Trump conflicts with my personal interests

Sup Forums, how do I defeat the argument that trump will deport everyone?

I'm a fairly strong Trump supporter, but one day as I was arguing with my friends about politics back in the Bernie days, a good point was brought up against me, at least one that hit home.

Trump could send me and my family to Mexico.

I'm the legal son of my illegal immigrant parents, but I personally consider myself 100% American.
I've also managed to get into a high-tier UC on my own merit.
I've even taken a "Chicano-studies" class and thought it was 90% horseshit. (I believe a person should be proud of their ethnicity and heritage, but for it to take over pride for their country they pledge their allegiance to is awful. In short, nationalism > ethnic nationalism).

My parents, despite being illegal, work very hard to make a living here in America.

We have not taken much from welfare.
My father also consistently works on bettering himself by attaining new certifications on his field of agriculture.
Due to being on the traditional side, my mother stayed home and took care of the kids.

However, in large part due to fear and lack of knowledge, they do not know how to apply for citizenship.

So, when my friend said, "you're exactly the kind of family Trump wants to send back!" it got to me Sup Forums.

I know I'm an American, I feel like an American, my parents came here to raise an American, and not a Mexican, or even a Mexican-American.

Issues like this plague my mind.
How do I reconcile with this when I support Trump?

Other urls found in this thread:

You're legally American so he can't deport you, your parents tho... Hmmm... You probably shouldn't support Trump if they're illegal.

Take comfort in knowing that mass deportations will never happen. It's a political talking point that speaks directly to a large portion of the party, but it will never happen in today's America.

This is the specter that I do not want to face, my friend.

I love Trump and cannot fathom voting or supporting Hillary.

you have to go back

Have your parents apply for citizenship.

You are legal, your parents however have always been living here on borrowed time from the get go.

Do they pay income tax?

Not likely he'll actually deport every single illegal. He'll probably focus on removing criminals in practice

>trump hates hardworking immigrants but LOVES niggers on welfare

Bro, if they're not breaking the law, they'll probably never get caught. People arent pissed by the illegal who keep their heads down and work. They het pissed when the guy who robbed them at knife point, has been deported 5 times already, but hets welfare and doesnt have to pay taxes/ for health care

1.You're not an American
2.Your parents broke the law
3.IDGAF about your sob story, it's obvious your family has GREATLY benefited from America
4.As a legal immigrant FUCK YOU
5.Vote Trump and deal with the consequences

So your parents are criminals and you're afraid they will get their just punishment?

What a small man you are.

Unless your parents get some sort of money or healthcare from the government, or are committing crimes, they're fine.
Just cash checks at western union instead of having a bank account and there's no way they can get found out.

This actually makes a lot of sense, thank you,. I appreciate it.

I'm trying to learn more about the immigration system so that this is possible. I'm not sure if the stories of people being on 10 year waiting lists are true, but they are frightening to me.

You're pretty much right because aside from making all immigrants legal, this was bound to happen.
Yes, we do pay taxes.

How the fuck do illegal immigrants pay income tax?
Are you sure you understood the question?

>legal immigrant
You sound salty Ted Cruz.


I am a legal immigrant to Canada, you should do a better job of running your nation instead of letting your nation turn into swiss cheese for Mexican burrito merchants to take advantage of.

What? Ted isn't a leafposter.
Look at my- I mean his face. Do - does he look nervous to you?

I believe so, but I could be wrong. My parents would file taxes with IRS (1040 and all that, right?).

Although, I believe they might use my grandfather's SSN.

He was a legal citizen somehow, Bracero or something I think, but since he went back to Mexico he made it so my father ended up being a Mexican citizen.

>nationalism > ethnic nationalism

>I know I'm an American, I feel like an American, my parents came here to raise an American

After all of the things you've seen on Sup Forums how do you believe this knowing full well that your entire reason for being in this country is so SeƱor Shekelberg can use you to destroy it? And if you parents really did want to "raise an American" they would have come here legally instead of committing fraud and becoming economic parasites.

>Mexican supporting Trump

You're a race traitor, OP.
Now nobody actually respects you.

Tl;dr: Actual deportations will only affect criminals and extremely poor illegals who have to leech off their local government welfare to survive.

