Sir, we need someone to play a fat ass, big hips, dd cup voluptuous woman
She was honestly a decent Wondy, but it was odd how almost every other Amazon looked way more fit than she did, including Robin Wright.
Wonder Women was never supposed to be a fighter. Hence why her mother tries to shelter her.
TFW no israeli anorexfu.
No, she was horrible
>Wonder Women was never supposed to be a fighter.
And yet she trained in secret and despite being caught her mother relented and said train her BUT TRAIN HER HARDER THAN ANY OTHER AMAZON ON THE ISLAND.
ok you can say what you want about the shape of her head but her body is literally prefect
i really want gal to sexually abuse and bully me, always teasing me and making me her slave but always denying me orgasm
ugly body
>she actually looks good here
ok lads I'm going to have my first fap to this jew, wish me luck
Beautiful, angelic faced jewish godess
She is only good at being unaware, once she needs to be a superhero at the end and in the future she looks awful like she was in BvS
It's hard to train when you are a literal god. You already have all the strength.
I know just the Gal
>ywn her goy toy
>swn make joi vids
>swn step on you
kill me already
damn look at her forehead in the first pic
she's got a pin head
fuck amy adams
fuck gal gadot
>If you're a female, you don't have to get in shape for an important role
>fuck amy adams
>fuck gal gadot
I would if I could, bitch
Cavill was born to play Supes desu.
user i...
Anyone have the "I'M ACTING" faces from her in the third act? Shits hilarious
it sucks because appearance wise he is literally perfect but is such a bad fucking actor its unreal
Shame he has zero charisma
Compared to Gal, Gina is actually not a bad actress desu
>prime lucy lawless will never play Wonder Woman
it seems more of a snyder problem. The guy makes great set pieces but is not so good with actors.
Not true, he just gets put in a lot of flat roles with dummy directors, he's charismatic as fuck in Man From Uncle.
Her body is pure sex
He was cool in The man from U.N.C.L.E also Gina can actually act unlike Gal
How did Superman get ripped? Why was Wonder woman sculping a greek statue of a muscular man? Why are Greek gods portrayed as ripped?
too bad the DCEU's interpretation of the character bears zero resemblance to superman
She's the right man for the job.
This. From being a model she only has two facial expressions. Deer in the headlights and angry cat walk face.
>It's hard to train when you are a literal god. You already have all the strength.
Yh it's not like they ever train, Sheldon fucking cooper should've played Supes
To the christopher reeves superman, sure.
To the comic books character? nope.
Too bad he's playing evil edgy Superman. Also that costume design looks stupid as fuck.
generic "vs comics"
Alex Ross one shots represent all of "comics". Snyder poorly interpreting Alex Ross puts his films into context.
Jor-El explains that the sun nourishes kryptonian cells making him stronger than humans, but at the same time, Clark lives on a farm and obviously had to do tons of physical labor chores. jor-el laso says that he won't know how powerful he is unless he keeps pushing his limits, the Clark that struggled to hold up the oil derrick in Man of Steel is not the same one that could drag an Oil Tanker by its anchor.
Being able to find frames and panels that were copied does not make them the same character, have the same plot or the same tone.
>Sir, we need someone to play a fat ass, big hips, dd cup voluptuous woman
>Sup Forums wants muscled dykes who takes TRT ejections up the ass
>Sup Forums wants a porn actress like the girls in their B L A C K E D subscription
When will you learn that they were casting her with women viewers in mind?
The character bears zero resemblance to any interpretation that is remotely heroic, altruistic, or even worth calling "superman." Mopey-Faggot-Man seems more appropriate.
Also copying comic panels is not something admirable or respectable. It is also worth noting the only time snyder is able to give the illusion of competence is when he has something to plagiarize. As whenever he can't just steal a comic panel, he's utterly incompetent.
Doesn't adress the "literal gods" as Superman is a figurative god. The fact that you just tried to explain farm labor made Superman ripped is fucking hilarious by the way.
>rediculous head canon to excuse unrealistic writing and plot inconsistencies
Get real
fap hard and cum good
I agree with you but no one would go through all the effort to recreate something unless they like it a lot. Snyder is like a little kid sometimes.
