A message to my fellow Alt Righters and Nat Socs: Don't hate on women

All right, ALT RIGHT. Let's get one thing straight here, you should never inherently dislike women because of bad experiences you've had or because of the degenerate culture of today. This refusal to associate with women is dangerous and unhealthy. Yes, there will always be the odd monk who doesn't need a wife. However, the vast majority of men need a good woman by their side. Refraining from that prospect will just lower the white birth rate even more, and we cannot afford that.
Women are a protected class and that's how it should be. They are weaker than us in both mind and body and therefore should be treated as such. Our women are the loves of our lives and deserve to be respected, loved, protected, and celebrated.

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't hate women, idiot.

The right need to create an ideology to serve woman and to destroy the actual state of feminism.

This needs to happen. Feminism must be destroyed before destroying us all.

Nah fuck off

This is further proof that stormfags and feminists are two sides of the same gynocentric coin. You both worship women and believe men should serve them.

Frankly the demographic destruction of the West is good. White women will suffer and when they expect me, a white man to help, I'll laugh in their face.

What I hate them and still associate with them?



Kikeshit. Yes CTR I agree--feminist white knight mangina bluepill niggershit. Burn in hell OP. Pol has moved beyond you now. Women are objects to be fucked and jerked off to and then fetuses aborted and eaten. Fuck off sandnigger kike shill. We eat your sugartits off here.

Women don't want us.
They want Tyrone and Ahmed because women are fucking masochistic retards and psychopaths.
They just want some shithead who's going to treat them like a fleshlight. That's why they have no respect for these mangina queers who "treat them right".
We need to beat the 3rd worlders at their own game and start raping women and lighting shitskins on fire, like we did back in the viking days.

>da joooos

Nope. I just hate women and am happy to watch the world burn.

Women can be molded into any ideology and political movement. You can make women embrace traditionalism and National Socialism. We have seen this throughout history, women follow like ducks. It's the men that need to make the change in society. It is because of OUR in action that so many women today are corrupted.

women need to be in the home and under the control of a man at all times.

if its not her father, than her brother and then her husband.

your right but stop being a cuck about it. women are like dogs, you dont need to give them the respect you are giving them

The ones that think like us deserve respect, no?

>he doesn't respect his dog

I agree.

That just makes me think even less of women. Useless fucking parasites. Mindless drones. Hope they all suffer.

I'm on mobile and I don't recognize your flag, where are you from?

This. It's their problem. They can get stoned by Ahmed for all I care. I don't give a shit about them.

Artificial wombs will put women out of business. Excellent.

You need to stop being a pussy and get yourself a goddamn woman. Love her, be stern with her, be the boss, cl ever her to your way of thinking, and have some children. Unless of course you're a paki or nigger, in that case fucking hang yourself.

>Mindless drones


they will literally say and believe whoever has the most money and power

how exactly is it useful to listen to women given that?

look at your pic op

the glorious woman must paint her face to be important in society

how is that respectable?

they must appeal to our basic instincts in order to be important

why should we even regard them as anything other than sex objects? they should feel FORTUNATE that they are sex objects otherwise they would be entirely useless.


I'm all for women

Would you rather have women listening to Abu Izabadeen al-shitskin or a us fashy goys? Use your head, you want what's best for everybody.


Nope. I'm white and look like your stormfag ideal but I have no desire or intention to burden myself. Women can rot. I'll laugh at white women crying after meeting third worlders though.

This is exactly what I'm talking about, if we don't collectively get our women in check they WILL go elsewhere. Use your fucking head, is that what you want?

Women are the fucking vaginal Jew.

Have fun not saving the white race, then, ya MGTOWigger.

You're a complete fool for that. You are purposely making your life worse by being alone. You'll meet a woman one day that will blow those views away, God willing.

you want us to be part of this OP?

> if we don't collectively get our women in check they WILL go elsewhere

Yeah, they will all carpet munch. Just take a look at female generation Zers. They are all short hair, tattoo laden half faggots or full faggots. I've never seen so many lesbians in my life during the last two years. I don't even know what happened, but it's like I woke up one day and all of a sudden 40% of young women are either bisexual are straight up faggots.

