>"No robbery was committed against these athletes. They were not victims of the crimes they claimed,'' said Rio's civil police head Fernando Veloso
>He told reporters that one or more of the athletes had instead vandalised a toilet in a petrol station
>He warned that the swimmers, who had repeatedly changed their accounts of what happened, could "in theory" face charges of giving false testimony and vandalism.
>The United States Olympic Committee has apologised for what it called the unacceptable behaviour of four US swimmers who falsely said they had been robbed at gunpoint in Rio.

That's America for you. First they tell the world that everyone who goes to Brazil will be kidnapped and infected with Zika, then they go to your country anyway and vandalize toilets while falsely claiming to be victims of a crime.

But congratulations, americans. I didn't think you people were capable of apologizing for anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

lol, how does it feel knowing Canada has more medals than you? Also, you're our fucking toilet bitch. Get used to it

They are making such a huge fuss over this that I now believe they were robbed and the Rio police are on full damage control denying everything.

>off-duty police officers confront them
>demand they pay money or they will be arrested for property damage
>draw a gun and threaten them to pay up

Considering the swimmers were totally wasted drunk, it's reasonable that they did believe they were robbed.

Wow, could your IQ be any lower? You truly sound like a moron.

White people are the new niggers. Get used to it.

Did the police exact a bribe. That's pretty common in Brazil.

I'm now wondering how much the bribe they took from brazil or the globalists.

>Pulls gun
>Demands money

How weren't they robbed or extorted here? What more damage could they do to a 4th world toilet?

I still don't believe it. Brazil is the kind of country to charge you with something and beat you until you confess.

>said Rio's civil police head Fernando Veloso


Or make you pay them if you don't want to be charged

I have more respect for India than Brazil... think about that for second.

Seriously... I've never once met a single fucking Doctor (or any competent person) in my country from Brazil. Must be the shit tier plumbing.

Your police already admitted the swimmers were forced to pay money at gunpoint by someone who doesn't work for the Brazilian authorities. This is literally robbery and proves they told the truth.

Your police purposely edited out 3 minutes from the video right in the middle of the action.

Your police have produced no evidence of the damages to the gas station or produced any evidence of the swimmers testimony during interrogation.

Your police are deeply corrupt, especially in Rio, where they commonly extort civilians.

All of these points are undeniable facts. There isn't any actual evidence produced by the corrupt police.

Why are the Americans in this thread so disgusting? Two of the swimmers themselves already admitted they made up the story.

Finally someone said it.

Brazil BTFO and your literally shit country. Your country hosting the olympics was a mistake.

Looks to me they told the truth, mostly. Report says that they fucked up a bathroom but not given details as far as I've heard. Then security confronts them with guns.... so there is the part with the people acting like officers with guns pointed at them...

Then supposedly they demanded that they give them 20 dollars as restitution presumably to the gas station owner to clean up the mess... well here in America that is not how it works, you can't just demand money out of someone to stay out of trouble on the spot. That's where the robbery comes in... it may be a little bit fuzzy but this is basically what he said had happened to begin with. Whatever


lel you only have medals because of you specially bred niggers

americans being good cucks are very proud of their strong black bulls

niggers kill your police officers, torch your towns, become president, fuck your wife, your sister and your daughter and then you have to support their fatherless children and say nothing

you work 8 hours a day so your niggers can collect their welfare check, you serve them well

>but muh medals

In shitholes, it is quite common to pay for crimes in real time after they were committed. All corrupt governments south of the USA do it.

Which story is more believable?

>That's America for you. First they tell the world that everyone who goes to Brazil will be kidnapped and infected with Zika,
This is still true. And there were other accounts exactly like this, Lochte is just a lying pos.

Brazil is a shit hole 3rld world country anyway. you should feel honored to have such noble American medal winners tear up your outhouse

As much as I like see United Statesman making asses of themselves abroad there is no way I'd believe fucking police in a third world country over them.

>Checks flag
If you had it your way, I bet you would rather live here than that god damn sewer you call bulgaria

You're welcome for the tourism and the bank loans to employ you monkeys.
Now fade back to obscurity please

Habeeb it

What's your point. Are they allowed to throw the faggot male gymnist off bridges if the Olympics were held in the middle east?

Lmao. End your miserable life gay boy

Great job. Discredit everyone who actually got robbed because you had to go cry wolf. I remember lockte now, the guy has an empty head.

>implying everyone doesn't already know about your favela subhumans

no thanks bro

I guarantee you not 1 American would want to live in that shit hole 3rd world country

>tourists don't give tips in america

'Hur durr fucken savages how dare they this is our culture they should obey'

>Frat boy athlete clearly drunk fucked a bathroom up, pissed on the flloor and probably used the money to buy drugs gets asked to pay for what they did

'well this isn't how we do in america, you just can't do that'

Yeah, both the Americans and Chinese are lying. So are the Jamaicans about their rooms being shit despite their video evidence. its all a global conspiracy to make Brazil look like the shithole it is.

Or they are just pussies doing whatever they are told by the nigger monkey country that is holding them hostage.

This is a very plausible reading of the facts. Off duty cops will try to rob you under any pretext, however laughable. And they may or may not reveal that they're the police.

How is what you just green texted not robbery?

According to who? Are you telling me to trust the word of hues? Lmao. Get fucked refugee cuck

Jesus does the committes give no fucks about its athletes ? It's like they didn't even try to defend them.

lmao why would I care what american cucks think about my country?

I dont want to go to the USA, deal with it

Oh wow niggers in a nigger country home America for all their problems. Shocker!

