>I'm redpilled
>>oh what do you study?
>computer science
I'm redpilled
Better than a homeless neet living with his parents.
makes sense. once you're redpilled all other subjects except for math related ones are useless human ego masturbation.
Ok. I'll bite. What's wrong with comp sci?
> I'm redpilled
> oh what do you study?
> mathematics
fixed for you
Stem autists will rage at you but it's true
What's wrong with computer science?
At least I can count, unlike pic related.
What's wrong with compsci dude?
Nothing. Dude is pissed off about his Fine Arts degree.
He probably failed the course and is now butthurt.
>all these anons studying computer science getting defensive
They get good jobs after they graduate?
What is true? I didn't notice any point being made.
>>I'm redpilled
>>>oh what do you study?
>>political science
Is it though?
are you butthurt because you know you'll be automated out of a job soon
That compsci and STEM fags in general are autists that struggle with abstraction, language and critical thinking
thats why the majority of Sup Forums is shit
you can't automate law
>I'm redpilled
>>oh what do you study?
>compsci and stemfags struggle with abstraction
my sides