Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?

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Dane DeHaan

Cara Delameme

what the fuck is that hairline

the pussy pass is real
this evil cunt got a light slap on the wrist

its called the "stress in the midwes'"

ugly as fuck

she doesnt look inbred enough to be played by cara

Dat bitch need some gah damn biotin!

Why is she being tried for something she didn't PHYSICALLY do?

you're right, they should free Charles Manson too since he didnt physically do anything either

I don't know why people always say Cara
the answer is obviously pic related

>dude is a giant pussy
>keeps tellling you he's gonna kill himself
>finally get fed up and tell him to do it
>family that ignored him blames you because they didn't pay attention to their fucking kid

She deserves a $5 fine at most

She has Lily Collins' eyebrows

>Muh hate speech

Oh no you said "kys" once

Off to jail

gib thiccc eyebrow gf

Shaun King

Those eybrow need cum mmm

You can always spot people that haven't read anything about the case and are just jumping to a conclusion. Read some of the transcripts, the guy says many times that hes afraid to die and he wants to back out. She tells him to do it over and over and that his parents will be happy if he does it. It's not a simple case of a girl telling him to kill himself, she manipulated the fuck out of him.

youre just toasty cuz youre a scumrag who tells people who kill themselves

She does with those brows

No, I just think it's a slippery slope

Henry Cavill

I'd watch it

and yes this cunt is pure evil

""Freedom of speech"" can't even text someone kys. kek the united states of 56% are cucked

If what she did is murder then convincing a woman to have sex with you is rape.

Chloe Moretz

this, even with the moustache

>another day couldn't hurt
>you can't keep pushing it off, tho, that's all you keep doing
what a vile cunt, she was desperate to see him in a coffin

Not murder, manslaughter. Which is certainly is.

Fuck's sake user her boyfriend was like "no, I don't want to do this" and she's like "get back in the FUCKING car and kill yourself!"

Kristen Stewart

Absolutely BASED

How can someone lose hair at such a rapid rate?

I read all the texts. Cold blooded bitch.

Sorry, not rape, "pussyfuck".

You're claiming this man had no fucking agency, you're out of your mind. Being so weak willed that you're convinced to kill yourself doesn't make you a victim.

Sounds like this girl was being a top tier bitch and supporting her man's dreams even when he was scared or thinking of backing down.

Where's the threat of force?

A lot of people in this thread are mad at the implicit power a woman has over them. But really you'd be a dumbass to let this tart have any say over your life, let alone your death.

high level stress

>"You can't keep pushing it off, tho, that's all you keep doing"
Hope she rots in prison, fucking retard.

does someone have the "nigga just walk away from the screen" tweet?

If he had said no she would have hurt his feelings. Words are weapons, we must set this precedent and remind the public that words LITERALLY kill. Otherwise hate speech laws won't pass.

Bad genetics or the stress of not knowing if you might go to jail for 20 years, both?

What's the problem? It's just light banter.

the mad men girl

>You're claiming this man had no fucking agency, you're out of your mind.

I'm not. But his thinking was compromised. He needed to be in a psych hospital. He was mentally unfit and she coerced him.


>actually listening to some cunt telling you to kill yourself

kek what a little bitch

He could have put the phone down at any a point and it seems like he's the one messaging first

Yeah suicidal people tend to act rational all the time.



Yeah but imagine being suicidal and she's the only one who really listens to you

>literally half the people here

You're making a completely false assumption that the guy was in complete control of his actions and had the mental capacity to fight against the overwhelming negative thoughts. He wasn't weak willed because he chose to be, he was weak willed because his brain was under incredible duress and he simply didn't have the mental fortitude to handle it. It is akin to being drunk and being highly susceptible to suggestive manipulation.


She'd have made an amazing personal trainer

The defense should have printed this out on a giant posterboard and used it as evidence

No matter what you say you're gonna be wrong. There's always going to be a rebuttal.

first post best post

Why was he mentally unfit? Because he was suicidal? In thousands of years of philosophy nobody has come up with a decent argument against suicide that doesn't involve eternal damnation or Absurdist rebellion. The man wanted to go, his girlfriend helped him fight his animal instincts. She did him a favor. Life cultists can fuck off. People you don't know shouldn't have to live a torturous existence just so you can feel better about living yours.


theyll cast a white guy to play her and a black woman to play the suicide victim.......you know because its 2017 hollywood

I hope if you're ever suicidal you don't put all your stock in some dumb cunt like this

idris elba

>Why was he mentally unfit? Because he was suicidal?

Because he was depressed. He was mentally ill. Maybe if he'd had psychiatric help his brain chemistry would have balanced out and he wouldn't have wanted to commit suicide anymore. He wasn't given that opportunity though because his girlfriend didn't say "get professional help and see how you feel then."

holy shit, you can go in jail only for encouraging someone to kill himself ?

shes not even that bad, fuck me im fucked


she was sentenced today only got 2.5 years


>tell someone to kys
>oh shit the absolute madman actually did it
>go to jail

Such is life in the land of the "free".

does anyone else want to fuck this girl in the most fiercest way possible? like I'm not even attracted to her but like i want to annihilate her birth tube

I'm not Simply just pointing out that person has made up their mind, and they're an idiot, and that you shouldn't bring logic to the table.

welcome to the left's nanny state where hurting someone's feelings is illegal

It's still too much. You can't be held accountable for other people's actions.

Yeah, should have pumped him full of drugs, these people are totally mentally healthy.

Fucking cunt

And she'll only do 15 months.

Put the phone down Roy

Hate speech isn't real

that's correct.

Depression isn't real.

She seems legitimately unhinged mentally. It is so easy to detect her genuine desire to see this act come to fruition likely for a moment of amusement. Pretty frightening to read desu

She was mean to him tho :(

I don't see the problem with this.

Lansky already hired her for BLACKED.

dude i have depression and have attempted twice and everything is 100% on him she isn't at fault at all. he could have just ignored and stopped talking to her it's complete BS.

Depression is the only reasonable response to this existence. People who can be happy in this are fucking insane.

My ex

why did she want him to kill himself?

You realize that your every thought and emotion is a product of chemistry, right?

Why do you hate women so much, zerosugar?

He was miserable and she loved him.

Attention. She held a memoral for him and didn't invite his family. She wanted all the attention.


>your real life girlfriend
>cyber bullying

really makes me think

that's like saying a drunk person isn't responsible for their actions and no drunk driver should be arrested but the guy selling him the first beer at the bar is

She went to fucking Disney World right before the trial
She never once showed any remorse in what she did

I guess telling children to drink bleach is perfectly fine then too.

>A: hey can you give me 20 dollars ,please?
>B: of course, here are your 20 dollars
>A: thanks buddy
>B: help! help! I got robbed!

I'm assuming it was some kind of sexual thrill.

What did she "do"?

Ever heard of "sticks and stones might break my bones but words will never hurt me"