Agreed m8, fuck all the bitter faggots on this board trying to make women the enemy. They are not. We know who is.



I don't give a shit about the "white race"

All women I meet are cunts, I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Sounds to me like you're on the wrong board, then.

>pic related

Don't cry when we have a gun to the back of your heard, traitor.

Based Ausbro.
14/88 SIEG HEIL !

agreed OP, at the same time feminist will keep stabbing us and opening more avenues for women to stab us, while younger single childless women keep voting for the liberals.

You don't need a woman to agree with everything you say or think, you just need her to like and respect you, and a big part of that is consistency.

My wife can't stand stand some of the Trumpist views I hold and that's only the tip of the iceberg. But she still loves me, could never think about leaving me, and admires me. She can't even be that upset about my ardent 14/88 beliefs because she knows that those values also contribute to the traits of fidelity, caring, honesty, etc etc that make me a great husband and father.

How secure are you? Because it takes resolve, strength, and inner confidence to sustain a good relationship. I love my wife and I'd kill or die for her. I'd also kill her if she cheated on me.

>mfw my wife calls my support for banning muslims "terrifying" and bears my 4 children who will grow to have the same beliefs

Fuck of m8

But women are people and I don't like people in general.
Some women are cool though.

It's pathetic as shit. As the song goes "Love and Marriage x2 go together like a horse and carriage..... It's an institution you can't disparage"

Yes modern women are fucking trash but lets not kid our selves that men are the victims here, most men are weak pussy boys so the blame is partially on men as well. Nothing better than meeting a proper woman

Nope. This board is great but the gynocentric stormfags aren't.

Fascism died 71 years ago. Deal with it.

I don't have any "respect" reaction images, but if I did, I'd post them all for you.

I've got a great woman. We fug 5/7 days a week, sometimes twice in a day. We practice safe sex because we don't need a baby until we are ready for it, but when that time comes, there will be at least three glorious white children.

Women are cuckqueans, to be honest. Every single woman I know is a bleeding heart liberal that is either not voting or voting for Hillary because MUH VAGINA. And this is in Southern, rural Indiana.

Women want love, men want respect

The other day, in the anime thread I got banned for, there were weebs making incredibly in depth arguments for why fapping to 2d imaginary characters is superior to pussy, and that all relationships are doomed to fail.

My point is that this board isn't necessarily just a right wing majority. It's also teeming with NEETs and bitter individuals.

I agree with you on the most part, however, with one caveat. Women need to accept this as well. You can't have this kind of relationship with a feminist. You can't be a good husband to a horrible wife. You can't be a man around a life partner that hates men. There needs to be cultural reform before we should see what you are saying as a hard truth.
Just FYI certain anime posters will be here to Correct The Record on what I said earlier. Ignore them. I'm convinced they try to derail and remove threads.

that problem is inherent to democracy and why terrible people get into office on a regular basis

>woman are shit
>but men are shit too

nice conclusions m8
here is your wakeup call: this isn't 1935 anymore.
the system is designed in a way that you can't have shitload of white babies or whatever. unless you literally slay every feminist judge or prosecuter this situation is not gonna resolve itself
i know my flag is sticking out there, but i just had to reply

>t. a woman scared that men won't take my shit anymore.

I think you confuse our hatred for degenerate, coal burning, fag dikes, and trash like in my pic with women as a whole.

Women like many other groups in society have been infiltrated by subverter and we will not stop fighting the denigration of women by the liberal degenerates. I admit innocent women who get in the way of that cause may be offended but thats the price we are willing to pay to root out the subverters.

Respect. Congratulations man.

The anime fàgs and r9k like people are a cancer to this board.

Spot on m8, crying about it and becoming a MGTOW is the most pathetic response to the problem possible. It is the typical response of a weak, immature male to blame women. Women are ours to command and they will follow if we are masculine leaders.

>fascism died

You are still a traitor to your people and your nation you spineless cunt.

Women deserve nothing but a beating.


>Our women are the loves of our lives and deserve to be respected, loved, protected, and celebrated.
what a bunch of trash
after the feminazis beat everyone over the head with this nonsense we have to hear it on our forums in our spaces too? By faggots and white knights?

fucking shame
there is nothing to add to that I dont even find the words to properly insult you t.b.h. so I just leave it at that

That's an interesting way of looking at it.

