They helped in the war against Nazi Germany, afterall.
Wtf I love muslims now
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French-Arab propaganda, they would be happier if Hiitler had won (we too).
at last I truly see...Islams helped the bad guys against /ourguy/, Hitler
BASED Germans confirmed for fighting against the multi-cultural Islamic-communist-proggresive allies in WW2. Truly the wrong side won and now Europe is paying the price with Globalists like Merkel and Macron
Fuck muslim propaganda
I don't really think of muslims as much different than christians tbphwyf. Bunch of monkey niggers the lot of em.
Redpilled article
Now muslims must rise against the new Islamaphobe/Hitler of our time...Donald Drumpf
Hitler was right-wing so no surprise Africans and muslims all fought against him
Memes aside Days of Glory was a pretty good war movie senpai. It didn't have the budget of a Hollywood movie but the characters were all good.
Why is anyone shocked that Middle-Eastern and African people fought Hitler? Hitler was a notorious racist lol
not to muslims
i read on wiki that 2/3 of all troops of the France libre where Africans and muslims (according to BBC)
Can someone confirm this?
Indeed he was. Says so in the article
Something like 60% were colonial troops
Hitler actually said that he'd prefer Germans to be Muslims rather than Christian because of the warlike nature inherent in Islam
lol thats sad
French soldiers were in german POW camps, the 2nd Armored Division was a mix of native french, black, maghrebis, spanish republicans...
was the percentage similar for Great Britain?
The "voices" section of the Independent is the place where failed writers, with literally nothing to do, type out their liberal fantasies.
>characterising the Indian contingent as "muslim"
They were Hindu, and there were very few of them.
>characterising the exiled French as non-European
Isn't it funny how suddenly people forget that this was the point of exile? It was the exile of NATIVE French troops. The colonies who joined de Gaulle did so after the battle of Dunkirk. Black troops were present, but they were French citizens, not colonials.
>mentioning, but not naming, some random Black soldier who wasn't even present at Dunkirk
Fucking why? What purpose does this serve?
The battle and evacuation of Dunkirk was an overwhelmingly WHITE affair, in an overwhelmingly WHITE European theatre.
I'm so glad Nolan shoved this in their glory-thieving faces.
Britain was never conquered, and thus there was never a comparable government in exile.
how many of the 60 procent had fought in Europe?
i found out that more than 500,000 blacks fought for Great Britain. How many soldier did they had in the second World War?
And of those "French" soldiers a disproportionate amount was from Brittany because that's where a majority of sailors in the French navy were from at the time. Moreover the Commando Kiefer was largely made of Breton volunteers. There a whole island in Brittany whose men in age of serving all joined the Free French forces, to this day they don't pay income taxes as a reward for their bravery.
Meanwhile Parisian men were polishing SS boots while offering their wives to German officers and grunts alike.
The bataille of Bir Hakeim led by Koenig, a Norman man, was fought by legionnaires, colonial troops and naval fusiliers.
IIRC hitler actually greatly respected muslims, and considered them to be superior to the french
Did they not see the few black soldiers with the French?
Im 100% sure they havent even seen the film
>how many of the 60 procent had fought in Europe?
I don't know the exact numbers but colonials troops did fight in Europe
A lot of indians fought for the brits but mainly in North Africa or against the japs, so those complaining about the lack of brown people in Dunkirk are full of shit
True, a lot of bretons in the FFL
>How many soldier did they had in the second World War?
1 million Australians
200,000 NZ
1.1 million Canadians
2.5 million Indians
320,000 white South Africans (blacks were forbidden from arming)
The number of black Africans fighting for Britain was negligible.
Britain suffered more than double the military casualties of all her commonwealth states put together.
WW2 was an overwhelmingly white war, and Dunkirk was a particularly white episode of that white war.
Most of them I'ld recon considering after being done with North Africa the FFL landed in Sicily, took part in the campaign of Italy, and invaded Southern France. It wasn't until the liberation of Paris that the FFL could really grow to have more French nationals.
>French French forces, not FFL my bad......
Hitler hated Semites
Muslims are Semitic
Therefor therefor Hitler was racist toward muslims
Islam is a religion, not an ethnicity you retard.
You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion [Islam] too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?
A. Hitler
Damn dude you're dumb.