Yellow Peril 2.0

With the rise of china how can we maintain our global ascendancy? Will the west suffer for allowing china to exist as one state instead of being partitioned?

Self bump. Though will we regret not letting the Japanese, Russians, French, Mongolians, and Indians take their share?


Poor Canada getting yellowed and riced lol

This is only a problem in Canada because they have no other races to balance it out.

With blacks and Hispanics in America, oftentimes the Chinese are just unconcerning.

why should we be afraid of the rise of china? it'll only rise 2 inches.

Yeah it's barely noticeable because they don't commit crimes and usually contribute to society
We keep em down by portraying the guys as unmasculine nerds and the girls as hyper sexual white dick loving bitches

Still more than you kek

And Australia and parts of England and your West Coast and....

I didn't mean nationally as in our borders. I meant a threat to our trade routes control of the seas our neighbors. white domination of the media isn't going to last forever we can't risk more of them though.
It would be helpful for you,I remember Vancouver. I hope Victoria never succumbs. The empress is too perfect to become asianified

There are lots of them just the Chinese outnumber the entire European race. I can't remember the exact quote but china turning america into her farmlands, Australia her mines and Europe her boutique.

We won't

The chinks have edited the human genome. We will be literally generations behind them in a few years.

>muh mystical apocalypse
kill yourself

They're enslaving Africa again too lol white man's burden 2.0


White Australia policy now.


Did Canada ever have an equivalent of the White Australia Policy?

Hillary Clinton is a Chinese operative whose mission is to finish the destruction of America's economy.


Get ready for more of them, it looks like they're buying all your houses
Your politicians are pretty ass about the whole thing though because it benefits them

If the commies fought against this I'd have more respect for them.


Over 100 years later and it's still all true.

Jesus Canada did chink steal your gf or something, you should go outside more

Yes benefiting them at our expense. once they are a super power they can retool the global economy to suit their needs and desires. what can be done about this?

That's one sinister looking Buddha

It's simple, we have slaves again in the states

How does that work to maintain European global hegemony, protect our interests, or prevent our allies(Korea and japan) from being destroyed.

I think we just have to come to terms that China might be USA level one day and it'll have it's own agenda and world plan like we do

it's a slow take over, but we're getting their asian bros. 30 years from now, china's gonna be USA 2.0

> a fucking leaf


It's quite real. Search "Shenzhen genius DNA" for example.