of the black community without their whiteness becoming a huge issue.

So a white character is seen as a default whose whiteness only defines them as a person when they are put in specifically racial situations, like Danny Rand or Red Skull. But you can't remove the blackness from characters whose entire histories and struggles are based on their race because it fucks up the entire point of that character. That's just the reality of our society.

He was embarrassed because the content of the comic book is Luke (the man reading the comic) being homo shipped with his friend Danny/Iron Fist.

MJ main attribute is that shes a hot red-head.

This is funny though. Comic nerds are secretly annoyed but pretending they aren't. Capeshit has always been shit and they deserve it.

Its real. Tits Thor is probably the most hyped, over marketed hero to ever debut by Marvel.

Tits Thor had the success of the Thor/Marvel movies going in full swing. She was even on Oprah. All of this massive buzz behind the character when it released, and in the end its still selling less than the debut of the last run, which had jack shit behind it other than Thor's name.

AFAIK she's currently MIA after the last big event. But they say they're going to bring her back. We'll see.

Have some Trump Skull. 1/2

By stating that [x] character's non-white race is necessary to their identity, aren't they really just admitting that the non-white character's identities are shallow by the very fact of the race being an inseparable part of them?

I think my particular problem with it though, is that if you REALLY wanted to, you could change Luke Cage's racial identity, but as you say, it would fuck up the point of the character. In that way, I think it's unfair, and frankly racist, to change the racial identity of a character (black or white) who's identity isn't explicitly tied to their race by the story. When they've been designated a race by their creator, changing something like that still fundamentally changes the character, even if they can still fit into the story.

My whole point is, why change it at all?
I don't want a white Luke Cage, any more than I want a black Spiderman. I don't understand how it's not racist to change a characters race, if race doesn't matter in the first place?

That's the argument that's used:
If race doesn't matter, then why do you care if we change it? It seems like a logical fallacy or something to me, because the question ignores it's own presumption. You can easily write the proposition the opposite way and it makes the same amount of sense:
>If race doesn't matter, then why do you want to change it?


And thus ends Robbie's transformation in the space of a single panel.

Unemployed -> Hydra Agent -> Killing homeless people -> Suicide bomber.

Job well done Marvel!

When Marvel became convinced all women were tumblr hamcathedrals and tried to market towards women.

>tfw nobody reads Eurocomics anymore
Asterix, Blueberry, and Corto Maltese; All 100% pure uncucked entertainment, the art is fucking great too.

The worst part is that that villain is obsessed with proving she is better than other superpowered women. That is her shtick. It'd be like Professor Zoom not attacking Flash out of speedster solidarity

Just came here to say this. If I have to describe Mary Jane, the first (and only) thing I'd mention would be her red hair. I never really read comics, hate cape-shit, and fucking everyone knows that MJ is a ginger.

> white
> suicide bomber

1930. They have always been left-wing.

>Implying nigger of oz was a thing that got started in 2016

That is one smug looking mother fucker right there.

jews have always had a heavy hand in the comic industry.

they, under congressional pressure and threat of censorship, instituted the Comics Code Authority, a tool of self-policing.

However, once their cultural poison had spread via other means (movies, music, tv, etc.), the CCA was basically abandoned and comics were free to wallow in as much degeneracy as they could draw.

>My whole point is, why change it at all?
Because a lot of characters were created a long time ago when the only few black characters were stereotypes and tokens. The racial makeup of America has since changed, and the demographics of the movie audiences have since changed. A fully white high school in NYC just isn't believable in these times, and it'd be stupid to pretend otherwise just because of 50 year old comics. And this is all hypothetical if she even is MJ, which is doubtful and still entirely unconfirmed. These movies have a lot of fake leaks.

The MCU is a different universe than the 616 comics universe, where nobody has been raceswapped and this has no reflection on the current comics where white redhead MJ still exists. There's been several changes to the MCU depiction of the characters that differ from the comics, anyway. Clint Barton is married and has a wife and children, yet in the comics he's a carnie fuckup who is deaf and lives in a shit apartment. Natasha isn't an old as fuck super soldier like Steve, and she has never been in a relationship with the Hulk. Bucky isn't a teenage boy shipped off to war, and has never been part of Hydra or killed Tony's parents. Scarlet Witch isn't half jewish half gypsy mutant, and her brother is still alive in the comics.

These are some pretty big changes to the characters and their backstories, but it's generally accepted that the MCU is completely separate at this point. A minor character like MJ really isn't a big deal when bigger changes have happened to bigger characters.

The Wiz is fucking terrible, though.

are u the same qt3.14 from another thread


dont fuck niggers

Ah, so it's (((Stott)))

>this autistic lettering
Just fucking terrible

This didn't sell well did it?

don't give them ideas

also, none of them are gender mayonnaise

Post that in his Twitter. Report back his reaction.

Why the fuck would i do that?

They should have kept Peter Parker and Mary Jane white while having Miles Morales fucking Mary Jane on the side. Eventually Peter Parker would have to raise their mulatto love child while marveling at how much stronger and more intelligent this African god child is compared to whites his age.

I don't have a Twitter account.

The point of Red Skull's speech is that you can take the truth and address the shit situations of people, prey on their fears, and then offer them a solution that actually doesn't fix it because they are so desperate for change and a way out. I don't know how many times I see idiots say "well lol he's not wrong, Marvel must be calling my political beliefs evil!" while missing the entire point.