>there are people ITT RIGHT NOW who are actually defending shitskin huemonkeys robbing Olympic medalists
Disgusting cucks

>phelps; black
ok dude

Top kek

>Gib money pls
>or I report u
An accurate summary of this incident

>burger goes to another country
>destroys private property and piss everywhere
>cries after getting taught how to behave on another country

Get your shit straight, shrimp-dicked jap. We are talking about the country that bombed the fuck out of yours 2 times because the jews wanted to.

>Believing the Brazilian police

One of the swimmers just left behind a fat stack of cash to the tune of 11 grand just to get out of the country.

Do you really think they wouldn't target the trust fund kiddies to take their money? BRAZILIANS?

Lochte is the kind of Chad I love to watch squirm but something's not right here.

I'd rather be in Bulgaria. Nigger free. Gun nut free. Muslim free. Safe, orderly, peaceful. Top pick for me would be Prague or Budapest but anywhere in eastern Europe is looking good these days.

This. They actually pointed a gun at them to pay, and inspection of the bathroom showed no damage afterwards, stay 3rd world Brazil. You know what happen? They probably flushed toilet paper and clogged the 3rd world toilet, yea you can't flush toilet paper in Brazil, fun fact guys.

brazil is a literal shit hole

Stop using that word. Your stupidity triggers me.

I would consider Brazil to be a cultural hole filled with human shit, so his use of 'literal' fits here.

>yea you can't flush toilet paper in Brazil, fun fact guys.
I can confirm, when I went to the Starbucks in Rio I almost vomited from the smell in the bathroom. They had thia giant bin and all sorts of used tp in there.

Most disgusting shit I've ever seen I don't know how the fuck they live like that.

>America trying to make us look bad, lying about us
>ignores the millions other real robberies and murders taking place during the olympics
What else to expect from um macaco brasileiro.

>American gets caught doing something wrong
>Other Americans defend him by saying retarded shit that has nothing to do with the issue at hand

this is why nobody likes you

>Rio's civil police head

You mean the same Rio police that made headlines coming into the games as being overwhelmingly corrupt.

I think I'll take the side of the white Olympic athletes over the corrupt forest monkeys, thanks.

The olympics suck anyway, everything is fucked up so far and Brazil hasnt fixed shit

Hmm, white people usually get away with their crimes. Really engages cognitive activity.

it sounds more like this local police group lied about the robbings to promote tourism to a shit country

also America=$$$ to them so of course they will try to hue money out by saying we're the savages

and u are going to send them back to us?!?! i hate u now brazil.

20 dollars is a major windfall to their kind.

so did they or did they not destroy gas station property?

This reeks of damage control to discredit white people and say lol look rio is actually a nice place goys :^)

>g-guys murikans are perfect none of us ever does stupid shit
>Brazil is a shithole so we're entitled to damaging their property!

This actually makes me hope Shillary wins and fucks over the little pride your jew-infested cesspool of degeneracy has.

Your case is flimsy and you literally blackmail people while saying "it'd be a shame if someone indicted you for telling people we robbed you" then detain you and force you to pay money to go home, all without bringing a single charge.

Of course you also probably think brazil will still be around in 20 years.

I want to live there

If only to start a designated shitting street

>eastern europe
>looking good and safe

If you think slavs squatting on your limp body to pose for a selfie after they just knocked your ass out with a dead carp and robbed you is safe then yeah, sounds amazeballs.

Ha! Lochte already apologized on twitter. Sup Forums has been literally defending a dindu all along. At least he had the guts to admit it, unlike black dindus

They DIN DU NUFFIN. now suck my penil gland.


No dipshit, they obviously did something wrong and should rightly be punished/have to pay a fine.

The difference is in a first world, decent country they would have had the cops called on them, been arrested, put in front of a judge in a timely manner, be forced to pay a fine and then let go.

But in your shitty third world hellhole, they were detained at gunpoint by some dude demanding money for the piss on the floor or whatever, and are now being extorted to pay thousands of dollars and told they did a great evil and injustice upon the world so Brazil doesn't look even fucking worse than it already does.

I know all you jajahue shits understand is corruption and anarchy, but we are blessed to have a system that gives everyone a fair trial.for a crime they may or may not have committed (unless you're a nigger). Be less of a complete shithole.

truth is mr.hat, the Turks did a number on our bulgarian most of bulgaria resembles modern day detroit minus the niggers ofcourse.

If he didn't want all this trouble, then mommy shouldn't have rushed to the media saying her son had been robbed, tarnishing the image of the country

> held at gunpoint by police/security until they hand over their money to "repair" a gas station "they damaged".

Sounds legit Brazil. Forcing those swimmers to tell the "truth" by holding their passports was good strategy. The truth will come out when the Olympics are over and you can't hold our citizens hostage to push your "truth"

> guy fucks the shit up
> have to pay for it
> "b-but thats so unfair! He dindun nuffin!"

The burden of proof is on the accuser. Brazilian officials already presented theirs now your side has to discredit the "flimsy" evidence, testimonials and confession.

This post is the red-pill here. Well summarized.


They were held hostage and forced to admit to a crime or else they would stay detained.

In other words, your case is illegal from the onset because you put them under extreme duress.

Thanks for playing.

Rio is making sochi look like a utopia russiabro

Good post.

I've seen no damage to the gas station other than a scratched wall poster. ($10 USD at most)

Nuke this place. Kill everyone, specially OP. Take all the left over resources you want afterwads.

Stop making us look bad

>muh feels made me admit guilt!
Former hue here and this should not be illegal lmao you still have the choice to say no

you clearly don't get how intimidation works

What's it like living in nigger Korea?

Bad, we are not allowed to piss in the living room.

Why did the police not follow up on this terrible crime and punish the off-duty officer for demanding a bribe at gun-point (AKA robbery).

Why do the brazilian police not name who their sources are?

Why is the video so edited? There's a few minutes of footage missing.

The video clearly shows the off-duty cop pulling a gun on them and demanding money. That's a robbery.