Sup Forums I was thinking the other day about the blackening of out media with the over representation of blacks. I got to thinking why arent their any black villains? Why wouldn't black people want to be represented in that medium. Do they think they are too powerless and inferior to be a antagonist or a threat?
Black villains in media
My record has been CORRECTED.
Being a good villain requires intelligence-
Having niggers being villains is beyond the willing suspension of disbelief for most people, unless they play a psychotic african warlord.
>Black Darth Vader
Luke, I aint yo daddy
So what you are telling us is that (((they))) want us to think that all black people are stupid.
That's pretty racist, yo.
>yfw Ibris Elba is the new Bond Villain
>back story is that he was a former agent under the title 007 but went rogue
Would you watch it?
Yes, even though that's the same plot as Skyfall.
>Obama isn't a villain
idris elba in the new star trek
live and let die
district 9
Literally never seen a James Bond movie desu senpai
There are actually
Think about Unbreakable,.the villain is a nigger
Or Training.Day, the bad guts are literally all niggers
(Fun fact:.liberals contested the fact that Denzel won the oscar playing a villain. Blacks dindu.nuffin even in movies)
I wouldn't watch a movie with a black villain.
I want to see interesting, intelligent villains who are horrible in interesting and intelligent ways.
I don't want to see "aye dam bitch cap yo ass"
Why is Darth Vader considered a villain? He didn't really do anything wrong nor was he getting pleasure from causing harm to others
New movie idea
>Advanced humans from another dimension invade earth
>They are black people from an alternate reality where they was really kangz n shit
>Massive Pyramid UFOs, Black dicked shaped ships, and all sorts of black kangz shit
>It's a blacksplotion style movie
>Ends in the enslaving whites ;√)
>He's never seen Demolition Man
Pretty sure these days in order for the villian to be black you need to have a black hero to keep it balanced and most likely other supporting good characters must be black, such as doctors, judges, police etc etc.
They only know how to act gangsta.
Still one of my favorite movies
Why are the English evil in every movie?
is this nigga serious?
Villains are the main attraction of those types of films, blacks simply aren't as good actors as whites, so it makes sense that they would choose a white actor to play the villain
I still don't know how the seashells work.
>mfw black and someone else has also had this thought
I've always wanted to write a black villain someday for an indie game, this is pretty funny because you're not the only one who has had this thought. I always thought to myself if it doesn't exist then make it happen.
I wasn't trying to go for the whole cliche take over the world thing, just make it seem like a betrayal thing as society as a whole did it. Comes down to a point where he decides only the "pure" ones can live and the impurity must be extinguished. Then I remembered I suck at writing and I'm back to wasting my time on the internet and learning to be a regular code monkey.
Gothika or wtf that was called.
Based Denzel. Such a good performance.
But OP is right, it takes a REAL good actor to pull off a menacing black villain
Not just some ebonic spouting gangbanger holding his weapon sideways.
"The Demolition Man" was a great move.
Battlefield earf 2 : dindus dindid sumfin Return of the kangz
Well he killed his pregnant wife.
Other than that though he managed to keep peace in the galaxy for a long time
You're alright, leaf.
Honestly mate I think it's just confirmation bias. But I do believe they're changing it like in the new Jew Jew Abrams Star Wars movies.
Samuel Jackson plays an awesome villain. That's about all I can think of tho
I don't know why I'm laughing at this
>Niggers are tough criminals in media probably in a life of crime to help they baby gurl poor misguided soul
>Whites are psychos who just wanna watch the world burn xD
Better yet
The alternate universe blacks are liberal ivory tower cucks who invite them into utopia, free from white oppression
Our universe's niggers proceed to chimpout and ruin everything
Racist whites have to save the day
I thought Maginty from the PUnisher series was pretty well written.
Since when is Woolie a comic book character?
Is skeletor black
Absolutely Rekt
Well we have Obama and an array of African Dictators
He didn't really kill her knowingly, it's possible that it was Sidius who killed her and put the blame on Vader to tie loose ends.
You literally see him crush her windpipe
Punisher MAX. Awesome read. I hope Marvel doesn't force a fat blue pill down the punisher's throat, but unfortunately lately that seems to be the direction they are headed currently.
Hands on the bender
All those movies were shit though lel only decent one is district 9 and that movie is still so blasé
>why arent their any black villains?
Laurence Fishburne in Predators
he is just a puppet, ha can barely read
This is unironically 100% accurate. There's a very good reason that posh-sounding brits make up a huge portion of villains. They come across as an intelligent, credible threat.
Samuel L Jackson in Jumper. But his hair is pure white.
Unbreakable is awesome you shitlord. It's mshamalama's only good movie.