The beliefs are real, they reflect what we see and hear around us, the problems in our lives. Red Skull is evil because he uses those words to drag people into his cult and then sacrifice their lives for HIS benefit, not theirs. He's interested in his own power, he has no interest in helping these people solve their problems. He just knows that people with problems are the most desperate.

That's why what he says sounds reasonable, compelling, RIGHT. He wants you to think that. He's a fucking politician. People understand the concept of politicians being corrupt and using people until somebody starts singing their own tune.

I just find comic book shit to be so cringeworthy. I mean maybe when you're 8 years old but this stuff is mostly consumed by adults.

>retarded costumes
>muh capes
>equally retarded villains that all have some stupid theme

Seriously why is it so popular? I just don't get it.

For me, fundamental changes are just as upsetting as superficial ones in terms of creativity and "intellectual property" - if you believe in that concept.

I get that times are changing and all that, but it disturbs me when people try to change the past to fit the future (slightly off topic point I'd like to make is how this translates to other mediums like history... If it's okay to change Comic book characters to fit an agenda, what makes you think they stop there? I'm just saying that the implications become unsettling if you stop and think about it.) Make new characters, create new franchises, and leave the old ones alone if they're too white, or too stereotypical and offensive.

Maybe I'm bias because I'm a writer, and having changes made to your creation like that rubs me the wrong way.

Is it a big deal? No not really. But it loops back around to, if it's not a big deal, then why make a big deal out of it by changing it to fit some agenda? The real problem with changing the race of existing characters is that it sends a clear message:
>Race IS important and it DOES matter
And, in my humble opinion is the opposite direction we should be heading in. It's subtly regressive, dressed up as progress. When in reality it communicates that we aren't really trying to get rid of racism, we're just changing what it looks like.

That's a great point, actually. He make sense in his speech, but then it immediately turns to "so let's kill them all", and I think this is needed to establish that he is indeed a villain and requires a hero to stop him. You made me realize that people must certainly do this in real life but in a slower stage where the jump in logic is not so clear cut.
However, that being said, I think the "Marvel must be calling my political beliefs evil" has merit because, at least from my understanding, all kinds of media, especially comics, are becoming less thought-provoking and more weaponized for agendas. I don't read comics, but from this it looks like it is less "beware what leaders tell you" and more "those who are against the refugees are literal nazis", to put it bluntly. After all, the political allusions it invokes are so thinly veiled it is basically an allegory, and it seems Marvel wants to inspire the readers to enact their own outcome.


Chechens are not privileged.

What the fuck does Sony have to gain from fucking making such trash shit movies?

Can't they just leave it to Disney to make proper ones?

Disney has some redpilled shit and doesn't cow toe to SJWs

Fucking Sony, what the fuck do they have to gain from trash like

>Sausage Party
>New Ghostbusters
>New Spiderman


>but then it immediately turns to "so let's kill them all"

Fuck yeah. I'm on board.

>asking why woman would do things inherently bad for them

You're asking the wrong people for the answer to that.

I don't understand this point. I have already fapped to r63, but I don't see the point of gender bending and blacking in normal comics. I mean if you are a strong independent PoC, you can surely draw a new and original PoC superhero, instead of stealing already existing ones.

>reading capeshit when anime exists
will you ever learn?

The changes mean less and less over time when you keep in mind these characters have a 50+ year history with different writers, retcons, and different universes all within the comics themselves. These characters have all been depicted in a lot of different ways and have had parts of their histories rewritten or written out several times over. The movies being different from the comics is a necessity because of IPs like X-Men, F4, and previously Spider-Man were all owned by different studios. You can't replicate it, so things have to be shifted around to make sense and tell a single story in one movie. In comics, they really aren't self-contained because characters and events hop through different titles, and then are handled different by different writers. Something so insignificant as a possible MJ's skin color being changed is seriously nothing compared to everything else that has changed, and if you were a fan of comics you would have already known and gotten over this a long time ago. But it also doesn't erase the existence of the past. These comics still exist. MJ as you know her still exists. You can go pick up comics with her right now and she'll be the white redhead of your dreams.

They are creating new characters, and there's backlash to that as well. Riri Williams is going to be sort of an apprentice to Tony Stark in the Iron Man book, she's an original character who is a black teenage girl. They didn't turn Tony Stark into a black teenage girl, they just added one to his story. People are still raging about it.

There's also the problem that most creators don't WANT to give Marvel or DC new characters, because then that creator belongs to the company and not them. You should understand that as a writer who is protective of your work. But the original creators are almost all dead, Stan Lee has 0 fucks to give about the changes made. And comics aren't some sacred historic art that needs preserving.



>nigger of oz

Watching anime is exponentially more faggy than reading capeshit but both are for irredeemable virgin nerds.

>*teleprots behin yuo*

Not if you take the writers comments into account. They invalidate your hypothesis.

Comics were always degenerate shit.

First comic ever, Superman, was designed to battle the evul Nazis with transplanetary demigod queer crossdresser hero and protect innocent kikes.

Comics should all burn on bonfires while Horst Wessel Lied plays in the background.

Fuck Sup Forums.