So, it's more subversion than the female nature, then?

Fine by me.

One of the most glorious and exhilarating things you can experience in your life is the love of a woman, and loving her back

I can assure with 100% confidence that if any of your virgins and misogynysts went out and took some music/dance/drama classes, you'd be finding girls like they grow on trees

Women need EMOTIONS. Lecturing her on the need to build a wall and cut funding to Israel will only induce a mighty yawn or overt contempt. Keep that shit to yourself. Give emotions to them, regularly, in controlled doses, and you're pretty much set for life


Fuck off you bitter faggot.

It's easy to spot the women on here. And their cucked followers.

>fine by me


Such faggotry, straight off the boat from plebbit m8?

Your daily reminder.


You're absolutely correct Dr. Emerson Eggerichs


This guy is a faggot loser.

If you hate women unironically you're MGTOW or an edgy teen trying to sound cool on an anonymous imageboard, in both cases you should consider sudoku

Sounds like a bunch of superior individuals.


I agree, but keep it on the down low unless you need to call a nigger out on some really stupid shit.

Pro tip: Mods will ban a thread discussing this topic faster than they will ban a thread asking people what they want from an Australian Mccie D's.

That's the last I'll say. Wouldn't be supersized if I got rekt for this post.

Man I don't care about your flag I'm not like the fags who dismiss an argument because of it.

This society we live in is not gonna sustain itself so eventually it will collapse, "Fate of Empire" by Gubb shows us this. The best thing to do is find proper women and go against the odds of what society throws at us. Personally the church has helped me find a woman and we've been dating for two years now.

He's rusing you, he's a Czech

It really is a pathetic response. Rather than doing the work of finding a decent woman and showing her you're a capable leader for your family just giving up and REEEEEing at women like children.

When I started dating again after my wife died I had to wade through a lot of shit-tier women to find my fiance.


why would you want foreigners to destroy your property?

>However, the vast majority of men need a good woman by their side.
>a good woman

Good fucking luck with that.


I'm not voting for hillary, because i cant.

but if i were able to vote in the US i would never vote for that shrew.

in china we execute our openly corrupt politicians.

in america, you nominate them for president.

Nice try faggot. You are the one who has been utterly subverted here.

laffen down under.

I had no clue mods did that, shame....
I like this site though it's helped foster and develop my beliefs through discussion such as the importance of women. God bless my friend :)

>after my wife died
James is that you?

Better go save the white race.

Because I don't care. The more women they upset the better.

>pic related

Nah I hate gays too. Just bang sluts and hookers and move on, that's all women are good for

Careful you don't cut yourself on that edge.

I wasn't even referring to matrimony you goddamn fool
I'm broke as fuck and still manage to get the odd chick and have some good times.
A lot of the things said on Sup Forums can be legit advice to be a better man, if you don't let it haunt you and take away from your humanity
Can you sing user ? Chicks love guys who can sing, why don't you try it

Single mothers deserve to be tossed into a gas chamber.

Sure is /r9k/ in here

MGTOW is for cry baby pussies that didn't look for women in the right places to begin with. Escapism at it's finest. Women love a dominant man, so screw your balls up and do what you gotta do.

I like you, French bro. I screenshotted your last post. Some sound advice.

>proudly degenerate guize

Take your filth elsewhere you spineless rat. Truly pathetic what the modern britcuck has become.

No you don't

Every fucking single one of your politicians is corrupt, that's the whole fucking structure of your system

You just take out those who are unpopular with the establishment

>le r9k boogeyman

Women will take whatever is given to them

no. women dont think, they align themselves to the strongest male in the room. its glaringly obvious when you pay even the littlest bit of attention. women are not worthy of any respect beyond their ability to make children

I don't give a shit Pierre. A man's worth has nothing to do with landing a moist hole that bleeds.

>Trying to drink a diet coke
>Spit it everywhere after I hear to first line before breaking into fits of intense laughter

This is fucking beautiful, thank you for showing me this.

Pic very related.

Ever hear about watch man? All our politicians are corrupt, same as yours, we just don't try to embrace it. The ones who do get shot.

You can't tell me what to do, homo.