Even if Trump builds the wall, which I hope he does, he will have a VERY hard time getting any kind of approval, from both Congress and the public, towards enacting any kind of deportation acts. All he can realistically do is tell ICE to focus less on keeping illegals in custody and more on exporting them and rounding up more, the opposite of Obama's current order. But even then, ICE will get curtailed by America's "sanctuary cities", who basically tell ICE to gtfo and refuse to comply. They've been fighting the legislation behind sanctuary cities for two decades now, and the best they can do it cut off emergency federal aid money, so it's safe to say sanctuary cities aren't going anywhere.

I might be missing something, or uneducated about anything relating to illegal immigration, but paying taxes to the federal government while in direct violation of their laws by mere existence seems fucking retarded to me. I don't think I would stop doing that though if I were you, because while the government doesn't really care about criminals, they want to go after criminals who don't give them money anymore.


He probably lives in a sanctuary city, where they treat illegals as citizens, process them in the system as tax payers, and refuse to disclose immigration status to the federal government

What haven't they begun the process of obtaining citizenship? Are your parents lazy dumb faggots?

Your parents didn't put themselves at risk so you could grow up in good conditions and vote for a fucking retard who wants to deport them.


If I come in the US illegally, I will be deported because I'm white. You have brown privilege.

Oh, also, OP, just look at all the spewy, disgusting bile everyone in this thread is posting about your parents.

These are Trump fans. These people support the same meme candidate you do. Think about that.

10 year waiting list is real. Too bad your lazy parents didn't do it 10 yrs ago. A close relative of mine waited that long, INS lost their paperwork, had to refile. Took 15 yrs...will never be deported because not lazy.

If you really like her, you must let her go. This election season is not about easy decisions, friendo. You have to go back.

This is actually true.
We did live in a sanctuary city.

You are in a shitty situation, OP.

Only voting Trump can prevent more people being put in the same shitty situation in the future. If you vote Hillary that just means next election a new generation of hispanics will be facing the same decision you are when another anti-illegal candidate stands for election.

If we only do the right thing when it is convenient, we are not doing the right thing.

You're fine, but your family needs to get their legal citizenship underway now.

Wow, you really made me think there.

Sorry guys, I guess I'm #HillaryArtillary!

However, assuming you're not a shill, Hillary is the worst of all worlds. Even if I were living in Mexico, I would still support Trump.

A criminal like her must not be allowed to rule what is currently one of the greatest nations on Earth with the greatest influence and military in the world.

>1 leaf post and 2 YOU HAVE TO GO back posts.
>rest of the thread is curious or advice.
You sure warded off evil.

>sanctuary city
Daily reminder that Christfags are to blame for the existence of this abomination:

Where do your parents live? its the only way we can help them.

We are gonna need and address and everything.

Deportation will arrive soon after so please time is running out.

He's gonna send papi Jose and Mami Maria back to Tijuana where they belong. Better hope she isn't too old to sell her body, donkey shows are still popular. When the MAGA train hits, no illegals will be spared

Clinton will likely follow Obama's border policies, which is a heavy crackdown on border control. She doesn't give a shit about Mexicans, she's just looking for a voting block. I think Trump is more interested in deporting illegals that are committing crimes.

If some refugee cunt was illegally in Australia we'd send the fuckers back ASAP.

To actually reward someone who disregards your quarantine laws by bringing their filthy Mexican bodies across the southern border is cuckoldry beyond redemption, even more so than handing in your guns.

I doubt Trump will really deport all illegal immigrants. It's not even feasible from a logistical point of view. Besides, removing all illegal immigrants would collapse the economy immedeately.

What will happen will just be increased border security to prevent more illegal immigrants from coming in.

Keep telling yourself that, Pedro

I think you're right.
I may not feel the best about it, but I know that it is right.

Cucks gonna cuck.

>my parents broke the law by coming here
>my parents are continually breaking the law by staying here
>my parents are too fucking dumb to apply for citizenship so that they can stop breaking the law
>my law-breaking parents will be rightfully deported when Trump takes office

What the fuck do you want, sympathy? Either talk your parents into applying for citizenship or tell them to pack their bags. Criminals don't get a free pass based on how sad their backstory is.

Fucking anchor baby... Why the fuck are your parents illegal? They either go through the proper immigration channels to become legal, or they have to go back... It's as simple as that

you can get welfare as an illegal? lol what the fuck

>you can get welfare as an illegal?
Yeah, and take a wild guess on who has to pay for that shit

you don't belong here

can they vote?

