Villain is a military white man

>villain is a military white man
>he wants to build a wall
>use apes as slaves to build it
>when apes go on strike, they rise their fist like "black power"
>ape get whipped as a punition
>some apes willingly works for the humans, despite being treated like shit and humans not liking them (uncle tom black republicans)
>villain explains his reasons "you're faster, stronger, you're getting smarter, you're going to replace us, it's just how nature works"

Jesus Christ, can someone tell me again how this is not about America and just progressive propaganda ? Go on, tell me how this movie has "biblical undertones" and "durr blacks in America were not the only slaves in history"

fucking tools

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this kind of shit has been happening since the late 80's lowkey, people are only now starting to actually pick up on it


OP is probably like 19 so I won't hold it against him. Anyway, I loved the movie. There hasn't been a good old fashioned prison escape flick in a while.

>Go on, tell me how this movie has "biblical undertones" and "durr blacks in America were not the only slaves in history"

It does and they weren't.


Please enlighten me how Blacks or Leftists in general are " stronger and smarter ".....

Koba was such a great tragic villain. That's the main thing War lacked compared to Dawn.

You're seeing what you want to see Sup Forums fag. Are you really so scared of race and niggers that you gotta see this shit everywhere.

>that denial
"wow, i'm so progressive I don't know what you're talking about at all, didn't saw all those obvious winks"

It's about whiteys being erased over time by minorities (see the US birth rates) and being scared of it
>race mixing is the future, white people need to step down