183 Things Donald Trump Has Said and Done That Make Him Unfit to Be President

>So we have compiled a list of specific things that make Trump an unacceptable candidate for the presidency. Some are policy proposals that should be outside the bounds of debate, like punitive torture. Some are casual vulgarities, like his description of Rosie O’Donnell. You might not agree that each individual item on the list is disqualifying in isolation—you can vote those down, and vote up the ones you find especially egregious—but the list’s cumulative weight makes its own statement.

>Disclaimer: Trump contradicts himself a lot. Not all of the policy positions listed here reflect his current thinking on a given subject. You’ll have to decide for yourself whether you find that reassuring.

Other urls found in this thread:


>but the list’s cumulative weight makes its own statement.
that the author thought quality over quantity was ever worth a shit

Come the fuck on

>should be outside the bounds of debate

That is some authoritarian bullshit right there.

Welcome to the left

>Some are casual vulgarities, like his description of Rosie O’Donnell.

How the fuck else are you supposed to describe that pestilential sack of shit?

The top 50 or so are pretty bad.

>Said he would force the military to commit war crimes
>Advocated waterboarding as punishment even if it doesn’t help gain information, because “they deserve it anyway”
>Reportedly asked national security advisers why the U.S. can’t use nuclear weapons
>Didn't understand the phrase “nuclear triad” during a primary debate
>Refused to rule out using nuclear weapons against ISIS
>Suggested the U.S. should reduce its debts by partially defaulting on them
>Advocated assassinating terrorists’ families
>Promised to deport U.S. citizens whose parents immigrated illegally, in violation of the 14th Amendment
>Responded to the murder of 49 people at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub with “Appreciate the congrats for being right on Islamic terrorism”
>Endorsed torture
>Disparaged Sen. John McCain's military service because he was captured by the North Vietnamese
>Refuses to sell any of his more than 500 businesses if he’s elected, potentially creating unprecedented conflicts of interest
>Refused to release his tax returns during the campaign
>Suggested that supporters who attacked a homeless Hispanic man were “very passionate” and “love their country”
>Referred to Tiananmen Square demonstrations as a riot and said the Chinese government’s response “shows you the power of strength”
>Doesn’t know how many articles are in the Constitution
>Proposed to change libel laws to make it easier to sue media organizations
>Named and threatened former students who criticized Trump University
>Said, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose voters”
>Named himself as his primary consultant on foreign policy
>Has repeatedly done business with figures linked to organized crime
>Hired a suspicious number of advisers who have done work on behalf of Vladimir Putin

All of those are pretty bad and I'm pretty conservative. He's not presidential.

I swear, it's always the fucking leafs who make this level of shitposting. They put so much effort into it, almost as if they have a unique opinion that deserves a counter-argument, then they laugh at your attempt to present one, because they were being retards all along. This is quality Canadian """"bantz"""" and it makes me sick. ALL Canadian IPs should just be banned forever from this board, there may be a few good posters in Canada but they are massively, massively outweighed by the amount of drooling retards that come up with such drivel like your post.

Defend any of those things in the list

>hurrr you disagree with me and my god emperor so you're shitposting!!!

Fuck off, you're the cancer killing Sup Forums

Yeah, that's what I thought lmao

Trump supporters are all memelords with no real defense for their meme candidate

No wonder, liberals have a deficient empathy. They're unable to comprehend the views of others.


You're still not defending any of the things in

>They're unable to comprehend the views of others
>Sup Forums, the place where differing opinions aren't answered with CTR, shill, or flag memes



Fucking liberal nazis.

Oh boy, here comes the leaf.

I will pick the first three, mostly because really all of those are like 'muh feels'.

> Said he would force the military to commit war crimes

Nope you shill, he said that military always commit war crimes.

> Advocated waterboarding as punishment even if it doesn’t help gain information, because “they deserve it anyway”

I don't give a shit about Allahu Akbar getting what they deserve. If we stopped treating terrorists with kiddy gloves the problem of ISIS would already be solved.

> Reportedly asked national security advisers why the U.S. can’t use nuclear weapons

...which is a fair question. Weapons are to be used, and SHOULD be used if the situation requires.

US could survive if we defaulted on our debts. It would probably be the best thing any president could do.

