German Government Distributes Adhesive Tattoos to Prevent Muslim Sex Rapings
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Get your shit together you fucking poofters
>oh shit a tattoo that says no better pull out muh dik
Firebomb your local islamic center. Jesus its not hard
No need, you guys are set on a course for self destruction; it's just a matter of time.
Germans are literally so autistic they cannot understand why arabs wouldn't "follow the rules".
Face it Germany, its time for you guys to die out.
Both nature and Kek will it.
t. Town Rapist
Stupid leftys think slimes will listen to this shit. They rape for sport.
Literally a baby. They L I T E R A L L Y have to tell them not to rape babys. What the actual fuck?
Hey you. Kill Merkel.
Oy vey, this is bring backs my ptsd.
What you guys gonna do next? draw some yellow star?
I used to believe german autism was just a meme.
I think there's a concentration camp number tattoo joke here somewhere
Just kill me already, senpai.
Think this will work better or worse than the Swedish anti-rape bracelets?
This man is a prophet of kek
>This man is not
Do actual Germans idolise trump over there? do you guys believe that he might help fix your country?
>White hand
Top kek, anons. Germans are so in denial. They are reaching autism levels that shouldnt even be possible.
Did you see that .de government website that came out about a month ago, depicting cartoon versions of the Cologne New Year's Eve attacks?
Guess what colour those cartoon men were.
Germany, you refined the art of mass murdering an ethnic minority, and now this. It used to be funny. Now I'm just disappointed.
Pretty much, yes
I think a lot of "liberals" are like this, and they also think everyone from everywhere is just like them
This has to be a ruse.
>text in German
that will help.
It's some sort of joke right?
I don't know man, I still don't think Germany is as cucked as Sweden, but it's very close
i mean really this
do this germany
your country isnt even that big you dont have any excuses not to
If step 12 is do not rape children/women, what are the other 11 steps?
>anti-rape tattoos and wristbands
>still get raped by muslim men
>muslim men
>men are the problem
>yeah that's it
>this is not a problem of muslims, it is of men
>now we will target men
>we shouldn't target muslim men because that would be offensive
>wtf it's still happening
1. Be a sandnigger
2. Travel to Germany
3. Collect welfare
4. Shit up gym halls
5. Steal
6. Prepare the next terrorist attack
7. Complain about being treated not well enough
8. Demand more welfare
9. Get used for german state propaganda to promote letting more refugees in
10. Rape little girls considered too young to be women
11. Ignore any following points
Guys, please help.
We can't do this on our own.
We used to be great. We used to be feared.
What has become of us?
I wanna nuke you so bad
In all honesty this is too much. I'm going to take a break from pol for a week.
Who where the masterminds behind this ingenious idea to stop the rape.
Hope they get paid lots.
Now that they solved this wonder what the next step is?
Imprison racists and xenophobes
>There's no problem with rape. It's just attention bias.
>We need tattoos and campaigns so children dont get raped.
The comments under the Article are all along the line of "What the fuck?"
"Yeah right....everything is totally normal... welcome to Germany in 2016"
"Of course its not the refugees who caused this shit, they should print the tatoos in arabic"
"That guy goes on my blacklist, we´re already collecting names of state enemies"
"If that shit would help. And what about those w/o that tatoo? Are they declaring themselves as willing?"
Doesnt sound cucked to me. Our dear policy makers are just getting totally out of control and try their hardest to damage control.
Same reason why on most websites the comments get disabled on anything regarding fugees.
We don't have the same problems as Germany, dumb nigger.
Germany will have 20 muslim babies in 5 years.
All Sweden has is 2 million.
>implying rapefugees speak German
They barely speak English
>They're branding their own people
The FGM will come soon
Is this some information campaign to show germans how white children look?
Does the tatoo shine blue when there is muslim around?
a town rapist never pulls out
why don't you guys firebomb the next blm one sided race war ? is is so easy..
juxtapose this picture with the Sex Ed picture showing muslims fucking white german womyns
>20 muslim babies in 5 years.
>2 millions
> 2.000.000 < 20
> Swedish education right there
Have you seen how our chimpouts are resolved? Literally bean bag bullets and mace for hours.
Then comes the fun part, they get to go sit in a jail without food or water for at least the rest of the night soaking in the nice mace they've been gifted. This also doesn't count the nice little kick in the ribs they got from Sgt. Johnson.
We don't firebomb those apes because it's a waste of fire, all they do anyway is loot their own ghetto liquor stores, the first time they go into a suberb you'll get to be eye witness to some bix nood deaths.
Really, if they had any sense, they'd distribute amulets with pig blood.
I honestly can't understand how a nations people can be so blind to what the problem is.
