Wow, Sup Forums utterly BTFO once again.
Wow, Sup Forums utterly BTFO once again
Other urls found in this thread:
when did comic books become a social justice battleground?
When it became 2016. How's it feel being on the wrong side of history?
>It's okay for white characters to be cast with non whites
>but cast a non white with a white person and every liberal loses their minds
>wrong side
>Ghostbusters remake, nigger wizard of Oz
only for Marvel.
DC is still mostly fine, except for having a few jews in their movies.
>ITS DIFFERENT when its the black hero!
>they don't have to share the toys with you!
That's because there is no such thing as white culture, whiteness is not an essential trait of any character. Thus the erasure of whiteness is OK and actually encouraged.
>It's okay for non-whites characters to be cast with whites
>but cast a white with a non-white person and Sup Forums loses their minds
Why is Sup Forums such an unironic mirror image of sjws?
Since Captain America was created by a couple jews to punch Hitler before America entered into WWII.