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that in some states, yes they can vote... It's the whole reason Dems want to flood us with these parasites... It expands their voter base

>nationalism > ethnic nationalism
nice rationalisation there, kid

loyalty to country is shit, what you do if your country is led by crooks like hillary or obama? you want to pledge allegiance to that?

you can, however, willingly assimilate into the local culture, marry a local girl, and have kids that will be able to consider themselves as ethnic whatever-part-of-america-you-live-in


Hol up.

If your grandfather was a legal natural-born American citizen, then it doesn't matter where your father was born, he's also an American citizen. If you had been born in another country, you wouldn't have inherited that citizenship, but for the first generation it stands. If you AND your father are both natural-born US citizens, then your mother would most likely be fast-tracked also, and wouldn't need to be deported.

You're a legal American so you're fine. You're parents need to be held accountable for their crimes

I voted EU Leave even though I will need a visa to travel to EU countries from now on, and I'm a big traveller.

The greater good is what matters, fuck onesself.

I don't think they're technically allowed to, but there's a big issue over whether it's "racist" to ask for photo ID when a person tries to vote, so there's not really a way to tell who's an illegal at the voting booth.

Your parents are criminals. That's pretty much the end of the story. If you guys are so "American" why did they not attain citizenship after all these years? Because they don't care about the laws of the society they live in. Stop thinking your family is any better than the rest of the illegals. Anchor-babies like you won't get deported, sadly.

>We have not taken much from welfare.
you have to go back

This right here

>trump can't deport the illegals
>the holocaust didn't happen
from a logistical standpoint, you have to pick both or neither.

Sorry your parent are criminal scum Paco
I am an immigrant's son but my family did it the legal way waited years and spent thousands to do it the right way.

If you're white and illegal in the US, no one would suspect you being illegal.

#White Privilege

I'll tell you what my father told me about mass deportation.
"They ain't going to do shit. Several reason are Economical, Emotional, Moralistic, Repercussion."

Can also serve in the military.

They also just go to the Emergency room whenever they have any health issue and aren't turned awy.

>being a nigger beaner spic jew spic
>supporting trump
what a cuck


Why do you deny the holocaust

Speaking of serving in the military, is it true that non-US citizen can serve in the US military and thus can acquire citizenship more easily?

The US is completely retarded for allowing the children of illegal immigrants to be legal citizens, it makes no sense at all. Your parents violated the law and should bear the consequenzes of their own decisions, meaning that you and your family should be deported, you can always try to get back in legally.

America gives to illegals immigrants: free education, healthcare, driver licenses, university loans, food stamps and shekels (a lot of shekels, because muh welfare). Also, they can earn more shekels if illegals haves fuckton of children. Then wonder why poor people move to your country?. Are americans really that idiot?... don't give them free stuff and they will stop.

Most of the mexican inmigrants to shartland because they are too poor, retard & unskilled. Now talking about your chicano family, we don't want your parents back because they are going to use our rights (payed by our taxes).

You shouldn't not feel mexican becuase you borned in other country. Your familia is now an american problem, stay away from my country and vote for Hillary, vendepatria.

>Trump could send me and my family to Mexico.

The law is the law, you have to go back.

You ain't legal in my books

>Sup Forums, how do I defeat the argument that trump will deport everyone?
dont bother. asians are not a significant portion of the population.thats all poo in the loos (s east asian) , chinks (east asian) and kebabs (asian though they are about to be transitioned to white (and just think they started as arab on official immigration forms))

muslims are less than 1% of the american population regardless of race and the rest are not even 6% of the population again all together counted as a nebulous asian group

they wont change the election

My mother is an immigrant from St. Martin.
My father is an immigrant from Puerto Rico.

I totally support Trump. Look, your parents should have gone through the process. Mine should have too. It doesn't take a genius to tell that the lack of people obeying the law has fucked us over.

If I got thrown out of this country to fucking Curacao or whatever, I'd accept it. It'd be shit, I don't speak Dutch or French, but America would be better off for the other 99% of immigrants.

I'd apply for citizenship like a normal person, and if it took ten years--so what? I can work for ten years. I'm going to be working for thirty years anyway, who gives a shit?

It isn't about you, and it isn't about me, if we just let all these fucking leeches sit in the country they WILL ruin it, and it will not matter whether or not we are citizens of the country, there will be nothing left to benefit from.