How does it get to this point? Are they being willfully ignorant, or do they really not understand that muslims won't stop attacking them because they asked nicely?
I dont know germany, wings are christan.. that doesnt seem very tolorant to me!
Olive tree does not grow so high or need so much water. There is still hope for you, Western keks.
I came all the way from the future just to let you know what these preventative measures will accomplish.
Are you implying that muslims are the ones raping women user? That's awfully Islamophobic.
It's just the New Ewiggestrigen(eternally yesterday people) liberals, collaborators, willfully ignorant traitors and the media
We have the technology now to find out.
I wish I didn't share a border with you faggots
You must pay for your sins by sacrificing 10,000 children to the Muslim dick. Kek wills it.
I thought our atonement would be cutting off six gorrillion foreskins from little babies.
>We went to africa to civilize and exploit them
>Now they come back to exploit and barbarize us
Who allowed this
>rapes and gropings are just right-wing hysteria
>we must do something about all these rapes and gropings
Nuke the feminists, jews muslims and non europeans instead. Your problems would end tomorrow if you could push a button right now to make them vanish from europe, you would probably need to replace most of your government since they would be nowhere to be found.
Germany NO!
dammit germany, you used to be an empire look at you now
>Laugh because it seems so out of touch it cant be real.
>Its fucking real, every day, every time.
Ye its done for lads.
Germany just needs to setup a few hundred brothels. these rapefugees are going to ficki ficki one way or another might as well let get it on with whores.
lol, I'm sure that will work
plaster it on your forehead and all around your pussy for maximum effect
Are you saying that these poor sweet Refugees should PAY for a BASIC NEED?! That's racist!
They need their Merkel-Money for alcohol and drugs! Sex is freely available from all those unpure white womyn!
Honestly, this is why nobody likes you, burger! So racist and intolerant!
You could flip it 180 and institute death penalty for rape if muslims rape someone. But only that part of sharia law, and not the sharia court part of it but simply death for rape by muslim. And that penalty would not be for anyone else but muslims..
They would probably run back to middle east.. haha
Give me a sword i'll chop their heads off gladly.
The moment they start stepping out side of their shit ghettos, thats when you'll see the whites actually start giving a fuck.
This, And Merkel and all the pro refugee women should be forced to serve here until "they go back home".
one picture couldn't sum up the German government so well as this.
The armbands and stuff like this are just the feminist attempt to hide the elephant in the room.
You need a guy around you to prevent them from molesting you.....
This goes against every feminist dogma but it will crash in a burning pile of shit.
Because in the ends realz >>>>> feelz
They always catch on.
>"That guy goes on my blacklist, we´re already collecting names of state enemies"
what the actual fuck?
isn't there a musicfestival in stockholm right now, which had dozens of ficki-ficki-reports on its first day already?
Germany finally cracked. Sweden tier.
why the fuck are there so many brain damaged people in germany??
I cannot comprehend what the fucking shit in the mind of this stupid whore goes on.
This. Just kill me pls. Its all so tiresome
sadly all memes are true.
the traitor gubberment think they can stop the raep with a sticker. damn it, the raepfugees cant even read!
and as if they respect the grills now with a look a like tatoo more then without.
the stupidity is enormous
>pic also very related, they come up with so many idiotic ideas!
That would look kinda hot on a porn actress.
so that's why the poo-lice showed up and escorted me back to the flyktingförläggning.
huh, we learn something new every day
Merkel is a Jew tho
I really can't understand why Germans think being burned alive is favorable to growing some balls and bashing rapefugee skulls, leading eventually to a (comfy) prison stay.
>They L I T E R A L L Y have to tell them not to rape babys.
if that poster was to tell "them", it would be in arabic, not german.
Since it's in German it's quite clearly right-wing propaganga trying to suggest that immigrants are all baby rapists.
inb4 Sup Forums denies it and call me sandnigger/cuck/shill/crypto-merkel/etc
I didnt need to see that on this beautiful sunny day.
Fucks sake. Why do they think shit like that could help, just why.
Except there's no fucking way Merkel could ever be redeemed.
I wish we could lads.
An honourable death, not capitulation.
It's cause the retard leftists have convinced them that they are super saintly if they avoid any form of force or demand..
So literally instead of bashing their skull in or throwing them into a cargo plane and dropping them with parachute over some place in the middle east, they make posters saying "please understand don't rape babies, this is not ok"..
Ironically the ones they are using the non aggression principle on are some of the worst type of savages on earth, yet they somehow expect to reach a common ground with them.
yeah like 10 cases first day. but we are too cucked to care tbqh familama
>Landesratsamt Bodenseekreis
eat shit