Sup Forums, how do I defeat the argument that trump will deport everyone?
I'm a fairly strong Trump supporter, but one day as I was arguing with my friends about politics back in the Bernie days, a good point was brought up against me, at least one that hit home.
Trump could send me and my family to Mexico.
I'm the legal son of my illegal immigrant parents, but I personally consider myself 100% American.
I've also managed to get into a high-tier UC on my own merit.
I've even taken a "Chicano-studies" class and thought it was 90% horseshit. (I believe a person should be proud of their ethnicity and heritage, but for it to take over pride for their country they pledge their allegiance to is awful. In short, nationalism > ethnic nationalism).
My parents, despite being illegal, work very hard to make a living here in America.
We have not taken much from welfare.
My father also consistently works on bettering himself by attaining new certifications on his field of agriculture.
Due to being on the traditional side, my mother stayed home and took care of the kids.
However, in large part due to fear and lack of knowledge, they do not know how to apply for citizenship.
So, when my friend said, "you're exactly the kind of family Trump wants to send back!" it got to me Sup Forums.
I know I'm an American, I feel like an American, my parents came here to raise an American, and not a Mexican, or even a Mexican-American.
Issues like this plague my mind.
How do I reconcile with this when I support Trump?