Now looking back:

> Responded to the murder of 49 people at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub with “Appreciate the congrats for being right on Islamic terrorism”

If he being proven right somehow make him invalid to be president... thank God you are not american.

>Nope you shill, he said that military always commit war crimes.

He said the military won't refuse his orders no matter what. i.e. that he would order the military to commit war crimes.

>I don't give a shit about Allahu Akbar getting what they deserve. If we stopped treating terrorists with kiddy gloves the problem of ISIS would already be solved.

Another war crime that would further ruin the US standing in the world.

Waterboarding doesn't work for gaining intelligence and Gitmo is a major recruiting tool for ISIS and other Jihadists. Even the right-wing fucking atlantic admits this:

Furthermore, torture-as-punishment is a HUGE GIFT to Jihadist recruitment. Look at Abu Gharib, it was a huge motivation for a lot of foreign fighters to flood into Iraq during the occupation.

>...which is a fair question. Weapons are to be used, and SHOULD be used if the situation requires.

The only time nukes were ever used was to save 1+ million American lives from the costly invasion of the Mainland Japan. Using nuclear weapons on some Sunni hicks in the back of chevies is unwarranted and a completely disproportionate response, not to mention the untold collateral damage that would surely lead to international condemnation. Can't believe I'm actually having this discussion desu.

>US could survive if we defaulted on our debts
Very debatable: business.financialpost.com/news/economy/us-debt-default

Do you want to become like Greece? Or Venezuela?

If it survived, it likely won't be recognizable at all.

The statement was so insane and irresponsible that even Trump walked back and flip flopped on it:


Can killary even say 183 things in one go?
>nah I'll just legislate for wars and then bank on them





>longer speeches means better durrrrrrrr
or that he's just a windbag

>my master can't even stand up unassisted for short periods of time

You can't even vote so why do you care

Especially when you consider this wasn't his initial reaction- he mentioned it as an aside after offering his sincere outrage and sympathy.

But you are right- only to a leftist can being correct about something so important be seen as a negative- a negative so heinous it "disqualifies" the candidate.

The rest of the list is laughable- i guess being an expert bantz man, running 500 businesses, and putting reprisals on the table and employing leverage in negotiations are all considered to be beyond the pale to the point of "oh vey, it's anotha Shoah" to idiot leftists.

What a bunch of brain dead faggots.

How do you know I'm not an American citizen?

not even bothering to read it

>The only time nukes were ever used was to save 1+ million American lives from the costly invasion of the Mainland Japan.
Actually, they were used to destroy two cities and kill over a hundred thousand people.

What you're describing is a rationalization for something you don't seem to actually be capable of thinking about.

>Begins a sentence with "So"

Fucking shit.

>the eternal leaf

A fair question? The fuck is wrong with you BR? If you could afford a civil game, you would know how nukes and treaties work.

If you're over 30 and don't know how deturants work, then you aren't fit to have political discussions, let alone run for office.

and most of those actually sound pretty based
he's putting america on the winning team
fuck your hue-man rights

I like how you assume I'm a leftist because I won't worship your bull billlionaire. I'm conservative. I supported McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012 and I support the CCP here in Canada.

And the point of the congrats tweet is that he was patting himself on the back for predicting the deaths of Americans. While people were bleeding out and dying, he was politicizing their deaths.

But Trumpcucks claim he's not like typical politicians at all.

It's funny that the left has stunk up the media so much that no one will read this. It's like they are only talking to themselves when they come up this shit.

In the first sentence they are saying he called Mexican immigrants rapists, when it was Mexican illegals he was calling out, about the 80% of women that are raped when they cross the border.

Why bother reading anything more when they twist even the first sentence?

>I like to pretend I'm not a shill

low energy "rebuttal"

For every single one of those points I either don't care, agree wholeheartedly, or the point is misrepresented. Come on.

>can't refute any of his points, so I'll just call him a shill
the cancer killing Sup Forums

>I supported McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012
>I'm a conservative

I'm a "TRUE CONSERVATIVE" aka neocon useful idiot.


257 days since Hillary answered a reporter's question.

Every candidate, even Obama whom I loathe, has changed their tune after they win and start getting the daily briefings. Trump will undoubtedly do the same thing.

