Is Breakfast Cereal unhealthy ?

Is Breakfast Cereal unhealthy ?


You should be eating steak and eggs for breakfast you fucking pussy.

I eat that shit daily and I'm in shape.

literally zero nutritional value in all those boxes combined

Pic related is the patrician choice

>Piss tier: Corn Flakes

Oh hell naw nigga you didn't just fucking shit on honeycombs

>I'm in shape so the food I eat daily is healthy
Not how it works.

Why not look on the box and see for yourself? but if you want to eat shit that sorta-tastes-like-chocolate-if-you-never-had-it-before then go ahead

How can I get a job making off-topic slide threads like this? I need the extra cash.

elder god tier

In theory its healthy because its the only way some of these man children will get calcium, fiber, whole grains or protein in their diets. But when you end up eating 3 bowls of captn crunch for dinner it defeats the purpose.

Politically Incorrect?

I like honey nut cheerios and captain crunch, uhhhh fruit loops, ummmmm the old trix was the shit

it's an unpaid internship desu

>Apple Jacks
>Shit tier

> No Oreo Os


We can only afford the dog food bags of knock off brands

>Corned Flake
>Honey Clusters of Oats
>Fruited Pebbels

Yes, but by who? Who do I contact?

I love steak and eggs, and I'm still gay. What am I doing wrong, user?

stop it with the food threads, i'm on a cabbage soup diet :(

>no cap'n crunch
>no cap'n crunch peanut butter
>no pic related
>reese's puffs
>God tier

Get out of here with that disgusting smorz bullshit.

Its better not eating anything than this shit. Make some oatmeal instead.

lucky charms tastes like fucking shit dude.

>not posting the best cereal

You did goofed.

>not eating nesquick cereal

>i need extra cash
>unpaid internship

So aussies can't into literacy?

My nigga

>poverty reeses puffs


>b-but muh sugar

Agreed. Also, this

>not how it works

What are "macros" and "calories"

>he doesn't like his milk to taste like nesquick

Am I the only person in the history of humanity to have had Waffle Crisp?

Is it the mandela effect making me alone remember it?

I am well aware of what is considered common knowledge. That doesn't make the prior drawn conclusion a valid one

it was the GOAT tier cereal

>Shit Tier

fucking leafs.

>Cinnamon Life
>low tier

Fuck your faggot list, that shit is top tier easily

Sorry, I stopped eating cereal when I stopped watching cartoons
grow up

>poisoning your body with compressed sugar squares
Cereal is unhealthy blue pilled garbage. Eat oats for breakfast like a proud and healthy Aryan should.

Stay out of the conversation pl0x

>mini wheats above coco puffs

kill yourself

that's what I get for drunkposting, I suppose

Hey fuck you nigger honey combs are at least mid tier, I looked forward to that shit as a kid.

Also yes.

I eat 4 scoops of whey, a protein bar, a cup or two of rice, creatine, fish oil, and CLA, with 6000% of b vitamins a day.

Besides the crippling insomnia, I've never looked better. And I'm doing pretty good gains wise.

you don't consume any sugar do you oh great one

can anyone else confirm if they eat a decent sized bowl of golden crisp, that their pee smell exactly like the cereal? it been happening for years and ive always been curious what chemical it is

>mfw Waffle Crisp


Honey Bunches of Oats is the true Aryan cereal

>Reese's puffs

>Raisin Bran
>Not God Tier

enjoy your ban kiddo