He doesn't even need to bench press. He could fly into a yellow star for an hour with the same result
but she would have made an ugly WW
comic books differ from movies because they are different media.
>remotely heroic and altruistic.
>dies to save a world that doesn't like him.
Just because you understand it doesn't mean you have to like it.
As "casting for women" means casting women who aren't fit, attractive, or talented. Because those traits in women infuriate other women.
I know someone who would make a good wondy.
too bad she is too short.
>world doesn't like him because all he really does is mope
>the idea the world doesn't like him is entirely the result of lex's media manipulation
>Doesn't adress the "literal gods" as Superman is a figurative god.
Guess until Hercules shows up in these movies as a 6 foot brickhouse your shitty argument is safe, good to know.
More like canon of the movie and the 60 years of comics, retard.
That's right Sup Forums meme this some more to get that oscar
the world should be terrified of him because of what he is capable. Zod fighting against superman destroyed parts of metropolis.
... zack snyder is directly quoted as not liking any comics that aren't called watchmen. and his adaptation of watchmen betrayed a complete lack of understanding of watchmen.
His film making technique is clearly to have an army of interns read through every comic to find the best imagery and then just copy it, in no particular order or with any regard to thematic relevance.
that's like saying the world should be terrified of airplanes because of 9/11
war planes flying overhead and dropping bombs are spooky.
This bitch is fucking hideous
But hey 2009 weigh in picture when she was at her physical peak right?! I'm too fucking retarded to see that her body is fucking garbage now!
I love thicc girls as much as anybody but if you are not attracted to Gal then you are probably homosexual
>sir we need to outgross Civil War in the US with a solo movie
>say no more pham
this is her this year, and she was fine in deadpool
There were no war planes involved in 9/11.
Try to keep on topic, I understand it is difficult for snyder apologists.
you said air planes.
War planes are a subset of air planes.
And I said this
>Also that costume design looks stupid as fuck.
its the only Superman costume design that doesnt look ridiculous
giv jew gf
Sup Forums, stop being unaware of your meme powers for fuck's sake. Do you want this to get to a billion?
Here's a scenerio.
You're absolutely invincible.
Do you give a shit about the fashion police?
as if
Name one DCEU movie that has made a billion
You can't
There is no reason to think, five movies in, after four horrid movies, this will change.
The cartoon version is hotter.
She was a fucking retarded choice.
cartoon versions are always hotter.
>who aren't fit
Nobody wants roided shedykes unless they're in cage matches beating up Ronda Rousey.
Gadot is
You come to learn that a lot of women aren't really talented. Just eye candy.
The loli dianas were pretty hot.
>WW is going to pass civil war domestic
Yeah guys, you are right and the people who made the most successful capeflick of the year are wrong
does she know that the goyim knows?
remember that "2/10 wouldn't bang, t. ugly man" maymay? Its always rubbed me wrong as it's always the fat/ugly faggots whiteknighting on the internet.
I like how suddenly domestic is all that matters because foreign markets aren't doing much for WW.
domestic is where most of the studio money comes from.
Yet when foreign markets are 80% of the gross, suddenly they're all that matter.
>Nobody wants roided shedykes
Black Adam is already cast as the Rock. Explain that away please.
Sup Forumsmblrs whining about "MUH SUPERMAN" are so fucking hilarious.
Little crybaby bitches is what you are
nobody normal.
What? For over saying Gadot is attractive? She's pretty, I didn't say she was jaw dropping sexy.
It's so nice to see Gal and WW still triggering Sup Forums
she's only 3 inches shorter
>posting poojeet fb memes
You can always tell that they're from Sup Forums from the way they type and flip out like little kiddies
I was replying to a Sup Forumsposter in the first place, are you retarded?
well you can't gain height the way you gain weight.
I heard she got like $300,000 for doing Wonder Woman. The producers got a steal!!!!! $$$
Are you just ignorant of how hollywood casting specifically avoids legitimately attractive women because they alienate female audiences?
The glass ceiling is somewhere around 8/10, just like everything else as far as women are concerned.
I saved it from here, but you probably post more on plebblebook more than I do Tyrone
I hear this a lot. What did he betray be sides the ending?
Since distribution deals were invented in the movie market my friendo
I've never been on Sup Forums because I don't have autism, but you've seem to.