Did a movie where he played a reporter who exposes child molestors

>did a movie where he played a reporter who exposes child molestors
>did a series where he was a survivor of child sexual abuse
>is a pedophile IRL
What did he mean by this?

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Shit rolls downhill

The number one cause of fucking kids is being fucked as a kid and he was raised in an eastern cult compound, you just know

plus his wife...

>>is a pedophile IRL
tell me more

Here he is with his son at Comic-Con

that's not evidence of pedophilia, that's just being a shitty parent

>is a pedophile IRL

Any proof or sources on this?


Who do you suppose taught his kid to do this?

>demonic quads

>that's his real Twitter page
What the fuck

This is properly disturbing. No kid would do that without prior knowledge of dick sucking.

Didn't believe you, but god damn, it is as well.

Once again America has proven that you are allowed to be a pedophile if you are rich and/or jewish

>muh slavic ancestry
the guy is literally a german/british jew

I don't think there's anything wrong with calling yuor kids beautiful or cute but attractive probably wasn't the right word

fucking hell.

yes they would, every kid does this
>inb4 jew

you can't make this shit up

Twitter creep champion 2017

what the fuck?

>every kid does this
Are you saying that every kid shoves everything that looks like a dick into his mouth? I guess I was the exception.

Absolutely disgusting


Honestly he's like "please stop me"

Do any of you ever go outside?

>ITT bunch of pedos projecting their boypussy addiction to other people

What the fuck. What a creep.

Kid doesn't seem to mind

what the fuck?

I don't understand why we can't legally start killing degenerates right now.



What the fuck?

A kid might look at something like a handlebar and wonder what it tastes like, but I'm pretty sure most wouldn't deepthroat the thing.

That's literally illegal.

This is a bummer, I used to like this guy whenever I saw him in a movie

Kids put things in their mouth all the time, it's a basic part of learning of developing.

Because it is that, right? Right??

No no, he's kissing him just below the lip. Nothing to see here, move along.

>but I'm pretty sure most wouldn't deepthroat the thing.

Kids shove all kinds of shit to their mouth just to see if it fits.

Quit bumming yours kids Liev

>Kids shove all kinds of shit to their mouth just to see if it fits.
Is this what's happening in modern America? Kids shove all kinds of shit to their mouth just to see if it fits? That didn't happen when I was growing up.

>being anti-pedophile is a sure sign you're actually a pedophile
Fag logic reaches its natural conclusion

Yeah. This shit kind of ruins him and Naomi Watts for me.

>Woody Allen has been exposed as an incestuous pedophile
>Cate Blanchett has been exposed as an incestuous pedophile
>Liev Schreiber has been exposed as an incestuous pedophile

What the fuck. Why are so many Hollywood stars sexually attracted to children? Is there some kind of clique of pedophiles controlling the industry?

Anyone who isnt a faggot has a natural aversion to putting phallic things in their mouth. I even have to eat banans sideways.

>that time my 5 yo self put snooker balls into my mouth and got stuck and had to go to the hospital so they could dislocate my jaw and take them out

There's literally nothing wrong with any of those pics except left bottom, and that one is just a matter of angle

>Source: I was a momma's boy too, with all the cuddling and shit and no incest stuff ffs


Sounds more like an abnormal phobia of phallic objects. Tell me about your mother, was she a cock sucking whore, and by that I mean a lousy five dollar blowjob prostitute, by any chance?

never cared about that dude but knowing this really makes me hate Watts

You forgot /ourgal/ Kate

Dude, they're all pedos. Almost every single big name in showbusiness is a pedophile.

Kid put things in their mouths all the time, it's perfectly normal. I did that all the time when I was a kid.



Dont forget Charlie Sheen


So your parents didn't love you enough to teach you not to put random shit in your mouth?

Hey, leave Woody out of this. He wasn't biologically related to the kid he fucked.

what? his mother's a kike and his father's a mix of 10 different european ethnicities with none being slavic

fkn lol

Oh shit, I thought she was. My bad.


No wonder Ray Donovan went to fucking shit, the lead actor is a kiddie fiddler

*I thought she (Woody's rape victim kid) was Woody's biological child, which apparently is not the case. Apologies to Mr. Allen.

>I love your sweet might

Be honest, how many of you didn't have a father growing up?

My dad never dressed me up as a juggalo slut at comic con

What if you wanted to dress like one?

I hope you don't have children

I'm pretty sure this what Kubrick was trying to warn us about with Eyes Wide Shut.


Are you suggesting you never asked your father questions about things you didn't know were taboo at the time?

>sister has a kid
>the little girl always tries to touch my penis when I have to babbysit her
>of course keep her away from me

what does this mean?

Why is /tvpol/ acting so assblasted about this?

how old is she? maybe someone else is doing something to her, yo should try having a talk with your sister.

like 6yo.

>yo should try having a talk with your sister.
and wtf do I say?

Jewish kiddie fuckers who was actually a decent actor

My dad probably would have laughed and said no, like any sane person.

Kissing your kid on the lips is illegal in burgerland? Is it also illegal to shake hands with a stranger, perhaps?

Because it makes their weener feel weird.

>being against fucking your kid is Sup Forums now
Please be a false flagger from Sup Forums

Because they are the ones who are the real pedophiles

just talk to her privately about your niece being inappropriate, it really depends on exactly what it is she is doing and how aggressive she is with doing it.

better to give her parents an idea of whats going on IMO.

>your boy dressing as a female character for a dress-up convention equals you fucking your kid
Please be a false flagger from /leftypol/

Do Americans really do this?

If you honestly think this is wrong or indicative of pedophilia then the feminist pedo hysteria got to you

what if they are involved?

Did you look at literally any other post in this thread you fucktard

Such as

Reminder that nu-Sup Forums spicshits and pajeets hate on Liev (among others) because they're jealous of Slavs and want to take their place as honorary aryans.

Holy cow, i wish i had a mommy like that. Or just a mom who could express her love for me.

The pedo hysteria meme was invented by pedos, just like the satanic cult hysteria meme.

>dressing up a fucking 5 (?) year old kid like a slutty capeshit character is totally normal

Be honest guys, you're just jealous because your parents never loved you.

>liev schreiber

then try talking to your niece first, its a complicated and tricky situation, on one hand you need to protect your niece and family, on the other hand you need to make sure you don't blow it out of proportion and make it public knowledge without facts.

Keep a close eye on your niece, your sister and do your best, its really the only thing anyone can ask of you.

Depends if he's trying to dicksuck. As a kid I would chew on random shit all the time, it was weird as fuck, but it wasn't dick suckin'.

wtf I wished Liv Schreiber was my dad desu :(

I never asked for this man
I dono't want to be involved in this fucking mess

Western civilization is in the balance. Some might say its gone already but some of us still fight.

Yiddishland kike