Asians and niggers

>chinese get imported to america at the same time as niggers were
>get treated worse than slaves/niggers
>had a lot of people starved to death
>dont even have jobs like house slaves like some niggers did
>end up being a contribution to society and as respected people in america
>niggers are still at the bottom of society

Asians are the master race

if you're gonna import immigrants, may as well import yellows/certain pooinloos for tech

>Letting chinks in your country

Brain dead.

Why are niggers so stupid?

Someone's mad that the chinks are buying all their houses lol

Because they're smarter, I can't think of any significant structure/building that sub Sahara African countries have built but you see all types of architecture in Asia

I'm so glad we don't have much of this cancer here

arent romas our literal dindus?

Shit, you're right ... I saw a smart black person (tho there isn't much of them) but you'll never see a smart gypsy ...

You can use this as some sort of dual argument since the vast majority of chinese immigrants who came initially were all dudes

You have no idea.


What context do you need? Are you retarded? It's a black mother tossing her child.

Indians are solid from an academic standpoint, but when it comes to actually holding high caliber jobs they're fucking less than useless. On paper they look good, but as a whole, they don't accomplish jack shit.

They are black

>chinese get imported to america at the same time as niggers were
Because chinese was slaves?

I read in another thread that it was recorded as evidence against her... its terrible, i can't watch this video man

No, they were treated worse than slaves. You could get in trouble if you shot a nigger because they were property of someone. You could skin a chink alive and no one would bet an eye

They pretty much built all our railways and did shit noone else wanted to do for dirt cheap

ie. BLM right now in America. Kill an Asian, no one fucking cares, say"nigga" or do anything negative towards dark skinned people and you're literally Hitler

Does having to look at a black person really repulse you that much, user? Are you okay with still pictures, or is it just videos that bother you?

I'm scared for life desu

At least you'll never have to see one in person, living in Switzerland and all.

thats true, its like seeing a unicorn. a dark, scary unicorn

This. Or just shoot them with your (jewish)gold plated ar-15

If they're so smart why are they all useless slant eyed clones that have been useless since the dawn of man?

>Really makes you think.

For free?
>No, they were treated worse than slaves

Chinese that move to Canada stay Chinese.

Chinese that move to America become American.

Clearly you didn't think for your comment kek

And we still maintain the quest of finding something contributing to the thread from the elusive leaf to this day

They used to.

These days...our goddamn leftist faggot government talks about the "melting pot" while discouraging "melting".

Fucking assimilate faggots.

Surprisingly accurate

I'm pretty sure China is a lot more accomplished country than you mate

Overeem is half white (dutch)

>No, they were treated worse than slaves

Oh Canada...

Aborigine tier

No difference between apes that toss around their offspring. I am starting to believe in evolution, niggers at least are under evolved apes.

This video made me furious. Fucking niggers.

>Chinks good

Delete this

Good enough to buy all your houses kek
But seriously though, how many Asians are in Australia?

we're still 90% white but a lot of that 10% are chinks and since most of us live on and around the coast we see them more often. A lot of the shit about China we get is just foreign investment

Ah so it's not so bad then huh? I would kill for more Asian immigrants than others

>letting chinks in your country
>brain dead

>checks flag