>be me balkanfag >wake up at 5am to take a piss >hear 3 different mosques going off in arabic with their infidel intimidation attempt they refer to as "call to prayer" >instantly fill up with rage and want to end every muslim life on earth
Is there anyone who feels this way too? All I want to do is split their disgusting structures with a rocket launcher and kill every turkspawn adult and child from here to Iraq. Pic related, dead shitlestinian.
Imagine hearing this while you are trying to sleep. I live far away from this turkalbanian ghetto but I can still here it.
Anthony Walker
>hear 3 different mosques going off in arabic with their infidel intimidation attempt they refer to as "call to prayer"
fascinating isn't it? i mean when a call to prayer ended on your region, some where another call prayer started, and it kept going going through around the world