I'd like to uncover some hidden history to this site. A lot of you think you know that this site is just a dumb joke, but here: Years ago, we used to try and get "newfags" out of this site, we, being me and the rest of the people that made content (there were only ever about 10-20, maybe today 50. We couldn't, we made jokes and tricked them, it was really hard. So eventually one of us worked out that we could trick them into doing stuff for us, because they had misinterpreted the meme about "anonymous" and thought un-ironically that people were identifying themselves are anonymous and that it gave them power. Long story short we lost control of that movement and it became what it is today. I maintain that an intellegence organisation took control of it over from us about a month afer it started, but nobody HAS to believe me. However if you are a Christian, you will note what their slogan was when it started getting wierd "I am legion, for we are many". If you read the bible, that's a BIG RED FLAG and speak directly to organised crime and intellegence organisations. Not only that, but now it's turned into "kek", which as we all know, looks like George soros smiling, (Note that George soros brings about chaos by funding communists etc) and also the likeness of a frog is attributed to an ancient dead god named "kek".
I can't stress this enough: I don't owe you anything, I'm just warning those of you who will listen every now and then. The whole world is being taken over and you are being tricked into invoking names of the occult gods/demons.
You may not believe it, but I think by now you know, THEY DO.
/x/ is gay so dont bring that homo shit here faggot
Jeremiah Turner
oh shit! magic?! i better tell muh niggas to ditch town! as we call on the almighty kek to reign down fire on OP. May the fire cleanse his inability to write a coherent post. Amen >We are legion for we are kek this shall spread through the board like wildfire and chimply is going to help me.
Jacob Collins
it's not /x/ this is political.
Hudson Turner
>you see, newfags, waaaaaay back in the day I produced all the content >the year was 2010, and there were but dozens of us... k
Isaac Thomas
>we are legion for we are kek spread this shit
Isaiah Walker
>(((oldfag))) Gonna give him the benefit of the doubt? Just like that?
Austin Diaz
Austin Hall
Always and forever.
Carter Baker
it didnt seem worth the fight. he clearly believes that he is telling the truth.
John Howard
No matter the op, this is how you sage
Carter Evans
Lol, Idiots.jpg
James Foster
Please note who is against me, it's the kekinites and the legionares just as you would assume if I was correct.
Don't invoke false gods and trust yourself.
Lincoln Young
kek is a false god
77777 get proof few days ago
Lucas Gonzalez
The Demons and the Pigs …8For Jesus had already declared, “Come out of this man, you unclean spirit!” 9“What is your name?” Jesus asked. “My name is Legion, he replied, “for we are many.
Camden Hall
Hudson Miller
Aaron Nelson
today on Sup Forums a dumbfuk aus tries to convince people that kek is a false god. little does he know, were trolling him now.
Elijah Myers
kek is real I can connect a 777777 get with Aussies
Nathan Peterson
>As a god of the night, Kek was also related to the day - he was called the "bringer-in of the light". This seems to mean that he was responsible for the time of night that came just before sunrise. >He was the god of the hours before dawn; the twilight which gave birth to the sun.
>called the "bringer-in of the light" >BRINGER OF LIGHT >LUZIFER
There was also a female part
>The female counterpart of the god Kek, Kauket (Keket, Kekit) was a much more obscure goddess than her husband. She was a snake-headed woman who ruled over the darkness with her >husband. Her name also meant darkness, as did her husband's name, but with a feminine ending.
So kek is literally the sun and Keket is the moon
Kek = sun worship aka devil
Luis Mitchell
I've got news for you, buddy. There's not much of a need to trick people into invoking powers via thought/sound. We subconsciously receive and transmit that shit daily. It's all frequency and vibration. The ripples that moving matter makes in the soup of the universe change the form of that universe based on the speed and tempo of the movement. We know this as frequency and particles behave in various ways depending on who's observing and when. The entire construct of this physical universe is an invocation of limitation and degradation, an invocation of eternal struggle, locking conciousness into a cycle that it can't break or even think it possible to break.
People like to pretend balance is important because we see fractal dichotomy on every level of existence. The reason for this is because the true state of conciousness is unending eternal ignorance and bliss in a sea of nothingness. Imagine existing only as pure energy, power, imagination and probability in pure bliss and then being yanked from that experience and being stuffed with just as much negativity, darkness, pain and basically just opposing experiences. You don't really have to imagine it because this story, this theme is the same in every mythological origin story ever and we're living it now. We used to be ignorant in bliss until we somehow were given or found the knowledge of good and evil and became trapped in its eternal struggle, it's eternal cycle.