1. You're not a legal American
2. Your parents have taken welfare money that belongs to Americans.
3. Your parents should be deported and your US passport revoked
4. You've take the spot that could've went to a legal American in uni.
5. Stop being a selfish cunt and self deport.
6. Nobody in the US likes anchor babies.
7. It's a shame you're alloed to vote.

>we don't want your parents back because they are going to use our rights (payed by our taxes)
Mexico has gibs? Somehow I doubt that.

>all these anchor babies on Sup Forums
Jesus there must be millions swarming the U.S
Trump please help us

You need to understand the kind of illegal immigrants that hurt the economy. Entire families that move to the U.S. aren't of economic concern: they work and function as a healthy part of the economy just like anyone else. The folks that need to worry about deportation are convicts and those who are here alone. Men that enter the country illegally and send money back to their families in foreign countries - I think those are the (mostly) law abiding immigrants that are at the highest risk of deportation.

>It isn't about you, and it isn't about me

Just because it's logistically possible doesn't mean it's a realistic scenario. The US today doesn't have the same mindset as nazi germany at all, otherwise illegals, interracial couples and commies would get beaten up in the streets by mobs of people.

We have got some gibs. Obviously not as many as you.

>immigrant from Puerto Rico.
>Puerto Rico
That is basically american soil.

Germany is completely retarded for allowing the refugee immigrants to be legal citizens, it makes no sense at all.

You mistake media projection for public perception. Other than the overly vocal bleeding hearts most people want illegals the fuck out. Legal mexicans hate them, blacks hate them, whites think they're taking all the jobs.

check this page, it's in english

also, we have 16% of tax in every sellable product or service

Wait. Can you deported if one of your parents are illegal? PR is American territory.

True, but off-topic.

>I'm the legal son of my illegal immigrant parents, but I personally consider myself 100% American.
not possible

Yes, not officially, but it's racist to ask for their ID.
I fear they will do the same thing here too. They already held "test elections" for foreigners where they voted CDU in massive numbers. Only a matter of time until they copy the Democrat's strategy to get their votes to count.

>Trump conflicts with my personal interests

This is what's wrong with democracy. The point is to vote for the candidate best for the country but almost everyone thinks about themselves first. Can you imagine what would happen to a country if everyone was looking out first and foremost for themselves and only after, if at all, about their country?

>thinking deportations aren't happening right now

Trump is seriously a phony bozo. He is simply saying what many pissed off republicans want to hear. He has no allegiance to the people. He does not really stand for the things he says, he is just playing politics. He is not deserving of the presidency, and you should not support him as he is not even a conservative besides his tax policy. He is backing off on hardline policy measures which people liked him for and has flipflopped on multiple issues just like Clinton. There is no one in the current political arena worth supporting, at least on an honest intellectual level.

>Can you imagine what would happen to a country if everyone was looking out first and foremost for themselves and only after, if at all, about their country?

>implying this is not how democracy worked like from the very beginning

You can stay but your parents have to go back .........and come back legally. Though, since they already have you here I imagine it will be fairly easy for them to properly immigrate. Hell could probably still gain citizenship right now while they're in the states considering who is president.

Also, stay off the welfare you dirty fucking spic.

>Can you imagine what would happen to a country if everyone was looking out first and foremost for themselves and only after, if at all, about their country?
I don't have to imagine that, I can see the results all over the Western world.

If you are a good person living here legally, you have nothing to fear from a Trump presidency. That is why Democrats (the party of crime) don't like him.

He is going to go after the sanctuary cities first (which I can't believe even exist in the first place). He says he is going to be tough on crime. So good people (even if they are here illegally) can start the citizenship process and likely won't have anything happen to them. Trump is more concerned about bad people coming over the boarder, and the bad people already here.

I don't think any system has the capacity to immediately track down and crack down on all undesired elements at once. Even nazi krauts and sovoks needed whistleblowers to find kikes and dissidents to repress.
If you've been an illegal this long and nobody has kicked you out, there's probably no brand on your face saying "wetback" so nobody will throw you out unless you attract the attention to your status somehow.

Also, how do your parents work while not having documents? Do they pay taxes from such an income?

There's no problem with that. Trouble only arises because populations get guilted into voting against their own interest. Illegal immigrants could be deported in 10 seconds flat, if it wasn't hammered into the masses that it's not ok to vote for your own interest.