>the president
He's not president yet, leaf.


"I'm never going to rule anything out—I wouldn't want to say. Even if I wasn't, I wouldn't want to tell you that because at a minimum, I want them to think maybe we would use them"

>how deterrents work
>he actually explained it
>being this retarded


>Israel post
>click first link
>the CNN reporter is talking to a fucking A. Wyatt Mann Caricature

my fucking sides.

The incredible level of misinformation and misinterpretation to create this list is almost impressive. It's almost as if someone were paid to compile it and share the fake list among their colleagues (though, I'd never say that, no)

>Trump is a literally a danger to US security cause muh feelings

who are these people.

Implying the Japanese didn't have it coming at the time

>Unironically liking McCain and Romney.

>have it coming
Tens of thousands killed instantly, many more died later by burns, radiation poison, and starvation.

If that's the "it" you're referring to.



Goldstein, Silverstein, Platinstein, Diamond, Ruby, Shapiro....

Jews and their jewels.



wtf I hate trump now

>tfw cruz mizzle

>tfw record now correxted

Why 183? If he were truly unfit, just 1 would have been enough.

Because they add up to make him even more unfit.

Just sounds to me like desperation.


instantly discarded

>ignoring facts because of ad hominem

But user, its just facts

>has said
But Hillary is good to go right? I'm so excited about this election, trust in media has never been lower.

Hillary is a liar (and so is trump), but she also made incredible contributions for your country, whether you acknowledge it or not.

>Responding to yourself
>Implying you can vote in America

>its just facts
They're all inferences, rumour, or speculation. That's not what facts are.

What's about try to find the tweets in this picture in his twitter account. maybe it will show you he is indeed not qualified for presidency.

>Called mexican immigrants rapists.
They're coming right out of the gate with a lie.

How are any of those tweets in any way an indication against the proposition that we know Trump is going to be a great president.

Haha these shills are so retarded


Why why why why is it always every single fucking time without failure always a jew?

Because it shows he is irresponsible as fuck for saying things like that during a campaign. and also some of them are downright stupid - its been proven scientifically vaccines dont cause autism, yet he still refuses to listen to scientists.

Irresponsible during the campaign = Irresponsible during presidency.





>Because it shows he is irresponsible as fuck for saying things like that during a campaign
Only from the perspective of someone who hates the tweets themselves. From any sane person's point of view, it's clear that he's picking out different interest groups to market himself to, which is a totally responsible thing to do during a campaign.

Really activated my almonds.

Can't wait for him to do a similar list for Hillary so I can properly compare my candidates!

Says the retard that elected a leader under the premise that he would let you smoke pot.

>Saying mean things
>Having done horrible things while in office
Wow, which candidate is unfit?

>Can't wait for him to do a similar list for Hillary

I'm sure you've read and completely agree with my list of reasons why trump is an idiot and unfit to be president. I now present you with a similar list of all the reasons Hillary Clinton is unfit to be president:
And that's all folks, all the reasons my exhaustive research could find.

>None of it is his actual quotes but rather, most wrong, interpretations of his quotes.

What a fucking joke.


Is there anything the sons of Abraham can't do?

Didn't read it OP.




>says mean things

>Le "unpresidential" meme

Bill Clinton got his fucking dick sucked in the oval office by an intern and lefties think he;s one of the greatest presidents of all time.

LBJ showed his fucking dick to reporters every chance he got.

Ford colluded with Nixon through his impeachment to make sure he didn't use the documents from Watergate to take the whole DNC down.

JFK fucked around on his wife tons and regularly cursed out generals and officials.

You're here advocating for Hillary "Black teen Super Predators" Clinton who is on record defending a fucking pedophile whom she knew was guilty and laughing about it - in addition of being accused by all of her husband's RAPE VICTIMS of attacking them. Not only that, she has been caught on camera with shit in her fucking skirt, and had to stop a debate to go to the bathroom.

It's the era of social media, within this presidency or the next two get used to politicians saying "unpresidential" things on record because they're humans, you fucking kike lizards. You watch. Within 50 years we'll see media comparing presidential candidates post histories on Sup Forums.

>checks the dates

None of those were said during the campaign which began in July 2015.

God damn it Sup Forums, why are you always fucking right!?!