We're fucking infinite beings stuck in a cycle against our own will.
Gavin Hernandez
If you would have told me a couple years ago that people would be exposing the satanic cult agenda and talking about Jesus Christ on Sup Forums, I would have thought you were crazy, but I couldn't be any happier for you guys. I seriously uses to think you were all complete degenerates but I underestimated God's power.
Fact is folks, 99% of the stuff you talk about on this board happens because the elites know that the Bible is real and they're working for the bad guys
Tyler Torres
No divine power, just autism. And also aliens.
Luke Allen
the rabbit hole goes deeper
try to research the cross of tammuz
research the word stauros
research the real name of god
it has been replaced many times through "lord" which means baal
im really sure the cross is also a trick by the devil because he deceived the whole world
and god forbid symbol or image worship
>You shall not make for yourselves idols, nor shall you set up for yourselves an image or >a sacred pillar, nor shall you place a figured stone in your land to bow down to it; for I am >the LORD your God.
Carson Butler
The Devil has many names including Saturn. Baal, Moloch, Ra, Ptah, Loki, Odin, Malek-taus, Set, Tiamat, Angra-mainyu/Ahriman, Horus, Mastema, Apollyon, Abbadon, Typhon, Ea, Enki, Lucifer, Iblis, Shiva, Kali, Poseidon, Dionysus, the great Dragon, Beelzebub, Baphomet, Anu, Satan. So Saturn and Satan are the same being.
In greek it doesn't say he was "crucified on a "cross". The words are Stauros/stake and Xylon/tree.
Adrian Diaz
Justin King
This is garbage.
Cameron Davis
classic Sup Forums quality post
Isaac Cox
What I don't get is how you guys don't get after all this time that Christianity, christjewism is a Jewish trick to make you servile.
Blake Harris
it isnt - the bible is literally the biggest red pill
biblehub.com/revelation/3-9.htm Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.
Liam Evans
If it's so redpill why is every Christian I meet a servile blue pill white knight or mangina eroded by years of feminism or bending down to kiss a sandnigger foot like the faggot pope or his choirboy fucker clergy?
Jaxson Lewis
And why are all the country churches being demolished and replaced with mosques while the city cathedrals are being converted to dance halls. That shit is dead. Kek lives.
Eli Ortiz
In Town of Salem witches have chaotic alignment
Camden Morris
Samuel Scott
Brody Phillips
Out with the old and in with the newest Abrahamic. The Abrahamics are obviously the cancer of earth and only natural law combined with a healthy respect for your new God, neo-Odin, can save us now.
Jose Taylor
Odin is a Turkish wizard. Read the sagas.
Benjamin Morris
In the Town of Salem witches suck my dick
Xavier Campbell
>And why are all the country churches being demolished and replaced with mosques Because that is what socialists do.
Ethan Bennett
Charles Garcia
now this is a shitpost, excellent job straya
Ryder Martin
Sup Forums came out of SomethingAwful goons wanting to shoot the shit without having to pay to use their forums (yes, SA forums have been paywalled a long time, but the website is hideous nowadays).
Jeremiah Walker
>Dumb kiwi knows nothing about this but claims to because he read an uncyclopedia article in a google search.
Suck my dick kiwi scum
Ryder Williams
One of my ancestors was killed in Salem for being a warlock. Fucking Christfags pressed him to death over 3 days trying to torture a confession out of him so the church could seize his land. Every time they asked him to confess he told the to throw more rocks on
Nicholas Gonzalez
>One of my ancestors got stoned and just lay around until he died. Cool story heathen
Ryan Brown
Caleb Walker
I'm sorry your thread got derailed. If it makes you feel better, I believe you
Juan Walker
> shun the nonbeliever!
S*r*s did nothing wrong
Nathaniel Clark
Lol thanks anglobro. I've got some weird history in my family on my mothers side to say the least(pic related) Dad's side too but not like mothers side.
Brayden Price
This heathen
Brandon Martinez
>London has it's own version of Pennsylvania Ya learn something new everyday.
Jack Phillips
It is after all the first and most natural of all religions.
Ethan Perry
We know digits can be manipulated.
It was done with the great Bernie Trump heist.
Logan Carter
Perversion of the religion user, through conspiracy.