Jack the Ripper

Well Sup Forums is killing prostitutes justified? I mean they are degenerates... Also who do you think was Jack?

It was already proven beyond reasonable doubt that he was a jew and his crimes were covered up by other jews

Probably Jonny Depp

I can see him doing something like that.

jews are the most pacifists group of people to ever exist. Throughout history the only role they've played is the victim. Sorry but something this evil has white male written all over it

Well the leading suspect was Aaron kosminski according to investigator swanton, kosminski was a Polish Jew, id'd by Israel Schwartz, (another Polish Jew) who then refused to testify

The penalty for degeneracy alone should never be death. Some bored psycho that saw an opportunity for excitement.

>Throughout history the only role they've played is the victim.
And they've played it well.

>up front and honest about male/female relationship
>good ones always deliver their end of the bargain
>no using kids/family courts as a weapon to thieve from men
>"I mean they are degenerates..."

They're more moral than the majority of western women tbqh.

Meanwhile in 13 Miller's Court.

So at what point can they not be saved and should just be put down? Low class Prostitutes aren't exactly save able in most cases

This QT.

Looked like a night to die for .... I'll kill myself now ...

Unfortunately you're not wrong...

True, but one of the reasons was 'solitary vices'. If beating off made you a murderer we'd all hang. Plus Anderson got so much other stuff wrong, and if he was identified by a witness it was potentially 2 years later.

Don't think he did it it, but sickert is interesting. Supposed to be details in his paintings that give it away

I'm skeptical it was Kosminski, but there is a definite air of Jewishness to the Ripper killings. The whole message of

>The Jewes Are The Men Who Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing

is just utterly eerie as fuck. Abberline's notes are full of references to synagogues and shit. Could be a distraction but God knows. We will never know. I reread From Hell the other day as a result of recalling that chalk messages about 'the Jewes'. The last scene Gull sees before he dies had me weeping my eyes out like a fucking girl when I realised what it meant.

Also, the area of Whitechapel where the killings took place is now a part of Tower Hamlets where the white population is 29%. That era is gone now. Disappeared under kebab.

Poor old Mary. They never found her heart...

Yeah the artist is really off with his obsession... He at the very least probably knew the guy who did it

You can say what you want about prostitutes but there is no prostitute on fucking Earth who deserves the same fate as what happened to Mary Kelly.

Suspicious as fuck Warren didn't let the goulston graffiti be photographed. Everyone who wrote it down got a different version, the copy they found in Scotland Yard has 'juives' pic related

Yeah he was an animal, but what if we just shot them? Is that okay just musing here

He said he did it to prevent race riots, idk I'm not an expert on how tense race relations were at the time period

>While standing under a street light on outside the Queen's Head Public House Hutchinson gets a good look at the man with Mary Jane Kelly. He has a pale complexion, a slight moustache turned up at the corners (changed to dark complexion and heavy moustache in the press reports), dark hair, dark eyes, and bushy eyebrows. He is, according to Hutchinson, of "Jewish appearance." The man is wearing a soft felt hat pulled down over his eyes, a long dark coat trimmed in astrakhan, a white collar with a black necktie fixed with a horseshoe pin. He wears dark spats over light button over boots. A massive gold chain is in his waistcoat with a large seal with a red stone hanging from it. He carries kid gloves in his right hand and a small package in his left. He is 5' 6" or 5' 7" tall and about 35 or 36 years old.

I absolutely have no idea whether this shit is post-hoc apocryphal or not. Shit sounds too good to be true.

If Jack the Ripper were truly a high functioning Jewish sadist on a Talmudic mission to sacrifice shiksa flesh to the Volcano God then you can just fucking shut Sup Forums down right now because it's never getting any better than this.

Kek, the kikes would just play it off as the knife's fault

Walter Sickert.

There was a suspect. His name was Aaron Kosminski. Guess what Sup Forums? He was a jew.

>In September 2014, author Russell Edwards claimed to have proved Kosminski's guilt using mitochondrial DNA evidence from a shawl he believed to have been left at a murder scene.

The shawl was disproven, kosminski does fit the type rather well though

The artist is definitely a shady dude

These are high risk individuals

there is nothing red pilled about someone taking candy from a baby, even if the baby is a democrat

at the end of the day I figure Jack the Ripper was just ripping rippers cause they were easy ripping